Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Briabane, QIC,. t ( I ~, Gallery's greatest "show" is private Q l ._EE NS I.A1'11 Art 1;allerr·~ ~00 1_1aint;, m,:s anrl .,i-ulptures will Jlfl on ><hn" nex( ,-rek-whlle the ,:aller,· it' rlosed In tlw puhlii·. .. Th P n icharc1!- Rnrt Har- ornlls Ilk, r,0,-111, 1'1Am~s. \"O\' PrllP rxhlb1L1on will \ Mr Tbnm•• .,. 1c1 ••I l fllll~h l~ll' tnc1rl\ - Rnr\ 1n- 1 n11;hl. morl'O\I• w·I\ hr-i:ln e Mnck- "Th, p1dnttmv, that tnkini: whtr h rtlrectnr Mr. ~·nn·1 flf on the t;1•all~. An~ Lnurlf" Thoma e. bcl1l"\'I",_ l5 1hr. ~culr,turP-~ lhlt ,~mn t the first in 11:-- hi~tor~•. \ f1t nn st~nd~. wtll ao " " From I omono"-' nlRht, t ht floor. lhe ~Rilrrv "'Iii hr closed \ Mr. Thom1t• ••le\ lhe i"o thr puhllc fnr Rt trast mRXllllltm numbe.r bnl ihret wrck• lpRlntln~• which co11lcl • "Wt ,.,111 . iake nur ent.1re lh11ng 111 th• aalltrr nn 'stock" of 800 palntlnas •ncl dlspl•~ I• 80. •culpt.ure• nut of the st nrt• •'Thi• ~dll b• • trtmend• room and put thrm on th, ,nus .lnh. he '31d. Brisbane, 0. HANGING SPACE was the problem at the Queensland Art Gallery yesterday as the Gallery's Director (Mr. Laurie Thomaa) tried "a big one" tor size, Art Gallery will dump its "trash' Some of the worst pointings ever to be hung in an Australian art gallery will go on private show in Brisbane this week. S~ br:nriNt, .c:;tnrc~ nt R faded 111:'lll'Oll In A ~r~flll hnt. flowing drapc!i, nnd pr:Lrl1-. See fl1e111? B R l,." ~ANE 11e_opl~ and vts1t or~ to llus cit y can he ass ured of enjoyment if t lwy 1·is it t he Qucrn~lnnu Art G11 IIc ry th ese two mouths. 'l'he cxh lbitio11 thc rn of nil ROO pnin Iings of the Q111•r·nR• la nd colleclion, but It g·ood a nd bntl, old, modern . nnd contem11nn1r_r, was origi nally arra nged so that the tru 8 • lees ond staff could lake stock of the collection 1t was nn excellent idea of the gallery ti-ustecs to in vite lhe public also to r view the colkclion , Many citizens will certai nly have views on the p1cl11res lo pnss nn to the trustees. Brl1b1ne,