Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

a l th.: llpt.:ning hy I.All\' MAY ABl·.I. SMITH of an t.:xhihition of PAINTIN GS By VON HIT C H ENS 1111 Thursday. 12th Octohcr. 1961. at 8 p. m. (} t : E E N S I. A N D A R T G A L L E R Y tht' cxhihitio11 1ri// r<'lllllill ope11 fo r fllll' 1110111// THI COURllll•MAlL SATURDAY OC!__l4 I~, Art feast seen in Hitchen paintings Rl' 1111. CrillTRVOf: l,.-liVG1'R A n;AST n11111t~ the l"isltor to th,i queensland Art Galler~·. whrre /iO paintinµ;s by lrnn Hlfrhrn~ nrr. rxhlhlted. Hitchens Is. one n_l lhc 'cnld- a11Cl - rnkulaled, but flncst, Ent:11:-:h Jlflllll C'r!<i \nlw~ n. 0r~a n ir, pulsating nnrt in hi!- usl" or rolo11r I!= w 1 1.h · 11rr. c0nv1ncinit. rri~~~o~~!-'tt.~~\c'.m,: in con- He 1. port,1t·nlly falthf11l He drn\,·!<i from the rli~- to IH\llll'C nnd t,hlls falth• cnvcrlc!<i nr thr ~rC'nl [11\ t.<l himself. Frcnrh F:111rr 1min1cr~. The masterly directness nnd csphci:illy frnm Mnl · 1 nnrt rcrrc of his bold. l!-sr, who u~cct rn\n11r A!- n surglni;t brush strokrs, the ~pRcr-huilrtina. ns well ns snL1a l1y dC'CP nnd moving nn cmnl ivr, rlrmcnt. l'Otnpos1Lions created by 11, Hnwc\·cr. H itchrns' har· rnnn ·cllow; nrrn.ngemcnt of monies arc Quite his own. flat planes. nrc n.s much ln !-11itc nC the st ronglthe rc~11IL of lnuntton as of Frrnrh \nflucnrr, HitclH' l1!- profou nd study. 1~ n\sn \·rry EnJrlish 111 tlrnt Indccct, one is nnt aware hr j~ r1r,•pJ~, ('\'Ol\'Cd In hi.'- Ill nil of 1111:v d i\'islon bc- ('l~~t~n;:,~~!x lnnrt!-cnpr 111 i~· 1;~, 1 ~J~~rc~61~:;;nn~~•Jd fe~\: 1he n •dp nf t hP scn~nns Is in'-! Tile re! n lirs the scc– l hr mn 111 rn11n1. nf hi~ 1n• rct · of H1 tt:h cns' unpact: sp1rnlion, nnrt n typ1cally \\'C nrc n.wnre simultane– Ench~h fe1•1im: rnr \anrt· Oll'-ilY of t.11C' theme. lhe !-rnpr nrr111rn1r,; r,·rn h\:,.: wnncir'rfu\ handllng of cnl– nr1int1no5 or 1hr fr m_lllr nur. ~par e. nnrl movement, m1rl" and f\f thr ...,111 llfr. 1 ;rnrl nf thr painter's pns- "P • II , lsinnntr Jyr,cism oehca y All this IS the mark of J-ll! rlirmi :1h., trnr1 0: In a fme nrt 1c;,t F11 rthrr111(?re, thr tnlf' ,rn:,.:r nf 11,r wOl'rl . :-is nnr m nvr-.. frnm p;1111t.111g nh::.1r:1rtlnc: from 1.hP 1hu,1? 1 n pn!ntin l!. cn,r h of them prrcf"l\\'Nl nil 111111 1rnrlc. \f\ rnmrnn nrl~ 0 1H', unrHv\dPrl t1h11 nr \\"t'nkrn 11,r r"n11 :i l :1tt<'nl1nn nn tl .vrt ~:irh ot thrnir . thr rloin m:rnt lrrl• \thrm i~ ,·lln rart~nst1r n( Ina:. 1!1r ~n lll" nrcnn1r :1,IIY rin• His Rh~t raf' I111n ,~ )1('\"('I" \'f'IOl)Prl . ,q ~·le- - l\15 own. 1' 1 ·' THI COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY I-IOV J 1~– LAST FEW DAYS OF EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY / IYON HITCHENS / CLOSING NOV. 7 Queensland Art Gallery, Gregory Terrace Travelled paintings An nhibitlon which h11 been hrou9ht 12,000 miles to Au1troll • will b1 on dl1ploy for • bout • month ot the Art Gollerr froffl tomorrow. Lad~ May Ahcl Smllh wlll of!lcmll)' npcn the exhibit ion tonl~ht. lls~her 5 ~,r:~~,;~;~~/· ;,~~L Ivon Hltchellll. hnve been ~/t~t~Ll;;~~1 h~~;f~•;;,M,~~ tn S~•dncy, Melbourne. Ade– lnlrt~. nnrt Prrlh. Thev wlJI 1,11kc up about t,wo-thlrds or the ~allery spn ce. Brfsl»ne, Q.