Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Haines Art Gallery t~THE otliht T HE Edul'ation Minister (i\lr. l'iu:c~·) has l:itatcd (C.-1\1., 10/:l/litl) that lw had done c\'crything- 1>1m iblc to J.rCt i\fr. Hohcrt Haines lo rc<·1msider his res igna– tion as Oircclur of the Queensland National Art (;allery. Bu t did h e ofi't' I' to c ns111·r lhnl in the f11 t11 rc ~lr. ll ni nr s' icll"a s should 1lw \\'<'ighl nn d \\'hich his t h e A rl "" fu ll )· M1 . t-ln i1lt's h us lit•cn n •– spo11:,,,il.JIP for l!h·lng Brts– b11111• 1111 11rt eoll1·1·tion whi<'h u,, if s srl1·1·t 1011 :-tlld h ,\' ltM dtspln.r 11Li l w it II II limited lmd~t•L1 Is u 11 lq11e l11 Aus – trnlln nncl rn11ld h old It~ own nm·wl11· n•. To losl' lhc ~p l1i11dlcl ser– vice or tins h h!lll y-r1rn1ll– r1t•rl cxµl'rt would bp dom g n l,!l'('lll, dl~- :,,(•l'\"ir't• In 0111' SI.Il le - nml to bullcl the l11111.t - promisl'rl ucw Art. O ullrrv ll'itho111. the bcnrm or his cxprricnce and l,!111d– nnce 1.'i Juxt. throwini.: awny our OPl>Ol'llmit lpi;, Posslbl.1· the builclin~ of the Al'I On llt•r,v nnd o[ the P ioneer Hull could be cnn – ~tclerccl ns scparnt c nctlvl– Ues. nnd then the Art Gnllc1·v could be built as ~:.RhlR ~rilnr.~.a n n;~Ida .~~~d~ Daphne Ma,·o, Glad•tone Road, Hlrhinte 11111, Art scheme criticised LAST )·car was R \'Cl')' optimistic one fnr nrlisla and l hc public in– lrrr strd in arl in Q11rcns• lnnrl . Thr.rr \\',1,c; I hr nr rp11,,;;J– llon or 1hr French paint– ing, . Ille exhlhi t.lnn or Prrnr h nnrl Brll.l.•h a\'I , anrl ,·ri rlo11:. sponsored rnmpctl– llon:~. bllf nlOllil tn,porft'ln l of all. lalk or lhe llCI\' arl ~nllcry, 01,e frlt that In n11c rhrtrtlon Brl.i;h;1nia ~·R .'- rnm– lnc nf Al'!P And lhFl t Flrt, ~•A.; Readers' views on the l art gallery argument . A NUMBER of readers have written to the Editor obout the current art gallery controversy in Bris one. HrrP nrf' \'iC'\\'R frnm rcprcsrnl~livt" lrt t erR: • RESIGNATIONS ... 'l'hr rr!iiiJ:natinn of our Arl (;a llrr~· Olrrrlor 1 Mr. Rnhu t 1lalne"1 Cnl– ln"·" unromrnrta hi~· l'lni-r on the lo,.~. ror ~imil:tr rr.allinn,i, of Or. l,ovr.lork n." ('onsr,rntnrlnm hrafl. Is Brli-banr·,.., c111t ur~I ~rnwt.h IQ br ron t11111 nlly bll~htrd In this m nn ner'! If we !-rr fil tn tmpnrt ~peclAll~I ~ in I h c~e rt~lci~ from othrr 81Atrs nnrl rn11n– trlc~. .~ houlrt we nnt he 211lrlrd mo1·r b~· 1lwir ncl– vlrr ? If wr r nnnn1 rln mnrr fo nrnkC' 1hr111 frrl Ih t 1 ir rxnrri– rnr r I!- r,.,;;prr l rri wr will r~ 11 In :ttlrnr1 pr!"'lpJ r n f lhrlr ('n llhrr IO ,111~ Stnlr.-- (i\1r~. I 7.. f.ranl-Thom:i:on , :H Kath – lrrn St.. {'orlnda . • ON ITS OWN . . • Thi• 1111rslion is " 'hrthrr to h;1\·r a huihllnt "rl a!'ldr r ~1,rri;1 II,· (or Arb. JI wnu\rl br :-1 rlf't•1rlrcl hnck"·nrcl f:.ll"Jl In hn,·r 1hr t:il llrry nthrrw1~r t ha n o n jl ,.., n\\'ll. /\ \'l"l'Y al I rnrl I\'(' h111lcl1m: ,•n11ld t,r b111l t tn h nw,r 11,r llHIIW \'A)u:1hlr il l'! l t'C"f-1 !-llrr !– lh AI,' th(' pn•~r n 1 Cinllr n · r nnt illn~. T h r -.r r nl lrr t lnfl\! iHf'I :t11cmr111rd frr,m limr 1n t tmr.