Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Best-,J!L ,~i~P_l~y of national art By DR. GCRTRUDC LANGCR TIIEl!E i,; 1111 duuhl, lhe 11t•r~11n,tli 1i1•.• of llr., .stlall•. lhc jucli:1· a ncl )lr. Th11111a,, 1h1° dircl'lur ha,·t' allral' lcd 1111' hr,-1 1·11lri1•,. t!\'l'I' in lhc II.(', ll il'hanl~ 11ncl I.. . I. Harn•, l'lllllllClil ion,-, . E1ghl .\ ·l\\1 1 \itt i11 I IIIJ,:ii U\\'A l l"'llf'•~ 1h1t1 ha\'C hf't•ll ,;;,--lr1·trt: r11r 1111'- 1111'1 \ 1 +111cl r o11~ '-' 11 \', )u.llging, ~1::,·/ 1 ~t~ 1 1 i: ~d ll )l~'1\l~~• 1f1\',~ Ahout n11r -1h1rrl nf rlir e n uilrt h ,1\f' l>f'Pl1 PltllHPtl Aclrl UP tn 111nkr 1lw• !lie lll d \ h1•11~ lllllM 1111\)l•!"l,tlll '-how 11f All<I rlrn t IJn .~d.dP '-''n:– :\ t1Mraha11 c 1111 u •111 pP! Jlt_\ t lL!ht ,\ nrl 1h,11 11 11Jll1lb P:llnllllll f'\ r ltt'lli 111 our l)H' Co11d 1t1 11 11:-. n f t hr l'flll - Slat<' Gnllrr \' tr:-1 Some n( 1t1r hf'M 1'11111<':- A 11d tlHt l If IS .. ,, !-ll'Utll.: r ome r, nm 1h1s ,·rflr :-. 1 ,nt 11 n1t11-1 1r111nrnh O\f'r U11b1nstrrn Pn;,r F.xhtbl- HP:,.,, 111c s "Rrcl 1111-nn .1- t1011. 1 1<,11" 1lrn11h111i.: 11rx1 to lli \Vhllr 11 r l.!1rarrr 1111 ,., 1• wh1d~ I', MH'il a b,•n l1tlf11l >rrs of 11111 m.,!'.!-.l\'f" \\'ni·k~ nalnt m~. ~t~d ,·,·r 1; m i~!: "" Ill r,·r n · ,·oill r1, .iblr llrs~111c ~ \ C'llow ~nrlm: h~t rnt·t !>l\')r. t lir r111 r 1 Wt11ch rrnM~ the r,·r . HIid oi1t.nbut ions bv r 1curn1n r whrrc <lrh('n ' " -.uh t lr1 IC':-. r>RIIHrr~. st1rh n~ Llo\'rl Rrr rnuntrrbnl:-int·rd b,· re~. S~ll J-{crmn11 Bnh \'lt.!Ornu:,i d1rrrt 11r .. ~ i~~~;i';'."'\\,u6~ 1 //r,~\ 1 .1,\\'.' 0 ck. ''Personal'' Dn'Mhllc'~ tn ~k 111 tuctc .l There 1HP mn1w hl'at1n• Ill~ ~uch R Mn,n(( ,11.lCI rul pilillll~ll!I\ llt'rr : vnndd t·nmprt1tlon ha.., Rnl~?l_l'c ~·Exp~n 1 ' 11t.'.t!_ l1~ hrr 11 R rhff11.:t1IL nnr. In Bu~h . ,l lJli;•hrartrtl , l l~UI.\ 1'\\ArcllnR t hr 1>rii r 10 P<'l'M>nnl !\ta1 r mt·111: Eric J 0 1111 Olsen. hr ~howf'CI. s.r111th,','i tr,utrr ··E,·r11i111.~ howc\'Cr. lhC' ~e11s ll lv11,· C,l;irlr ' ~f'r11. n •1.:c·11tl.~· hc\ c nnl' would rx1Jrn r,f him. t!. 1~ 11 f.,.:: 1 ~'i/iu, 1 _ 1 ~ 1 ~;: 1 u~~ 1\ 0 '\ 1 ; Given value ~:;:~ 1 ? 