Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THI COUIIII-MAIL ,a111AY M8V 11 IHI A "YOU BEAUT" EFFORT ... "CANBERRA TIMES" Canberra, A.C.T. l 3 NL· A II AIUlt:11: Juhn lll>c11. J\ ,,r S)dlll'), who ta"-.1.'.~ the ()ui:cn, laml 1\ 1 t G:tllcr).'::i 11 ( , k id1:1als Iru,1 llh.:lln)I iiil Hrt pri,i.:, ,..,orth :!50 g11i11c:11-, ·1ilk 11( hiit w i1111i11g t.:ll ll) : " luurn:,l inl o thi.: ' 'f,,u lh::,u,· ( \ m nt1 )' Nu. 2." I ''Split art--=-- PRIZF; PAINTIN(i h;- ~yrinc~· arl.iRt, ,Jnhn Ol•cn . nnri ",Journl!\' Into the 'Ynu Beau t ' Cnuntry, No. 2," whi ch won the 250:i:uinca, H. C. Riclrnrri~ Mtmnrlal Art. Prize in Rn .. A netrRliR •wide com pel ii inn ennriur.t.erl by t he Queen&· land Art Ga llery. Sydney artist • 250 gns. 5roNEY Rrti!'t, John Olsen, :J:l. w_on the Quccnsl11nd Arl (;Allery H. C. R1chard111 memorial art prize for l!lfi I. His winnln~ pa111Lina lsl,iieinorlni prlzP competition called "Journry mt.o the for drawing. which Al,• 'You Beaut' Country No. trnctrd JOO • ntrles. 2." winner of this prlzt . • into I SUGGEST that a future art co~• te1t1 1hould be divided into two 1ection1 - orthodo,c and contemporary. Th c contcmpor111·y section could be; decently segregnted a nd there pointers (Including house pnlnters> could ,·even! to the morbidly curious t.11clr tortured thoughts which they usually share olllY with their psychiatrist. Jn the orthodox section artists and students would then be spared the feeling t~1~~ ((, 1 • 1 rer:~~ tg~t :~ut~~ mntlc it'l:quallrlcatlon would follow the application or t11ose studies, In the current Richards' Prize I do reel the most re• mnrknble feature of the winning ·· entry was the composition, not or the painting, but of your critic's rssay, Dr. Langer's use of words Is dellghtlul and achieve~ a lf1~"~gi!t. ~t~pa:-:1~~~- w t: 1 For yenrs I ~ave cleaned paint brushes on my work• shop door. It Is now a ~~u~;~d •r:::t:, tgf mcet lion spnclnl lnterpotntlon. 1 have nnmed It "Journey to lncbrlntlon" and read f~ 0 ,~1~s~:lfecf. 118 l~,1!~,l ~~~t~~ 8 1i for next yen1·'s Rlcha1·ds' Prize-In the contemporary sectlon.-11. D, Price, Rath• Jyn Ave,, Corlnda, A llT cont11t1 1hould ~• "1pllt up to tl•• everyone • fair 10," Mr, Brian John1ton1 HI• , .. , ..... ,. Mr. John.stone. director of Johnstone Oalltrlea, Bowen HIils, was corn• ment1n11 on a letter to the editor from H. D. Price, corlnda, In yesterday's Courier-Mall. H. D. Price suagested that future art contests be divided Into 1.wo stctlons– orthodox and contempor• arMr. Johnston• said It was a "mo•t excellent Idea." · "It'• the old Australlah buslnes., of II lair go," r.111 Johnstone s11ld. "The Royal National Show Art Contest In Syd• ney I• always divided Into contemporary and tradl· tlonal sections. "It Is one way or satl8• tying the art prtferencea 01 J;! f~gg~t~ne said that some modern AJ't wa • "absolute tr11sh." He said most modem painters "had Rn obsession with the end or the world." The S11ftdag Mad I NOVEMBER 19, 1961 "You beaut" - a beaut Mr. QJ,11;.r.11 1'Rld t.hnt. hi~ worth £2fi, wR.