Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Qld. 23 NOV 1961 ASK II country 11crson to think of winlt•r on 1-111· Darling D?""!' •• shc:m.-r-s at work, un 011tha1·k f11111ily and drought w1ll 1111111cil11111•ly form 1·1•rl11in pi ct1m·• in his 111ind. rut lhc •amc req11c1I r1-i11t: pnlnllni:s In lhc lo him In lhe 11, C. cxhlhlllon arc Aus- Rlr.hard• l\lemorlal r,ize lralhm lo lhc 11olnl or exhibition al I h e s tunning Impact. Queenolancl Arl Gallery Ench Is ,·ltnl. strnlght- and h•'• llkel)' lo be forward a nd colorrul. completely baffled. They will be 011 show He will probn bly hnvc uu ti I Decem bcr II nnd dllllculty mntchlng his n detour to the OHllery own Ideas lo the themes during n city trip would -or the 192 olls nnd not be wnsled. wotercolors before hlml Just lo sec the win- Ray Churcher·s "Win- nlng ",Journey Into t.hc ter. Darling Downs," You Benut Country No. Elizabeth D u r II c k ' s 2" by Sydney's John . "Paperbnrk," J . Noel Olsen is a treat in Kllgour's "Shenrers at iLself. Work," Andrew Sibley's Based on "Outback F amily" and tmvels t hrough Aus- Wllllnm .Rose's "Pest!- trnli11. it Is n forceful lcncc of the West" p1·0- weld in g of dust nnd vldc an education In the h Nll, hurtful color, sensations of the vngue kksh ln g wind and rain, probing n\'cnucs or In,- eb bin g nnd flowing presslonlst.Jc conlcmpor- human emotions, nry art. It's as Austrnllan as J WAS among ""'cral its title-nm! 11 be1mt work or nrt! sees Beaut" MAY id,,a of priz1~ pit.: l11re, ··.Jull!'IH·,· l lllll Tia• ·You Ur:111t' Cou11tn· Nu, II " T 1hl11k 111.111y pcoplr· Rrc 1101 1-1111dy l11~ t h1., Jlll'llll'I! 11'0111 the hf'M n11glr. Jut,,I In' l lll'l1ill~ llir ))IC'llll'l' Oil II.'\ sl<lt• 1u11y :-iir\r,. n11d It wlll b11 rn 'iY to M't' Wl\lll It r •r,rc– !-ir11ts. T o my r~·r -. It I~ HII r xcrl– lr111 rrprcsen1n tlon or 1\ ~•rclcn pln111 with nil lmng– lnable pc.is , from nphls LO ~rn ..,shop1wrs. which nre :-.11n•l.v cxprc~.,lllk" "You llea11t," ench In lls own wny, M1·, Olsen must be a gnr– dcncr lo hn\'e met them 1111. As It hnppcns, lhc1• are quite plnin for me tO see bcc.:uu~c I hn\'e !-inmplcs oi ench or them on mv plnnls bt,~in!:· Curlls, Norih Tu,;; hunclrecl people at the exhibition's opening bi· dynamic Australian ar– ti.t, Russell Drysdule, and It'• not dlrrteull to underatand why h~ feels Au1lralla has a vi!ln of arl untapped hy out•lde rountrtes, Readers are divided about the "You "It's because Australian," hr "We think, feel pnlnt Auslrnllan. "All we need ls n little CllCOlll'Rgemc 11t. "You know Just how mlunble is a drop or wntcr in the outback'/ Well, m·ery word or encouragement ls Just as lmportnnl to an artist." (OUR/ER,llfA/1, r P n d r. r , . t1rr. divi,IPtl 11/1011I 1l,e merit, 11 J i,1111l em• 1111rnr~· 11rl, n, rr.pre– al'nlt!tl /,,• J 11 11 n o,,,,,.·. ,,ri1l'•ll1i1111i11g 11i1·111re i11 1/rn II. t.:. IU,·lwr,lir ·, t\lP11wrinl Prisl! com1111Cili1111. Sydney artist Olsen's painting wne en tit led " Journey into the 'You Beaut' Country No, 2." Beaut· Country" Here arc points fl'om let– ters lo lhe Editor: • Who's infuriated! , , H a11pears that the 'luerii,laml A1·t Gnllei·.v director tMr, Thoma•> feels that a vast •.,.,11011 or the community •~ "bam– boozled" anal ••lnrurlnted'' by abstract art, 11 medium u! which he, and local crllle• •••m to be ardent acl,•ocates. I think It would be nearer lhe truth lo s11y I.hat Mr. ThotnRs nnd his nssocintes nrc "bnmhoozled" and "ln– fnrlnlcd" by the !nllme or Ihe public to nccept n fol'm of nrt which lhe~· llke and nobody else docs. It is lime thnt Mr. Thomr1s nntl certain others, Including 1u11 n y artist.., blackmailed Into buying all "1.'l!l~;:.