Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

ciiy'"'"siks r I ,. its own ,art gallery j~ Ol'K II A ,\I I' TO S I hoprs to ht'cntnc the I first . 1u·m·l11l'fal rJh In thr •'t;tte lo hsu·e· fL~ nwn hl'anch of lhe Qucensl:111rl Art (iallen.' i rt111•kl1;1mpton tna\'f)~ f Aldrrmnn PUhi•Am r r ~l.l,.A. 1 Mlrl .rr,tcrrla1· ti '! ua, 1 1 fonnr,t to hnU/\c 'thr. I i.allrr.,· 111 the auditorium· ur 11,r CH.r llall. Aldrnu:111 Pllhr.ana '-Rid th,, J•ro1msal to ,rt u·, a hraru•h taller,· ha,J h~en rfi.,c11M,1•fl at a mertJn .. in nncl1ham11tnn h st f'rl rla_1·. Thr an' . II • rfl,·rrtor !Mr I -rtf" "l' had aUrruted ~. nrnu , _"lfc ~•·ornl~~•<f In "·""fst 111 In •H~r.r 1111.,,lhfe k·a v," :~ r_lennan l 'llhr.am ,._R.lrt \ c Jm,·e 11Jrrnt1r sr · r II f•nnunHt«w with , ~nu,11 :ieJf as l'Ju1frnmn,o J- '~•;•; COUNCIi, lli.- ,..lrl lh would'- e cnnunUtl'c , n.ncJ ,,.:::ect this wrck :~wo~-\~~ fb1,1"rl"":;;~ forrnaJ o rnake a """ o( ft'U••I for lho """ lo ha,?,, a uditorium •"'at)· i:tltornuO~,.rn~ urcc~- lt n-0111,1 " '"" a~1de. tru, tee, nr lh · q· lhe la nr1 Art fi e ""''"•· Ulls~Jon fo :alfor,· for J)er- ' l1111npton· ,;,~1 11 '!r ,, Rnrk- Ott'i\' lt'ORfls I• Alrlcrm•n Pllhr• m :.Ur1 .. \\ fl,llii hnpe,r th . f/11orn•l•nr1 Ar'I - ;;1 11 1he !7, 1 n,.,.h•ne wnu1l •;; i1n,:', "' ' 11 Pnty nrhthl. Rnckha:::pt nalnUn,r, lo ",Hier •II""· hcln,1~, lo ihthe lfRllery Quecn~ta nd • People or B~t;~~:.;•" he ";;,'ld.Jus1 lo t t 1h• t In 11::i~ ft",~:i 0 saldd '" Rockham•t •Pc ler,1· wnurr1 hull ,. "" <la/. lectlnn or 11 , d ~n • cnl– wou/11 •1111 Iii,. "i::':; hut •xhihlllnna h oe lhe Hrl~hane. a nwn In r , r Brisbane, Q. • art prize A PRIZE of 100 guinea, far the best Aul• tralian londscape, seascape, .a, t~'i, trait is offered as the 196~ J_ohn1on1an u l brcome lh~ propr.l'tr nr the ., . , ,Jnl; nsnnlnn Cl11h. All other Annthrr ,-.() J:lllll£',l~ .compe1!Lor~ will bP en- 1 ·ill he nw~rrirrl fnr th~ lt lllrrl to sell. . 1 . ,·olotrr l Thr ,,·111n1nJ? \\Ar, • c~t wntrr coln111~ . . rn•1will hrr nmr thr _propcrt~ Pr Prl in t hP rnmpPt rt.inn. of t.hr r l11h n11lr If _ 1 rt I. _ judard Ihr nut right \\ nnPr. Enll'IC'~ m ,1~1. hn, P hrrn . Thr r hth rnmrnitter. r~- .xe'cutrrt nu r11n: t ll~ 1 t ~~ ;-~ 1 srrvrF. thr l'lf[hti t..n hRmr In_ •e,nF. prrrrrllnt. Ap ti · · lhP dllh nr cl!iP\\'herr tn, tri62, nnd 1hr C~0!-.11'_t:: ~r .tz twn ,~·er k,;; ;u,y rtict 11rr en• f thr. conipct.11.101 1 1~ · n _ Lcrrct 111 thr, rnmprt1llnn . . tn~2. will J1trl~r, nf rhr romrr.11- Thc wi11 1111ur lion will hr the rill'('CLnr of thr Qurrn!i-lnnd Art ORI• Irr\' 1 Mi· 1.. N. T homn.1:. 1• th~ c1,1rr su-1 1tu:.tr_11c1,or At lhr Crnirn l TN:hmcn l Cnl– lrc:r j r-il r r.. C. Olbh~1. :met M r · <1 . c \Vf'lhh of t,he Jn}}'1j"\~~i j,~~R~~ 1 ~(!rlde Lhnt nn wnrk ~11hmit1rrt 1~ wnrt h\' or I he prize. no prlzr 'will hr n,,·i1rdrrl. All rnl riri sl1011lri hr n~: d rr o;;~rcl 1n 1J1r Rrcrrtn 1), .Jnhfu,nn1n11 Cl11h. Krh·m Hou~r . Arte In \cl(! Strrr1 . 8 1 :f)~'1~ 11 ~~ thr .