Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Criticism is a lost art 'j'HE peu11le most vnral · about modern art are those who know least about art of any kind, accordlnJ In Quecnstann Art Gallery Director tMr. l.• aurie Thomas!, l\tr Thomas told Rota– rians' al a lunchron al the (;:1.11hena lh11t mu-.l peoplt. \\'t'!l't' .. llhrr " hiun– hooilrcl" ur "111.-rrl.v In~ ful'l~lecl" by Mh~lr;tt:l 1111 .!t•:I~~,~~-rton'l llkt! mod– ern R·rl ll'lli que-.tium1hle whether ~·nu llkt• an.,· Rrl, al all ror the rl,::hl rra– snn.., '' ht l"Mld. . ~,;.. Thoma.'- 4'Ahl th~t ,i mnrt- !'offflJl.41hrth· .1tt1- tnrlf' wnulrl (lr,•f"III(' 1r 1u•n11lr ,tof'IJU'!rl tr~·lnc I A work nut. wh~t 1hr. , t~r, – lnr: pnlnl w;1, ilnrl 'lf'IJlTf' – rlalerl r,~lnli"c~ "·"' ..,,ir – ronUlnrd nratinn.... . "II • p•lntlnl ''" 1 .IH'llll rrinr..,('nt.atlnnal pcopl• irt r,all)' hot un– drr lhe collar," ht said, Mr. Thoma., rrllh·t,rd Art G•llrrr racllltl"• "F'or " ell,· n! lhls .~t,.• 1hr Qur,nslanrl Art Gal;, lcr)' Is • plll!ul examplt, h•.. ,r,~d. tiny and Ihere'• no room lo hani plctnrr!li. In a. rr.l'enl .-shlhitlon "'' hatl rnnm to lmn~ onl)' RO or the :?OU pillntln,:!ii nr– rered." •••••••••••••••••• - 6WO~ /~61 lrlsbine, Q. \RECORD ENTRIES 1 FOR ART EVENTS A l >f' l 'OHll 200 l•ntrici- hy paintcri- f~nm ' ' h h re1·e1nd all Aui-tralian Sln!es an een . •. for Que1•nsla~d's 11111111 ,nrt l''!~1,1•[.~\~•t for I he H. l'. Ru·hards I\ emnrn1 . paintinl!, Thr Queen.i;;IRnd Ga IIcry director LRurie TholllR!i- 1 !-Rlct last nl~ht thn l I hi• was morr thnn double the previous re~~~-~:ic.• hnct bcrn re– "Clved from somr ~( A~1s– t rRliR '~ lrAdillJ: patnlet .. "The rc~ponse to thl!ii yrnr's compc1it 1on hns been , tnc.crrin~ ." hr ~ n.ld– '1'he enl rlrs will mnkr ,1p one of t hr most ('Xrlt - 1nll rontrmpcirnry rxhlbl– ,ton!- Brl!iibnnr hns scrn (or evrral .\•crirs." Outside judge Entries for the ,:omnrt~- 1\011 closed on Novrmbcr L Mr Thomas sold the 1llch1;rds prt,.e h11d been fudged pre,•tousty by the! o\rt Gallery's Bonrd o Tr11!-I ee; or hy n comml1tec annolntrd by the board . . This venr. !or the !lrst , tmc .u\e cnmp"t\:.ion wns betni: tud~rd b)' A stu~lr nut side .tudce. trndlnc S1•~– 'lr~· pnlnler Rus1-ell Dns- rl•·~ie pl'lze this )'CAr ·,·or' h 2;10 t:llinens. Mr Tt,omns , nld thnl , 1111 . BO o! the 200 entrlrs woi1td br exhibited. be· cause o! lhe lack of spnce ,nd to ensure the stand· srd \\'fts krpt hiµ~. Other preze The o,her ma \or prize the L. ,I. Harvey Memorlnl Prize for Drawtn~ had al• tract ed 107 rntl'les nlso a ,',ec~rd. Mr. Orysda lr. also would t11cl1,1t' thl~ compPI i- tto~.. Thomns sn Id I hn I Mr i:Jn,sdnle would nrrh 1 r In B rls.hnnr on Norembrr 14 and tudce thr r.ntt·trs on thr rotiowlno d•Y· The r xhlhll Ion " 'Oil id br n!llclRII)' nnenrd by Mr Or\'sdRlr A I ,A p.n~. 0 ~ Nn\,cmbcr 16. rhr wmnr1. nf bnlh rnmprl tttnns would be •nnounced at the open– tn1. ?