Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

URGENT BEHIND-SCENES MOVES OVER GALLERY Urgent behind-the-scenes moves took place today to try to retain the State National Art Gallery as a separate cultural centre following resignation of its director, Mr. Robert Haines. Mr. Hoines announced his M in iste r, Mr. Pizzcy, yeste rday in mode on onnexe of the proposed Holl in the Botanic Gardens. resignation to th e Education protest ot the Gall e ry being Cultural Centre ond Pioneer .\lr . .........,.. !'IIIUid huln;- : •• l'h•• ,\,•f lhc• c•ul111rul c•e•11tre 1 • 'l'h1•:- nr·e• one• ~uul " C 1 1 llt!l,l_, (,1 ' l 111;· l.1, 11 1111 - ~ l 'lll -1,ld t h111k II '-h tJ::lc! IJt' n.:,tl• ,dl(, JI ,,a, :1 f'('1 •Pl t·t!. c;allc•,·., i1,,,tf ,huuld hP flu• ,a.nu• fhiua,::. Job ht \Ull1ft·cl 1}w Nntiunnl (i1tJl,·1~·. ,·u ltll cl :,t m tir1• 11 cif l -~lioot r,~ , 1, 011 _ l it• ;-.;1:d t,,ct,,y t ll,d lw ' 1 t1;1d no pl;1l1'- fr,r the I li;,1. f 511(1,(Hl(I, 10 IJ• • lu, 11, 1•1! ;,t Ill!' Sl i t' ll'rt•JH t· n.dl !or bti:-.lra·:-.~ 11n 111 c·. lllt'l'I11 ,... , ,1 nr! ., t, i o !-.h<.,,, ·" I J 11· wa.. . "l lt·1 1·d n p n --1 ,111<1 1l w 11:t .' I;_\· :111 u nii:-.,·Jo,1(1 :--0111'c1•. i\11. lI 1111H•s ~ lt \ f~ si x tmln~·. lllOJ\l h .... llOlltf' f'flJUqul!--11 - :-.1 r . 11n IIw!, :-:d(! l hnl ., ,,11 1 l1•c! ;1ncl a ppron·d b,· f':ib1111 f :it tt a• but tom 01 (it-1 11 1·, 811 , ,-1 n,·nr t lw rd,!_ l 1in ,·1: .,11~· b11i!rll11g. Th i,. 1~ w 1 l r,11r ,t r : ,., of lune? 11dJrn11.ng the Oonrnrn . Th,- (i;, l\1 n· nuw \s l101 1, 1·c! Jn !h( r-.l w•t'\1111 Uw !ciint J1<'ar l he E:'\ • illl}lllnn Ci!flllllrl Mr. Jfa in1·, ; aid to- 1l:i,· ii wa , inaclrqua lf'. Annc,u nc mv tlH"" Ill'\\ ,11, lJ! l !,:'iH lilt• Pn ·mH•r , \ l r. i\' 1t kiln . ., aid I 11,, J l ,'-<'ll t 11t c·11m nw da11n 1 1 Illa ! nr ,cr bt c n ' ' 'J..! :l !'dl'd ,·t!-, f l h, I 1:1.i11 ll•!IJ JJOl'– :1 1, . I :la , .: 1 , , 1., :1 ,1..... ~.1.s Ul.r n~ DH , ,• :.,·. \r : H 1r.•, . ... D in)r t or ·, .t \\ • d i: C!tll .i1 1' 11:s .~1-.,1 [ ! ,p il 1 J!'t 1.,{i, II t 1,: 11.11: r• -.jx l •,1. fl t – !!1 :1 , : HL ' t' lLt• 1·1in- 1• 1, , 1 ,d ! •11 , . .. ... ,1 !\ 0 t1<lr J,,1 8, It li <,!l.1 11cl.i1 '-l , \ ,il1hd : : ~;,o noo. I /.! L ,di, I \ l t •llk p,,.-.p "','- • ,1'11 r ' ·. ; 1:1 J.... , .1111' :'il r. Hain,·~ "nuhl nol •.1., ir ti1• uuuld Hitll – tl ra u· hi._ 1·t•'-iJ.: 11:1tiun ir th,· (;m r rrimn1t ai.:-r1·1·d t o hu il fl Iii,· 1,:;dl1·r~ a~ a ~1•p.1ra tf' 1•11ti1., . " II :.'- ll11l l M' IIH' to .111pc,, 1 i , : :i.•-. · h t· ,'-,11<1. T l1t c1 ,. q ;on c,t :1 dn#r - · 1-..11 11•1 ,I !,t \\' t!JJ t•l'IUJ", ,111</ ~1 111:, ,,·ill IJt· dt - r ;d,•cl . ; 1i.1 Lt 'l 111t·t·l – .w_. o! ii, (t, !lt ,·.,· 1111~– q •, .., 110 ... 1liiY l,,·lc11 (• I111 :HI n '. i. 1~ m ,11,:1\. No effect on Piney ! t!;, r:.: .1 1. ·.i ' f •;1;. • '• ,.I t ' 11