~ \~•l~~:g~.1't Jn both modern nnd academic ai·t, ~•:11!t~ 1; 1\~~e~r!on':!'zr~~;JI,' cnuse someone t.hh, t• it l• top nrt.-".lourney Into l'u.lrnes1','1 J\lanly \\', • The right words • • , \'our Corlnda cor- mmJW'\.-rues or1 \-~~•. ·~;:! o~•·::.~i,1:•r.• c1e\~':.~1~·1~ and aehlens a ineanlnr only eomparahle with the works •h• praises," Among works prnlscd l11 Dr. Gertrude LR11ger's apt and colourful Engllsh nre t,hose ol Jon Molvlg, Clrnrlrs Blackman, and Sydney Nolnn, Rnd Ille success of thr..~c artl!;t~ slnr.e your Art C1 ·tt.tc 's nppro\ 1 Al Is common knowledge. - .J. l~ucas, Herron ltoarl, h :-nmore. • The alternative themselves, rea lised that the man In the street does not wnnt t.o get home nfter n. hard dny's wol'k to find him, rlf unable to relax un– der the ~lnrc of on ex– trrmclv u1rntlrnc1tvc " Jour- .. H-ll~ Mr. Drysdnle 1s ncy llito the ·You Beaut' quot ed n~ snylng - "the Country, Numl>cr Two," trustee.~ do not tnke this op– hnnging- obo\'e the manh•l- u01·tt1n!Lv to ucq11il·t• some uf & 1 i,,~if! ~ •. !•:~~;t:\'I..~il:.'. 25 i hcsc pili11Ungs." J'm q11lte ~'r~~6in~~rni;,~r Pl~~r~i~~ 1 i 1 \~e 8 1~~ • "Mainly hostile" offcrs-"lt would br n long 1illlC belol'e I'll he buck"- • , , On 1·l1dUnr the ulwn~·.~ RS!iillll\lllg he's rnllt.r)' lo sr.e the current allowed to ~f!t nwny Rli\"C. mndern polntln11• (which All power lo H, D. P rice I enJo~·ed). I \\':I!' st.ruc·k <C i\ 1 1 :,H/Jl/61\ who put hv the rear.lion or the tni~ ,s'ords, who1.'mnny of "" pi:ople ,·1s1tln1 this ~how- wtire thlnki111,t. - 11 Anll- malnh· It was hostility. Heaul," Newmarket. ll doesu't seem rl~ht Ill "Del'1ghtful" this free countrv th1tt n rr.w • l'i~~p~R~! 10 /~~1ocl~,~.~1te Ll;i;~!, I wl•h to Alai• lhat I 1:rn llcrle~l shnulrl ~r e, or wa~ rrr.all~· 11mui1td whtn that we let ourselves be I rr•d lhe narrow-minded c:i~-'\., 'I-(_;.,<; I UJ),..,<_ commenh by H. D. In his oUack on con• temporar,· art (C,-M., 21/11/611, I congrntulnt.e the "Rlch– Rrd~ McmoriRI Prize" winner and )•our 11rt critic tDr. G. Langen , for her vh·ld 11nd ~~~F.~ ~lul 0 ndes\~~llo!! 1 nni\\~ pslnlln~ 11nd other entries, H. D, Price l.s trylnK to rldlculr, with some rather menninglcss words, the serious works a nd the reputation of lhc modern al'tlsts.-M, Roth, Wnrrl 5, Ro•emount Hllllpllal, Wlnd– aor. • "Ugly country" .. , The wlnnlna- entry In lhe II, C. Richard.• com– pelillon I• much malirnotl, • Imply because It I• not undentood by so many ,lowers, one must have experi– enced contnct with the mt!Y, VIRorous. crude, som e– t.lme8 primitive western Queenslnnd cou n Lry to be oble to rend whnt the artist lllernllv wrote wit h, his brnsh, of his .lomncy, Ho oosscs~e~ n kern sensitivity to 11t.mosphcrc, allied lo a t.rn lned mind which cnn de:-:crlbe what he sees. The tit.le wns a master.. r,irce of aut humour.– (Mr,,) I.. !landell•. 25 Cor– delia St .. South Brisbane. • 'for psychiatrists' I think till• •o•called modern ai-t has a- definite ,·:1l11e a.111 a ruture reference lor 1,sychlntrlsts dud)•lnJ the worklnp uf the human miml onr this 11erlod or lime .,-hen n~ll– nf'ss ,i;eem.~ to have takt-n m·er In many thlTIC!I, but porllcularh• In art and arrhlteclure. Are \\"e not tnsull In~ the ~rrnt masters or the past nnd prr.senl, by callln~ t hcsr. rtoortlln,r dauber, "8rt.lsf--.;"? - 0 D, E. l\lentlA," WJ'11ftUm,