~ ~d ·"· ,,,&, ...................................................... IN SHIRT SLEEVES, HE FIGHTS- Be I ated battle of Brisbane art lli,.IATIONAL Art Gallery Director Mr. Laurie Thomas 1"111111 stoad shirtsleeved last night, in the midst of the storm-ravaged "Beaut Country," looked around at the con– troversial Richards Prize abstracts. .., 1 1 t;~t;;;. 111111 • 11 ,..,.,J 1 i1! , . . Ami tnld '.!110 the hattlc hns tn he pt•np\r=· Imel hN'll :,;tir- proplr, In a s11lrttr.1I du- £uu,::ht. 1111 ~ 11p tl1r. nlchnrds rc1w1• of motl1•r11lh·: "Thrrr Is a rr•al rc,·n- Pnz 1, n\W1rds lllt.O n " l.unk, au.,· 1min lln~ lutlon J:ninJ: on In n rl"i- 1,11 1111·otC'l'8~·. h r d('- lhat t•an'l hr turnrll hane, hut il ur1scts me ~nihCcl lhc O11-tn u11-.l1h• down Kllrl stlll thal It wasn't 11\'l'r luni;: ",Jo11ri11•r Jnl o llll' You ,:1•t Its m1·ssai;:r or,•r RJ:O. n ra ul Country No. 2," ju~I bn't :tny ,:ond." "lint th1• tllrhards ~, 111 n ha:h wn11 the rlr:-.l )tr. Thorn11s w•·11l on : ~a .,·, 'l,ct's h:tn• 1 \\lllnw p111 r . :i /: j11!-.I ns lci,.: ltl- " lt'~ inrr1•clihh· that I In' the wat crNldr'." mutt~ fin f'XIJJ'f•S~lon of hit\'(' lo hr a mls,lonar,· . His bet,·et frf'lill~ ns flll El Greco lo flri.-.han c In l!lfil , or , 1 nl"111brnnclt. .t flrr this hatlh• w:1!'! 1 '.'\l111111in,:- hi1' llrnw 111 Nl'ar Lhr r ncl nr his foui:ht rrrr_\·whrrr rl,c thr hnt, sllll morn, hr lc·r 1urc, n 11n 11 srwt h.' nhuut ;in ,·r:tr!ii ;u:n." rxpl;ilru•,I hl!ii hrllrf , toud up :111rl askrd : Ills nu1ilrm·1• al t he lh:11 mndrrn art - al - " l)o ,·0 11 n•nll\' 11eccl ,c:-nller,· slnlr anothrr thnu,:h prr.. nnnll.,· hi, :,..prrl~I trn!n i'nc: to qult-k lnnk :tl llw 1rnlnt- taslr, 111' rhn11!'> lnrnrcl tu 111 1,11rc;rnnct nil rhts? '' In~~. nlhl'r ~t.,·lrs mnrr - i\t r. Thnma~ lrnd R .ltr. 1'homa!II rnn- "a"' 1hr lrs:-ilhnatf' r, - l'rpl,\' fnr :-t it whn nrc llnurrl : " Hut i::;nmlnt'"'"'· 11rr~"ilnn nr 1rnintrrs IH' \\1lclrrrrt. Rllcr.rcci Url:,.h:rnr I~ A hli::; rft,• wh11 frlt 1hr, harl .!>omr - nncl \'rllr mrni about n1rn . nnt ,hl'III :, frnntirr lhini:- tn rspr,•,!'>. :1nrl m ncirr 11 iul ton-n. \\'In·, snm r parts rnulfl 1111h· tin -.o In " Yr "-." h<' ...11rl, "\'OU c,·r11 h:1,·r ~rw,•rai;:r. lrrm, nf l·nl1111r, 11a1trrn, rl" · '' \'rl il b tlw last :11111 tr .~t llr<'. /f h / nul!Hhl nn carlh where "l.nnk111c ,ll n 111<·1111r e PS ••• 1,., r.1 1hrr llkr rnllmc 111 "r nrtk11lu rl\' a n !M r .. hr ~~1d nt nnr 11nrtrr!-tnncltn~ nf \\'hat ,.,,acr . hn~ c:nnr hrfnrr , frnm " I wn11rl1•r hnw ,·nu rnt·k pnm1lni.: rlJ:,111 \\ fl\11(1 PIP II clm, n nn thrn11t.::ll tllf' ;q::r !--. Thil l ::;~~,~::~. 1:f'l~;;t 1 1~:1,'i h~ rpu 11'· h Ip,., .. kln,t nf th in~ \\ I' h 1\H• ,;ij)I 1 ~!1~!k tlm~:, 1 . 1 rt1;~ 1 ~~~ IH' IC" 1111 1/H• \\H ll, ,1_., 11\C'\" fl lrcl P Iii . •••••••••••••m•••••••••••••••••