1 :;:C'\,.',~;/''.' ~~,;<;~\; "'l'he .tourne\· Into lhr. 1rnn:-.furmrrl · the Blnxland \ 'nu Hcnut ('nuntrv" 1~ an O nllrrv 11110 n 1·nt hed1al 1 cxh1l~1·11!lnc t•:<p1•ricncc. / f•'rc1ich is tillllr> 011 his Lri. Ui,,, :--1(1.J"I _nl thr IOP,o\\'11 Wilh h is IIIPCiJC'\'al of lhc p11int111i:: nlld cr~cpf!-iYl1lbollMH Rnd tormuli::.111. do ,·n. The most eluSl\'C his gon:t?nus f'lll\ 111 •ls nmt t.htni,:S lll'C h1111prnlni: Rll h•n l ~old . His t:omp1tcl– thr wn r HIH1 11 I:~ hnrd lo 11css mnkes the Dnrr l Hill ston nn,·wlwrc until ,, r 1111 the snm,· room lonk rcnch tile r 1HI nf lht• .1011r• Rtry-fnlry, bul the np– nrv St1mr.wherc In the le ft 1prnnchcs dn 1101 ,·ompan•. rorncr I Glr~horn's " G h o :., 1 BIii, \Oll lllR\' lUl'~l II Town ' rlrp1i11rls nn 1111 rnuncl nuvwn,· ,nu hkr - almo!-.I :-uffncntlni.!: nchnc:-.s II .-.fill \\'ill lnok finr. SIro nf 111c1111s tor it,; effrrt. bark nn<i look Al t h e rich• ,·rt the cncrJt \' ls m nln • nr~~ufr l~l c:~!~ nr,t dcur nd tnlncrl thrmu;hout. ~~ 1 ~~1\\ 1 ,\~, 1,'t"~-n\~~'i'"~r ,~,i'~ 1: Much charm gnncir s of lmr, or pnlllt Cobunl's "CR pricon1la " tr xt ure. is fi ne. Of his 11rcch,r Ant.I The line l!-i fo11ch. !lw sharp llnr1u· nlJMrnclinn. . wns hy c·nln11rs ch1cfl\· 11ru- 1W. Rn~f' 's ." f'r stilrm:c nf ~l~~l~,'~\~!11 ~~.~~11:1w v~,/1~c 1 :i~1 :1'1'~~1 '1[~~~;~,. ,s nnr or hi.~ whirr ~PHCCS nr the R:l'OUllci "Drscrl PhnlllR~V" ll\' - «nd then will romr an f'rnncc~ Smith Im~· 111ud1 chnrm. Rnbr rt ll11t.:hcs· twn pn1111l11g1-, and C!-.prcl– all.1" "Bull 111 !•'lowers," MolvlL!'s "L1111dscnpr R!Hl \Vntrrhnlr," n1Jcl Ln.v,·nck ':-. 'Trnw,111011 to Sunn~" 1 ibrntr ns pnlnt lt1~s nnd n:-; xprt'sslvt• lma~rs. ,Judv ns. ...nb's RbStl"RCL JS e~·e~ fillimr. · Apnrt from M olvlt!. hnrct for mm,t of 11111' loca l painters tn 1r,s~rt I hem• ,;rhrr,c;, n~ain<.,1 the hrst from 1111t•r~tn1r. but palnl• Ines h,· Nrl'11lr Mutthews. Rn.v Churrhrr, Andrr\\· Slhlrr. ,Jnhn Al:111rt •ct"- ~~:-1:~111611~\~. M~~~~~.~.' J\J~\'1~ Anrl L. G 11nI hnrpP. rtrsr.r\lr r rrrtit. Interesting Tllf' fll"n\Vin~~ tn 1hr Hnrvr,· Prl:,,r nrc le:i,r; ~,lmulnl lllj.! than the nn1111111c:,. Thr rr nrr Qllit(' n worth !nnk1ns.: nl , hut mo;.