~rcnnrl )'rnr r 111,. ,·nmprt1t1nn. T!1r lnh n<;.nnln n Club l:1111; tne lrtr~l cluh In Br1~bnnr , net 11 ... mrmhrr.~ Art ftll wnfN,~1onn t mr. THE COURIER.~AIL MONDAY OCT 2 ltel / Art "first"-CIT , ne! gallery A 1' a~I cxh1f11ltnn which is the firs t of ii i; kind .hrnu,rht to Queensland will npcn . llrishane arl ir'!!!_ery th is afternoon. 1 l i1e nre11 !11~ or rh•1fcer nf 11,iiirrikr - . Ii Q Hnrn.r ~'?!,, Rl'l &r11llrr,\·, .IJR nnrt PCl'fC'r t 11~\l~J~l ~ ·" 1 ~~~~ llf'rn • 11 ""1. hn~ been de- nn JrlrnJ 1 . 1 · '· ln,·.-,r1 lo ,•oinr/de Wlth th~ 1hr cxt11b11J~gt\ p nee fnr CXh lhJr11)n • . 1'hf' r xhihlt lon b,· ..,5 n 1c RRIJcr.r WRs nt 11111 f,.,r cn111r11~pornrr ' S.Ydn;.\. '"\~~~~a_; 1 ~ ,. I~ ~~~,1,bn/1c. ( f.o" 1 ~, 1 {,;'bn,~~l.h.,~~ri~ ~~l~~~~ll ~nintcr!i r~pre~rnt('(i r, h1;~~;j1 Inn<! riJ\'IMOIJ or t/1r A,..,~ il~~n s~~~\1 Jn rrlsbRn~ ,'If Cn1111<"11 nf AuslrnJin · - t-. 10w,.. b tl! r, rn11 ...1:-t!i ~, ~7 J>Rhll i'1~7ll,\' ,~r.J lhPhnrt,,$1,$ hn,·r h ll?'- n n 11 • 1 - u .~ nw na~ Jn~ P\'C';.;. 1>~-~:i~lc ; ,:~~~1:nc1;ln~',1 Qur-r11.'-ln nrf befnrc. . of 1hr nrrl.sr ., rrprrsc111en Gallery hours hn ,·e wnrk!i ln the prr!-r111 . . London r xl1ibl!1on of Au.,_IH Ai fl.1,1,~ tnrlurll' Leonnrrl rrallnn art whtrh ha , II es.1!11c. ,Joh11 ot, r11. WIJ. r·nt1."C'd n .1:-rll!iRlion lll En~: J• 1 01 Rn.,r , Ou.,· \Vnncn. Jnnd. · 0 111 Oi:hurn nnct Eric 11 1SmJ1 h - fhrcr r1mrR wfn- '· deal place'' ner of 1hr Blnke prtzr. TI TJ1e rxhlbitlnn worth 10 ArL, Co11nrt1 1•ho111 2ono ~lllnea.i. 11·111 he Queenslnnn rrestdrnt , Dr. open In lhc public frnm tn. Gertrude Lnnt:cri Mtd morron· 11nr 1 1 Or tobcr 'l J yr.sterd•y It wn, the /irst And the pa lntln~s nre f~r RI tempt tn ~how Jn .-;ale. ~UC'e11sJ1111rt a rr prrliClllR- Galler)· hou r.~ nrc JO n 111 tn·e .t: rnun nf c,,n,cmpornl'y/In 4.30 p.m. 0.11 wr.rk d;n·.~ tlller-srn fc pnlnrc1·~. and, 10 R.m. to 11 .30 n.111, Dr. Ln11r.r1· :m lrl 1hr nri\' "': Snturdn.\·.c; nrt gallrr.l'. wlr11 100 trnear f hc cxhtbl1in11 11·111 be . openert oHkinlly this Sift er. 110011 b.,· the Queen lnnd An Gallt.ry direct.or lMr Laurie Thoma.si _ · TWO OILS BY MELBA'S NIICI 'l"\Vl) p11J111111gs l>} ,l \\t'Cks 'f ile p.11111,1111,.: , , both in P ai is' In J!J50 Ml~~ n1N ·r or Dnmr Nrllrr l b / Lc111p1 ir1 r UIO\•rct to Mrlh,1 wi ll be on r11spln ,• 1in mJ -.. nic )\' Mel oiunc- P nrts. \\hr1c :-:hr. .t l- nn Thr Cn11ne1 -Mn1I n11 bo111 a1t 1!il Hrlrn Lrm- trncirci Lhr i-:tudio or p:--a n<'J__for Lhe_ ncxl I'' ?___ 12:_l<'_!.<', whn nnw _r,r!!..:_lf ~ / Fr1 n:1nct Lccrr. Brisbane, Q. ,1 6 o. I .,-,;,. / A lecture on poetry I Queensland pa1te11 Judith Wright will loc– turo ;;-the developfflent tonight. 111i1, 1 C 5 u{t 1 i!~uu~:.'\),~tJ 0111 !Inc genern1 rtcl'clop– m cnt. from the 1!>th ccn• tur,v to the present dny wir.h spccinl rcfcrc11cc to fou r modern poets. A. D. Hope, Dnugln, Sr.ewnrt. J. P. l'vfcAulcy, Hild Frn11cl:; Webb. The Austrnlrnn Arts Co1111cil Q11ce11slR11rl Dlrl– inn nnd the Qucrn~lnnd rt Gallery had nrrangcd h e lectur-.,, Miss Wrtghl aid.