Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

/1\ I /'Ill 1111 II. /U·. /'11//Tl·.II A MAJOR change may be made in planning the Brisbane Cultural Centre in the Botanic Gardens, l ~11t :-:. 1;11~ 1;11 \·1•111mr·11' 11 ,·\\' ~• ·h ,· iiH'!-i i11\·111\·in;..: \\'i 'l !' ~il 1' 111 1!1 ,, .\ r l 1; II 1,•r ~·. ·: ,1q ' t' Ill ,I p 1\!-.J\IOll' 1:1 , ,,..._, tll \' IU l l!I'{' p!i11l,"i. ' \ 11 :'! Jl llOlllll'rlllf' lll \u,·!ld IW 111:1cl,.. tcV,\':H d:- 1\1r 1•1 1: ,ii t 111· "t·rk." hr :\<irlrrl Arts ball protest ~ A[MBEnS ol th• Arts lYl Ball Comn1ittcc met yc1tc,day to di1cuss the proposed inclusion of on o,t gallery in the new Cultural Centre. l 11 11·, •1·111 r ,•u r:,,. rh,· C'11111- 1111t1 1•t· 11., .. 1 ;11..;1 d !H 'll'I\' C!Ollll !11\\nt d ~ t l1t· IH1drl1111: Iii H flt \\ Q 11t•!' t1• l:11HI :\ I I { i:dli I \ :,.11•1:~l)1•1, nl I 11" rnrll• 1111111•1 11 r l 1/1111 I IH· 1·11!– \111 ,tl llll)l(ll'(rl lh'~ ol l h f' nrl :..:allC'I'\' I."' :'-Uf'h lhal 11 rlr•• :,({'r\'(•<i n h111ltl tll'! nl II ~ T h<' :iw1•111u.: :1ppn111trcl n -11i1-1·nin11111trr tn ,11 n11 n let 1r r 1·1 111r F:ct1wa1 inn \11111'-lt'I • ;\I I', P t//.<'Y 1 p10- rr -:ti11t! nc nm~, 1hr Ill · ci,.. -.10:1 nf the nrt 1:n11rr,· In nn ,· p, opn~ed c-ull ill'al rc1t11 1• und rr(1\IC'Sl !11!! tlllll t tH fitl\'f'J llllH'll l 110110 111' llF' or1•-•1nnl pl:111:- for :111 :11 t !.!:dlf•"\ a~ n c11 l1111·al ('('1111'1• 11 '. 11 •l'lf Rubin take paintings M,. H. De V. Rubin ycs– tcrdoy withdrew two volu– oblc po inting, from the Quccn,lond Not ional Art Gallery . ·11,,. p1, 1111111co::. 11,..:11 \·: .!00 ,·1•:11, olrt , 1 1•1r- h,· (i ,..nrar :~1:i,'t 'fi,-~·,•/~~' r/t in1r-r to Thi'\ :, rr nr I '\'" nf I hr 111n-1 ::, 111H11, h idl<'t ctiuwrrs 01 111, p1;, F,11111, C,.111r and \!11,•· c,,pr n •· \ l : 1: 11 11111 ,:u rl hr- \\11 ll- rh 1•\\ 111" p ,111111n~• n -. · pi .. ,11·• 1 ac1q11 , r · ! l1t· p r('.,f" ll l • d J;lil' il 1 11,· 1 .i11 ..1n 1•t('\ nr , ~ 1 1 h1 .\ I l i;,!11 I ', tnl!0 \\ 1))1.! t, I ~ 1 1 w 11 • ..:..,:tt •,1n nf t!tr ... IJJl " f 1•11', .',ll lln llW!ii ' J!I' .. '.l.d It•· \\ :1 • (.'()ll - •.:idr-1 111·• "11J:cn :, ,, \! 1:.: :d;n 11 ,If! 011 1 1 I I 41! .,11 ()l\ Hltll'• 1111111• 11111 11 , , 1tw c11 '.l1•1" Th• ·~•· l111'l'Hit'c! 1t:1,: ' I'll. #' l'i 1.111111 .11111 ._ll\ t•J' 1 ,1lf' 0 11 1111111 ,1 \ ;,11 H11h 1.1 wnlu!. ,•\\ , ('l\11~1•i.,f' h rn:i •r t ,I 1:tl \,~ .. ,,1 ,, h 1d1 llf• -n1 rt 111 •·r lo1 r-nh!r :11Hl 1 ,11 111011.,un,:"- nf