Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Q. Certainty in work C. G, GIBBS The Art Gallery exhibition of Ivon Hitchens' pointing, leave, no doubt in the mind of the Yiewer 01 ta the decisive al the artist. Colom, vnlucs. plnneB- 1 hnvc been applied with equal ccrtulnty of hue. interrnl und de– Jlnl':1llon. t:lemcnls of desicn hn·olvlnc an under– ti!undln~ of human re• arllon lo !om1I :111d culor 1•1m1bin;it1011s have IH•cu used freely. DP,l~n motifs 11111 Into three groups - floral. fl1;11rc and landscape. Of t hese• three groupings, the mo.st dynamic works nrc d,•plctcd through lundscapr. Striking tonal contrasts MovPtnf'nt is fon ncl 111 Light Ol'er Brnl'k cn II II 11 Its cbulllcnt quollt.v 01 convulsed nnd roll 1111, mosses, hut Fl'llrcl 'free• Is n ot so com·lndn~ \\'II II its sorncwlltll fh l'l'lrl Iorcground trunks . I Dimensional background The Flower p lt•c,·, l1 ,·:, 111'0\'idrd opportllll ll \' IIJ 1>rcs1•J1t surface forms u:•; pnl'L of n Lhrec duw 11 - 1 slonnl bn ckgrn1111d. 11,,,.,, again tlw psycllnlo·-! ll'.tl effect of color Is 1,ro111111- ent. Wllh thr Nud,•,, Striking Lonnl comrnsts background ,ksi::-11 In sombre but forceful tal,cK equal place wil h hues charncLcrlse the th,• fi,:-urcs. <.:olor is titles Bont House _ Enrly stron,:-, and al ll111t•s dt•• Morning, und Mill Pool- lachcd. Comlnr. Storm. Subject 111:tlll'I' Certain landscapes, been stron~ly s11bord i11 . noLnblv D1·irc Ont<'s Tcr- ntcd In Hitch ens' 11·01·k wick ~flll-Enrl)• Autumn ~o Lhut Lllc m axilll\! 11. nd Yelloll' Olndc con• Impact on t h e 1•lsi111I vcy n pro1101111crd feeling senses mlg ht bi' 11111<11· or rec,•s.slon chu• to skll- through n combination ol ful dL~positlon nf opposini: color nrrnni:cm ent.s 111 hues Rlld blending p!nncs. equnted values or ton,"; Brl11Nne, Q. r Extension f~r . art display , .The Queensland Art Gallery's exhibition of Ivon Hltchen's painting will re• main on display until 6 p.m. Sunday, The gnllery dlrr.ctor 1Mr. L, N, 'fhomas) said ycstcr– dny thnt the exhibition, Which wns to hav~ closed last night, would be the ~~•th~hi~ 1 a1J~en:ua:-:;~ aent from Britain by the Eniplre Art Loans Exhibi– tion Society, From here, the paintings will 10 to New Zealahd, art Mr, L. N, B. Thomas, Director of the Queensland Art Gallery, told guests ot the weekly Rotary Luncheon at the Canberra Hotel today that Australian painting, along with Mexican, was the most virile in the world , " It .,·n.1 don ·1 lik1• !'J11Hlt 1 rn nrt . thr·n ii Is <lu11:.J1 fu l 11 \'Oi l Il k,• :ill\' a rt- for Ill(' rl'-! ht r, :i:,;on. · 111 :,;a1cl. " Jt 1:-i 11111\· l hP t)t'I II• 111•.,s Of Pll!Jl!c· opin ion 11l:11 h:1 :-- ('ll\l '-1'cl llh' .1lli111t1, 11, I,, w :1 J d :-, nrnrlr 1n .in ." Mr T l1 11111,11. .... :wt th:11 rJJ, Q 11c·1 11:-lnnrl '\ ri ti.1111 1\ 1\ ,1-,. !111,· ),It lllllf•/i 1()0 ., 111;1 !1 • 'of I lit• .!OO l'/11 1'11 .., \\ (' i !IHI Ill!' our 1m•.'