- Snrman nartlrtl , 1:,n Ylrtlnla ,\,•rnur. l-lawl hnr n••· e EXHIBITIONS . . , hi It r,11,01lhlr tn lfl:n •p thr Art <,all,n· a II 1-.– " 411tlrl rrntr,; rnr ,itml – lrl':' T h11 Ar! Gfl lltin · r--hn111d b,. U,r rrntr1& frni:n · u•h 1r h t hP exhibition! for the future T~THI (Y~, H~II nf r lonrrrs wnu1d br nn::ani~cd . This r111tur::1 l f'f"lltl'f• 111 1hr Bot::111ic Gnrclrn~ r o11lcl h:n·r 11:-. nwn plnrp in UH' rnmmu1111 y, Motor shows Thrrr wr <·nulct ht1,·t' A ,·n!-:l r xhlhi1tn11 lrnll , t.n hr 11srrl fnr n11tomob1\P :-:how~ Alld nlhrr rnmmrrf'IAl rx– hibll1nn,'-, At thP snme rould hn\'e nrts nncl r rnfl " rxhlblt1ons in snrnllrr rooms tn nurr for t,hr c·ulturnl 1wecl~ nf n mixrd public. The Anta n1r Ganlrns llTf' IIH! proprr. srttlnc fnr rnn. l rrrnrr /., ~nct fnr C"Ommrr– c-in l r xhibitlnn$ nnrl rrs11111r– nn1s. tr thr~r wf'rr cnncrn– trnt rd 111 1hr Pionrrr Hnll. lhrn we C'O\llcl h:'l\'r rxhlbi– tlr.n:-- of nrls nn<I r rn'1 s 111 ncljol nlni.:: room s. l hopr lo :-:rt' 1hr f11tnrr rxhihlt il>n;;; ronms a;,: nn Rppcnrlil~f' 1 () I h (' Al'l s G RI– Irn·. nncl If I he P1011rrr Hnll Is ·wrll ctcs iJ;?llNI , I hrn 1hcsr room,; wnu lci i;::1,·e I hr proper ~r tt lnu fnr rnfrr t;1inmcn1. , rl111·111c 1•onfrrrnrrs :rnrl ~how~. •- 1 :\fr~. I S. StP.llcr, 127 lllllsld• Trrraee, SI, Lucln, brine tn k r n :-rriously - nnt n,i;; R piece nf lntrrlnr rlrcornt.Jon, bul n;,;; n pnl't of mnn·.~ environment nnd nchtc,·cmcnt . In 1060 we hn rr lost the director or I he Art Gallery, A. mo!'-it capnblc nnrt slnrcrr mnn who cnn personnll)· clnlm R ma.tor pnrl 111 the clcrrlnpment or art In Q11CCll!'=IRnd, Rncl \\'C h ave Inst the Ideal of the new nr1 ~•Iler)·. In ii ;,;; plncr. R mo:.l ,·111- ~•r onrl mlscrnblr small cnmmrrcl::11-t,o\\'n cnmpro– mt, e is beln~ forced 11pnn us, nrtnl'ncrl with nnmr.i. tha t mi,zht be Important. In lh~ slnrk rxchnnsr. hut nnt lmporlRnl w hen 0 ne t~ rc– lnxln~ preclscl)' to ~et nwny frnm ~ur h value!--, Threatened Threa t.cncd wlt.h "lnt 1- mnte lltt.lr art ~a llcrles." we hope that thr whole prn,lcct will be dropped nnrl the benefactor~ rtnd some– thing more worthv of I.heir nnmcs nnd thr n·rt GR llcrv nc~tle clown for n while longrr on Grr.~or~• T crrncc until Brisba ne u1·uws n l!Ulc olcler nnd public men look through n ff•w ln t.crnntlonnl mRRRZlnr.s - or ffiR\'hC only look In Sydney and · Its 11c1,• nricrn housc.-R. C hurc•ller, R. Churchcr, l\laln Street, Kan1aroo rotnl. 1111-MAIL FRIDAY ·MARCH t Brisbane's art hopes LAST year our hopes and aspirations were raised very high with the thought that. Rt last, Brisbane •nd I.he people of Queensland were being given an oppor tunity of tak– ing a real pa rt In shoring the meaning and achieve– ments of c1·cntlvc art ond a1·1 lsts or the world. This. to " great extent,, was through the ~ood work of Mr. Haines. ond with the prospect of a new art gnllcry. It seem s thRt we are now to br dashed Into the nit of t,he commcrcl11l nnd the suner– flclnl by the few who fall to lift their minds beyond the narrow borders of our groll'lnl!' clt,v (which I• yet Rl n very tender age) to the exnmple of I.he great art centres of the "'Orin. - c. Beth Peddle. 23 Vine Street, Clayfleld .