Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

,. Brisbane u,u11,,..1111ulll11B1w111111111, I S IUllllnunmuuuum,unuu~ i • HE rc vefotion th.1t ccrt.1 in .19cnts in Rom.i-street l markets arc conniving with f.lvored retailers to I tak e the crum of the mukct in fruit and I vege tables, at pre-arr.1nged prices, is merely a i variation on an old and sust.1incd tune. f Wh en ,rvrr th r ,e,uon, and tailed , lea vins a gap b e tween whatever th e p ra d II c e what th e grower g rl• and w hat I whether p a t a t oe•, bean•, pea,, th e con , umer pa y • " ' i d e or tomatoe•, a pple$, pear•, or r nough to tolie an o v erland banana•-each in ill turn gar , I mob from the Bark/, , Tab/.,. lhrou• h Roma••l re et and i, re• land. I · · Thero are alw.1ys odd retailers of ve9et.1ble1 and fruit in lrl1b.1ne who will squocae the utra pennies per pound out of their customers, particul.1rly in location, where competition i1 slack. nnntft• t l ·f'I huft kllfl\\11 lft•\lt•\\ lllW' Ii ,011,,,-, " It 1 ln11 o f ,·rUh- il lht ., 11111 ,,, fl l tt " lrlt,:1' b~ thl' 1e11ltl1011 of t' p ,111,,... 1111,, Ci1•u1t(r L ttnbt•1 t. ourln" l h t· " 'HI ) ,.,,, " IIH\\' 011 t•xh1bl1 Ion Ill Mr ,h,,n1·C' 1 nn\\ 811 lhl' MiJn •tun O n ll,•11c,i; 11 l)'IH P hllt>, ,11f h h: (\' Dr Orrtrud~ L.a,n$,lt'I" a n o · I omm1 1nnrr 11111 k1•~ thr folluwh1u ub• l1• rt • dt- I If, "°'' ,,bout "" , \lillnn : Ro111• ••ltr 1·• 1111111) 11•11,, ( 1J Lomb.rt, w hn W ,.._ rnjoy•d • r•al mol•r1'al Rn "' d 0 11\t• • urrru ,n Ai• Ul•tini•. of II I t SCCU\.S U '(U ,,..,,. ,,mo,,ubl- llOI. In, Iii, brua.,u ra l•rh • My City kr 1hr 1n11ul1,11t1111nn n,qu• und tl• v•rnr •• : 111 Ille pc,1n10 "'IJllllr Thr (2 I Th r • r hr lfiffl .-ho iUO 1hr111 ,u\1..1 J;,,,.,, J toward• lh, Che hou •• I\ \\ ho hu , luuilrd roal nl .. , ,,pr«• thfnt \\1JU1d II t O lu he' u,ttntfon" ,· Ilk• lhc prndurl 11 ....11 ( J J W hrrrao, h• auu1 hll\'f" ' f"H•n • who l lH· ,oulJ ''°"" de uo1,J •·htlJf tu I ,., ll ..tt"k of wurk of I h,• ~r en tt•~I '"""'" .. ,o ,,.. p ro • l It' J)r1C II\ IUk"II\ 1111 ~ / numlr, qualiti•• o l * * * ,\ u, trnll lll µuh l t•r . t, ,,,,; 1 ,_. J,,.;•" and I DONI ntoy rn • In ru,·ur or 4' Xl)Ull.. ,,r11r ln,tion t o ,., .Ion• lcrl n11 lrll t•on- 1·11 ~ o r 111!' nh, 1r:11•1 ,/,.r~• th,.,, ,h .. •u• • trol'rr y w 11 h I nnd 1hr nlJ, l ni-1•. I '""· • •omun 8 111 wh rn f <· ,• 1 J11,11 111•c1 In , ,::·..ii,. 