-: Il l 'Xllll,1110:1 \\ , 0 111\· Ii id 11:111'.!ll1~ :--1>J11•1· Jur HO. · 0 11 !)111)/1,• 1'1·:1t·t J\)Jl ,,, 1l11 :\ JI G,11!1T\'';,, " Xh l1>11 lfll] ()f lllfl(l1 '1'11 /l.1 1s 1n1 lL111 ,l l'l T 1lOlll:l :-- saifl : p, ·npJ,, bno1.lr cl . pln 111 :111 .- 1 ,. ,, ll!'ll ~nn k 1_1_1.:.: HI l l1t• pn1 111 ~ Ill;.:.-.. " P,•o pll • d n !Hit li!--t 1·11 10 ... ~ m11!1011 ir·!'! 1111 ,, ll :i i 1 !11 , . rc·pn •s, nt T l11 •,· Ji .... 11·11 10 1lw 111 :1 11d ,1pp111·1.1 1,, l h, ·rn n:- l'O!ll J>lr t ,, Ill t h t m – s:d\'f•.-- - 1 i1::1 1,·d \\f 11k:– n1 :11 1. T l\ 1-.: I"' \\ll,11 .-..ilo11l rl LJ,, d <111,, 1\ 11!1 µ Hlll l lll '..".'- .. " ,., II '.!II ,cl Pil Ill ' Ill" lw .-. n h 1:11, 1,1·1·11 nh – N,, \\ 11.k fl l ,1:·1 I f', 1' :t l 11'0 /ll .' 111 ~a id. "COURIER MAIL" (\ J 1• V I , J V I lri11Nne, II IHI 1 PORTRAIT of Charles I of ~~ngland, lfl:J!:,, by Van Dyck. The picture is in the l,ouvrc, Paris, DA VINCI -TO PICASSO • • • AND "ALL LIT UP" A UNIQUE art exhihilion will he open to the puhlic in Brishane toda~·. II Is called "Illuminations of 50 Great Paintings." They are insured for £22;;.ooo. The nhlhltlnn, prn• 1w le.nf ~O 1, In .,rn dueed ond presented h~ •• a ruld• to the hlslor.• "Life" marazlne nf nr t:urnp,an palntlnr• America, I• beh1,r •pnn- r, um the 14th lo lhe ,ored In Au•tralla h)· the 20th renlurie,;, na,·ld .Jone, or11anlsa- some or the mnre lion and I• on display al ramou, phllur.. reprt• Finney hies and Cn. •rnlcd lnrlude Botti• Ltd, crlll'• "Birth or \'enu,," t'Ul,I, SIZE ~{J° 0 ~~:d~i,a:~• • \~~<;::~ Great palnllnr• Crum brand! "Sell Portrall," lhe 1allerleo of lh• wnrld Gatn,borourh's "The hne been reproduced In Blue Bor." full 1lze b)' a cnmhln•- M•tlssc. rlcossn, Tou- ttnn of colour photo- lnusr _ l,Kulrec. ,·an 1raph,· a.nd controlled Gou,rh, 11.nd Gausuln are proce1, llrhtlnr. represented. mJ~1n:f:J nd ~~t1•~;.~~ "1,i\ltl"' !ii'l'AR llrhls .. 1 behind them, Tl]c cxhlhlllon u~II he directed al prei,.entlnl' a I nrrlc1nll~· oprnrd lontm · "fae•lmlle" or the paint- row nt 12,,0 p.m, h.1· "My lnr•· orlrlnal nnlnur •nd I Fair I.ad. -·" star, Rohln tnne. I Rnlley, "'"'"" an .,,u,,. One or the Rim" of the a'iilsistPcl h,· the ,how"' lwllni lady, Bunb Tul'ner, II will he open to the fi'/1h~~r1~ti;:,na~ .~~ \~=~ do,· store hnuro R.re 1.15 a.m, '1n 4.40 p,m.; Satur– da)·s 8,35 a.m, to 11,30 a.m, 2/ t'EE There wlll be an en– tranrc ree nf 2/ for odult,: children are free. Queensland Art Gallery Director IM r, Laurie Thomas!, .aid )'e•terday: "'l'he reproductions 1tre n!rr ,:ood. and rh•r. a treine-ndnu• effect of the Ill.· sl,.c or the orli:-lnal paintings. It is wonderful that pcoplr will he able to ,er Ihesc J1lctureA at thl!li- lllnmlnaled !IICRle." p11 i11tc cl In 1fl~1 by Pahlo Pka,; n. l rnm 1hr ~1 11:-.r- 11111 () I ,\ rl in Nrw