Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Invitation ,\lliSTUACT AJIT ma)· depend on the point of ,·iew. Slrn ron Smith ( rig ht ), of Sa lisbury, wn s ohviously p11z1.lrd ns M;irl, Andrews, 10, o f Ascol, rxplnincd his rx hihil Al Ihe child nrt displn)' at. t he Qnrc11sl;i11d Art Ga ller)·. .fllll11n lla,·flnn , rlghl, • ·-:--:--- of s,,ll!,hlln tried lhe 1 !'ISlillJ: uf more than 100 upsidr dn\\i,' lnnk 111111- 1 plcturei., w11~ offlctall~• I I I ~I . I 011r.ned h\' the Prlmar,, .!~s ICI • t1rl,. CXJlhl nr.!I: lMUr!\thnl cllrcctor ,~1r. Sometime!', :1hstnu I~ \ r G ) lonk hcllrr If ttw~• arc ' • ·.. uymer . hunl{ the wrong · \\8) I The 11lcturcs arc the up.'' tmrk or the ~·oung puplhi The cxhlhltlon ron- o,r 1hr Saturdn,· i\tornlng :. _ C rrnth·r Art Classes held , at the ,:alter,· untlrr the , rllrr.rlinn or' i\tr!'-. i\l . • 1 Mc:-lrl\, : Thr rxhlhltlon n·lll he , 0111~11 till Sn,·rmher 12. , Q11P.rnsland :\ rt ("i,nlh•r\' , hnu~ ar,•: Monday tO : Snturdn,·, 10 a.m. · to 5 , 1,.111.: nnrl Snnda~·s, ! 11.m. tu :. 11.m. Brl ,b.ne , Q . .2 NOV 136\ Creative art by young ('. C, , f;lll!IS \ tlh,•r,;l,111 11 ,1111 thi- , 111)\\ 1,,.... l}r :1dull a rt i11 1:rh,h:11,r tht• t·,hihitl,m or d1ilttn·11·.., ,·n•:llin· art :1l th,· 01u•1•11,l.11ul \rl (;"!Ir r) . 1Hh'r 111 • d !!l'\'l lo!\ o f \Jr.;. i\l ~1e:--;,,11 \1!1 HI U:-.l 1111 lwr own ni.:.ln ,1 ~ r11111> or ch1ldr,•1 1 f111111 7 10 14 \',•i\r<; hun· t,,•t•n •·nrour• ngt'd lO ,·x pn•-.;; 1t1i· 1r r rra1 l\'t• 1d·•.1 -. ni \'arluu,; ll\l'd 1a. With 1\w tHd of tilt• Cial k ry l. )o.ud of tn.1:;u.•cs. d1!Jdrt•11 ii ;\ Vi' U'- 1 1•11 -;rl1 1 Clt'd from till' prlm- un schov \,-. f,,r fr(·c- clUss,•s 0 11 ~11t urdny mon lln~s al thl' OallC'ry. The worl~s dlspln,\'1•d lndlc11t1• ill lltl'il' SJJOll– la n t>ily lllld (rt!~hl\t!:-iS th(• n•spo11/i1' nf t h(' child i.rlll'll u11 111hl1Htt•d by 1he I l'Rllllllt!IS of lCl'lllliQIIP and direction 1wccss11ry to ccrl11l11 lldult fie ld, of illus1rnt1011 . \Vltctltcr a he the nar– rntio11 ur a Mory or tile tllTlUtgrrn,•nt of n d t•~ig 11. tlw chllcln·11 ha \'• bf't'II guided to 1x1 \11t tiold\y and rn:l•ly, l'X))l'L'SSini-: lht·miwtn·s us ti lt'.\' wi~h. Tile rnlc llPIWH l'S to tic, tr.nchf'I' ~u:.!gl':.t.;-- chltd inll•run•t:(. Bt•cnw,e tlw work 1s highly i11dinduu\ und creatlVl', comparison of efforts Is 11ot mndc. nor could one think \11 com– l)L'Litl\'C terms o( these t'lll\llrkul och\cvcmcnls. The cxhll>ition will close on Stmduy Wl'Ck. "COURIER MAIL" ~ t• i;.) ~ ;96, BrislMne, Q. Delightful work at children's art show Ill IIR. 1;~:HTRUl>f; 1,A,'ll(;f;R THIS ~•car's exhibition of work by children attending the Saturday creative art da~scs at the Queensland Gallerv under the direction of Mrs~ M. McNeil, is al[ain a de– liirht rul espcr\~nce, Onrr. mnrc, thl!-i C!<,."ilfO)- lion ct,·111n11~trntes the \·Allie of rcsicrln~ frr,•. rreRtlve ~~1\ 1 rl'f1~: 1 ~ 1 1~c~~ 1~}~~~~Y~R ~ t 11('\r own ne<'cl!-1. ,\,;; Mrol\J:ly R~ f'\'f'I', nnc lrrlr, that 1.h1~ nu~ht to he the hll'lh111!,lll nf C\'Cl'.V ~~\~~irc; 10 Ji1;'.~~ly T7fr A n~~~ mnrlr rl r1pprnncl1 in Ihr lrRt'hln~ nf "Rrt" In r hll– ri1r11, :1~ ~1111 wlci<'IY nrnc·- 11~rcl 111 1hl,; StRI<'. Is RC'lll- aJI,· 111orr hnnnf11l 1hnn l llr11dlf'lnl 1.l"c·nu~r iL ln– hibll ,., 1hr rrry tl1l11c. 11 l~ 1 /,;1lppo.'-rc\ rn fnslrr - lh(" rir,·rlnn111f'111 nf n sprllll:tn('– nu!-, h11l1111rNI. rrr11t1,·cly: 1t1111klnr. nrr ... nn:11\tr. I 0 111~· wl1,,n 1hr t'hllrl i~ rl'n ll.r \11\'nln d in wlrnt hr Li. rlnint: will hr ;:lrHIIY im - l nn~r 011 111111:-rlf thr cft,;cip- 1 l111r nf rlnln~ h ll'rll. tnclrrrt. hr w1\I lnvr thr ,rr,· nrntrrlnl~ hr ls hAnci- 1 line: t1 1, r n!-~· tn df'ltcct. \\nrk 1lrn 1 1~ nlfll'(' Rifted than nt hrr Reluctant 0 111 as one lu1.i; 10 ,·nnrrtnrri prlmnnl\ wit h 1hr f'h1lrl1rn thf'ni~rl\'('S a11d \\ h n1 IIll~ ,'-Ol'L nf WOI k rlor'- fnr llwm. rmr 1;, rr – \lu-tr\tl! t 1• ..,11 !11' 0 111 nt t h 1~ rnrh· ...1 :1t'+' l,11-.,..., whn :-irr 1u1n ,• , ln r , 111 thr hnnct - 1111c. 11: p111 ·11 " ' 1hr n11r~ \\hn -.rrm tn llf\\l' illl 11lhf'\rn /',i)fllll h ill 111n111r <.. 1•1u11pr,,11 \n11, 111npn n1n11 :11,rl 11," l1J... r ,,1 n)::a111 n1hr1 <- 1,1t(, 11,P r A llllhr1 p1rrn- 1 1n 1, . en, ri nf r('nl\~,·