1 ~.,:'r'"i''::,•;:,..,i:i~ llu• \I/OOl,111 h ,.,.,,... 1.1kl11~ II I} I I (• I ..,.. 1,•11nl • 11 ,. r p ·" to to be ., rt t·rll lr n1:n l11, 1 llt'r '" ·'" 11,.. , l11• In, k••cl n "1!11 hf , p irl 11r, I ,,.., .. I J'll•J11 h lo !Jl,. ltl t , Of 11 , 1111 p1 ,., ,., 11 , lw ~h oulc1 l:,1 \t 1:H ••n hi, II uh l l,ll 1 ,l1 IIHl\ 11,'lt.~fr< ,l \\ll~ \\'ll\ r hr t-t•1f • con• t, ,.,.. ,1 l1n 1,<1, I-" n "'h , 1 \.IU IH'llt 1,f hf' l l>· 11111 f l.n... 111.uh • J II ' :11::~~11:::::~;•\ 4 :! 11 "~ t/,!!; t H c,11,;,, JJUl1ht' I I IUUdt• 11111 ,,r n llf1·1111w u~ ,. ,1 1t'M t•RIIU-d IH 1u u• I d1tr: ln11- "°' .- ,ul lhf• llllr tllfll'I , . f"llcl,C"" 11.u, 11 for 1w•1 f•·• 'Ion In hi r11rrl1 1~11111.H•r1 ~ • ·nrk wUI '"' lll"IUlllUt lhr nrl l"'' ur 1h1"' nn1uu y \\'l1t·1 1hr la111t d • cl ot ,.,muo uf F.11101~· h ~ VII(' d tt"-11 10 nl>ll,•1on naul 1hr ln,1 ~m,.rt bo, ho 1 nit I dr11\\ ,uat rnu JlU1111 Im, I k,•u Ill~ f ~~:.::r~~1~Hl~1,. ?~• 1~ Ill! •~ 1 Ot~ J._•n~ll,111011 ' o rt•KlhJl'I .,., f1r tw1o• 1hr ,,., u .. :n, •• 11rn1 ht II ""'' •r 1 uwr 1111 nwnln \ I.I~ th• •IJtn • a, , '''"' ,,._ •• ,.....,.,,,,y • ultnr p,opou1I I n ,n, d u,/, th , nrw Art ,nl• f t, ,, In " t"o11,,u,,, c-,al , l le,J "Cut, ,,,,,/ ,,,,, ,. ,,•• I I• l,.o,l•J lnr a f, ,...,. dn u Don,ubrt,nb, '"· f 110 l, 1 ,nr l,,wl,t , plnrrd j I p~, ,,..,.,, nnJ ,,. r/uJ,,.• · i ,,._. Gn1•r , ftmr11t ,, •• II I t l\\rl,•nur•111! ,11 •·\• 11Jn lu11' 11 I C ' t ,d r•1n1r , ·~o.i, h• 1 1t, 1 u •II,,,,...,. I ,: \ ,h I ,., . I, 11 11 I)' P •. '• 111 ..: i J t'I,. •J• 11 • ,, 11•• • l : If 'Ill,, 'q IJ 11 • fl•tl • j f •nr · 1 • , , , 11• .,, • f \ f" J' f II I I • <1 f II I J ,, ,, CAN u nderstand Robert Haine.•. dir ec t o r of tl, e Queenslnn i.t N n I • tonal Ar t G a ller y, being lncc-n serl nt t he proposed Cul– tural Centre of Brisbone b e I n i; housr d In t h e C"om – mcrcln l h ea rt uf the clt.y. At the s. me time. 1! Mr. Hnfhrs rrnlly hn." the true lnterc,;t ol .. rt nt, ht•u rt I which J r,111 "lllt• ix 1hc t·u.r.t• 1 coulcl11 '1 he hnvr wnlt ecl n 1111 1,. while to :,;cc wh at l hL new bu1ldl11 , as Ilk,•? Hl' hus dune 1110.-,t ,·uluulJlr \\'u rk f r Ih e COl1\lll1ll111~ , n nd 1:-- 0 11 1d1•n1 mnn !or th~ Onl• lrrv dlrcr tursh ip ! It woi1ld lJe n ~JeHt 1lit \ Jor h im to lr t•I that ht• hus to rrs1un 10 tihO\\ his F11'nr\i.: d 1~n ppro,· I