~ \\'Cll-\."nown pRinting ,vRs one nr R S,vri11ey n rt,i:r-t,. Thomas •Cries he ~'"' doing on I Olt~horn. 3R. H l< rl rft \\'lllC 1.ravcls lhrou~h Australl• ·1\\'AS ent.11,l~d ''Outlin• I)( The RichRrds Prize wn.s Nichllnll." wot•fh 2~0 gulnCRS this 'f:1,hl 1,unrlr•d ~ll""" ~·eRr. Thf' rompr.1.tt, 1on RI. WN\! 111\'ILCrl l(l ~ee M r. tracled 200 ent ries rrorn Dr\'sdale of!l,•:ally open artist• t.lirnughout Aust,rR· thc,r t\\'O prize exhibition~ ltR. Al 1hr cnllcry la.sl nlellL. puzzle to the public "YOU BEAUT"-Queen • land' • prlH painting of the year- F • h'b' , Mr DrysdAIP said : "Thi• lftt IX I ltlOft mnkc·, ,,;,., of the llnrsl The r.ompel,lllon Is held : ~()lb~;::":i~ r u,i ~!\\~~por· •nnu•lty ror an Australian Mr 01,cn said : "8:;dney r,alntlni:i;, Rnci wn~ JUdJ?P.d Rrt.ist:.-. werr plC'n~ed to hl' Russell Drysdale. load- Pnter because nf onr con· Ina Ausu·•llan artist. (lrtence ,n your aallery Mr. Drysdale also Judaed rtlreclor. Lau rie ThnmM, tht annual L. J. Harvey nnrt In Russell Orysr!,cle." G~llerv trustees· ,·1cr– pres1clrn~ , F-lr L enn 'l'rou1 1 described the compet,ll lon r.i~ Liv• "rnost.. :;l,1mulfHing tn th•K~~- "COURIER 2 - DH•.jii61 IH~::!u ! o~ c!~ow Queensln nclers can become stined indignation and nni:er by art ? contempora ry p11inti11g~ in the H. C. Richa rds Pl'ize exhibit ion nt the Quccnsland Art G a llery touched off further con• this week. Some Quee nsla nders obviously feel tha t " non– rcpresentalional" paint• ing iR nons ense or worse; others believe that Rrtists ca n a nd should paint as they wish, withou t r ega rd for "objective re,ility." Thia is nn issue which no authority ca n decide for the who le com– munity. Ever yone ha~ n right to hiR o wn taste and opinion. The impor – t.nnl thing is t hRt the comm unity r egards a rt a,; something- vita I: somclhin,: importa nt enough lo dis cu ss and even quRrrel about. I cauld be "o 1ma1h-up or 1omethlng," but wasn't it upside dawn? Young .Jeffrey Dahm~. Brisb~ art galltry,I The C o ntemporary Ar of Oxley, saw it that \Grcgory Terrace. yesterday. 1 Boclety' 5 QueenslRnd pre wn v hut was puzzled J eff. Dahms, IS, hadlsldcnt , Mr. lan sun, ,at ., , · clucked Into the gll.llery "You Benut" was bnsed o So were other viewers or while waiting rot· a tram. aboriginal cave drawings Sydn•y artist John Olsen's HP went out musing, "It He pointed to a turtle "Journey Into the 'X?u, WOULD be pretty hard to totems, ghost figures, n.n BeRIIL' Country, No. 2 - 1 do-but stlll-250 quid !" • crocOdlle. and observed: lhe unu:-.11al painting T wo seasoned gallery. "P'orm and conten which last, week won the ~oer . Miss D. A. Macktn .lco1t le ce to make an exell• Slate's nrt oscar. the H. C. tosti and Mls.s H. W. Mln-1lng work or art." Richard~ memnrial prlzP n tt. f rom t... ondon, said It In the cntn logue It wa.. 11 The;· 1·iew~d It at Lhe "mean t nothlna•· to then. ·iced 250 ,111111•,.