-;t i111.rrrstimt ont's ere In• Olrµh nr11 1 who wo11 t hr pnzr• . Hector GilllAnd , Snlk:iu~kui, •thou'1:h Soul• nc:r• 1n~pirrr! •. Dickf'rsnn. 0 11.v Grey Smith, L1kJC. Laycock. \Ii'\!\ \\' 11~ h1 _..;:nd Ill!-! ll~ht tllr lrrtll f'f'' woulci ut l1 11r cr11cra1 rfrrrlnp– m r nt frnm thr lflth l't'll · 111 ry In tllf' pn,srnl rln) w ith !-.)l('('lrtl irrf'JY'llff ! !our 111(1cirrn pnrt ~. :\ D Hnpr, Dnucln.... S tl",\·n11. ,J. r . :\lrAulr~·. and Frnnc·1. Webb. The A ll~ rn l1:n 1 Cn1m ril Quef'lnsland 01\ 1- J..lon And the QucPnslRntl Art Onllrr)• h•d •rrnngcd 1hr lrctllrt, ~lls.s Wria:ht t::lllrt t'A:\'l'AS \'" is Jlllin li11g l>r·i11g exumi11ed Drysunle l k11c.-Jing) ,mu qucc n81nnd Gn\1,.,.,· J)in•cto r Laul'ie Thun1aH al lhe Uul– lcry ,°·c~tcrda;·. The J111inling iH an entry of ~'rnnccs .'milh fur lhc H. C. Richaru• 250- ;.;uim·a pai11ting pf'ize. OUR ART IS 'VITAL' PAINTER DECLARES p ,\ll'i'l't:R Uusscll llrys,lale 11ald ,·e~terday that Ausl.rallan 11alntlnl( had a vllallt.y un– mul<-hud In llrlluln end Enro11e, Lookllli,: nroum1 t.he Q11ee11:-lu11d Art Gnller)·, he ' suld : "H lhls exhlbll 1011 were brin!l held l11 Lo11do11: It. would tllUSf' n flll'Ol'f"." He w:1~ :,;pcnkinl-! or en• lrh-i-: fm 1lw H. C. Richards point In~ prize of 250 1,:ullwns. which hr h:td cumc to Bt'isbnne tu h1cl~r. He Is al.-.o jud~ln~ t ht! :.?:i-1,:11l11en I.. J . Hnrvey Memorial Prize for draw– in~. "Australian 1mlnli11..:: hus had u u·t•111t•1 1dow, h11p11t:I U\'l!fSt•11s," ht! M\lcl. "l lh111k lhJ!'i is tJ,•c1t11se WI! un: u ,•u11111.(, cxpn11dinl,!. 1 11ath111. JI tws been 1ruly ,-;aid lhill ~:uropc 1~ n )"Olllli,! 1·011ntry of olct penple nncl Auslrnlln ts un old co1111t.ry ur yo11n)( pl'ople.'' I Sydney, N.S.W. ·- 1 ;BL - Sl'dnrv artbl OJ,r,{. 3.1, has '"''" the Queen,land Art G.illcry H. C. Richard, ~lcnwri:il lh.: pri1c tlw, } <.'ill' \\lll'lh :,o µui nc.,.., ;rnd :1t• 11 a,.-,l·d i:nl, it.:~ I111111 ar 1,,1, 1h rP11i:h1111t \ 11-.11;11!.1, I h1..· l lll111ll'111h\l\ \\,I .. j1ul~r,I h, !{11v,rll l) n ~dali.::. \\h,, ;,] .,1 111 li:1.:d lhl' ,\lllll l,d L, .I . ll.1! \ l'\ ~h'llllll !,d 1'11/l' 1..'lllllpClil lllll 11ll dr ,1\\1,11µ . whk h a1 1r.1rl1..·d 1011 \\'innc1 ,,1 lhh pnll'. :.~ . \\ :1-. an,11hl•r I homa, Cilq !-