Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Archbishop wants art director back ll11h 11: 11 111 ..,,1,•r1la 1 ho• h1111,·1I I Ill' ri·,h: llll I 11111 .. ,· \I 1, 1!11111•1 I ll nlrw n~ .\1 1 1,a ll-, n 111,.,11,11 11 1111 111 h,· " n •,·11n lcl1•n •1l," II 11 ,1 ' l'""k1n1: .,1 In, 111;,: 1 lw r11utut,, lt11\ .-,w 11( ht l ;t:\ ot•U :4t Th,,111 U4 ,\ ,ptlth•~ lto111, tll t', h••l tl· p,1rt11h , hut, h ·tt :,;t l .thlil Alt hbl hop llutu.: l•h• I • ,I 1hr dl~l,11\ JUO lttHI'\ ut tht , lnurh • t • 1t , .., ,1, It 1trl1lotl !r 1u th u.1 ,, 1,1 U, 111~ In" , RUBIN .\ND ltllNIS'"I~ ~ R HAVE 1~.:\LK Mr. H. de V. Rubin, one ot the key tigurea in the Art Gallery di1pute, sow the Education Mini1ter, Mr. Plsaey, this otternoon.