Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

·, 1 MR. RUBIN'S 1 'MIGHT BE' A new art gallery MILLIONAIRI Mr, Harold R u b I n afrollad hi• brl•t• · lln,i mouataclle thou,ihtlullr . . . "Thara ml,iht be • naw art l•llery, undar prlv•f• •u•– plc••• establl • hed In Que•n•l•nd now," h• ••Id, 0 You know, It could be that the dl11u•t 11! • •o m1my people over the : pre.ent conducl ol al– : fairs mlsht cause : thla, 0 • Art-lover and patron : 111r. Rubin hlnte I cautiously: "You ha heard that i\lr, Ro Haine • , Queenoland' director who has re– 1l1ned In prot..t, has ! been orrered a new I po • t. at • Ju • t ml1ht I be the r,oat he has been • olfered.' •: "Per • onally I would • donate to the e • lab•' i ~:~~'i.11~r; 1 'tn1:.a'Af!' : 11re • ent clrcum • tancu. • "JI would be In th1 ! IOl'Jl! of a non-oroflt : ma1dn1, orsanbatlon. _, • r~ of Gonrnmenl ln-•:1 l'tetrerence.'' : Jerkins down a bat• I • tered 8&elMD OD bl•1 I bead for empha • la. Mr : Rubin aald: • "No, I would not llnf I a I.bins to the esl1Un1: I Quernaland NaU-:• I Art Gallery la lb• I pre • cnt chaolla elnlun· 1tance1." - ·•PROTEST , [Mr. Haine • 1 .. 1. i Wednellday re • l1ned hlr I po • ltlon In prote • t I aialnst Brl1bane'1 1110- IIO • ed Oullural c-,e lncludlnir an Art G». : • ,eryh 111 be Htahll•h•d • n t e Bot • nla Garden •,; I He ..1d the eentrt 1 would m11ke the Art• Gallery only an appen, i daire to other hall • or• building_ •• I : • Mr. Kubin ye • terday ! : revealed a portrait on : the my1tery donor be-: : hind the Qaeen,land: • Art Gallery· • aequl • I-: : lion of £133,000 worth uf • : ,•aluahle palntlp11 In i : Lond<"1 latt May. • ie WHO? · : . . : 11 looked llke a : i g:ln~: 1 .. 0 :ui"J~:, ~:~:1~: :u. : : ~lr. Rubin ••Id h• be-: : ll• •••d he had a 1enulne: • Ruben• palntln1 for: : Queen,land "hlch • : would "•llr thr art: : • •orld.'' : : It mlrht appear In an: • art 1aUery run on : : proper lines. certainly• : not 6n a commercially• : : spon,mrrd cultural: : ct!ntre. h r. "fal,t, : : The palnlln1, \O'hlch: • had hcr:n dl,i;co,•er,d • : In llmoda, " 'a~ worth a: : slx- llJC"ure ,sum, he 11ald.: : i\lr. lluhh• aald a new: : ,trt enIler,· could ra111ly: • he e•l:o hllsh•d lhrOlllh. • ,,rh•a le donHtlorH. • ~A,~ RARE ART PIECES HAD ARMED ESCORT An armed policeman stood guard at the Queensland Notional Art Gal– lery today as philanthropist and art collector Mr. Harold Rubin removed port of o collection of silverware. The collection comprises 18 English and Scondinavian pieces which Mr. Rubin lent to the gollery last June. l\lr. Ht1hl11 :iskr•d 1111' r>olu·1•ma11 . Co1J~1niJIP f '. ,I. Broome. to nroduce !~~·;.f' J>lf1\~/l :1 :~d .:.~:;-,... Joockd . Cutt"'.l:11.JIP Broome : a id II ....... 1111' (ll'Sl time h e Imel b('f'll nsk1•cl I0 1>rod ur•1• h b uis1ol 011 a J:! llll l'cJillt.: II SSil! IIIIH'11 l. ~lr. Hubin ,:old lhal ht•t•aus,• or th1· s bt" Jlmilalion uf drpo"it ho:u•s lu Uw , ault~ or Clur1•11sl:111tl 'l'rtt'4lrrs l,ld . 111• " :"' lakinr:: uul.,· 111111• 'il11a ll Urru-. worltl f:'1111111-. t·ollrt'l iun ur Ih«• ~lar,1ui!j of Ort• dalb:u1r 1111d :a , mall ••a rly Gror,tl;tn slhrr !'lalvrr. JI.fr . Rubin left Ill Lill' :.: nlli-•ry'!'\ r11stodv four sl lvc, cnncllestlck., . Lwo s11\'rr lAlll:ro rcl,. 11 11ll1 cr r1tur),• muzer bowl. n G 1•oq:w 111 s1lvrr ~a11N·· 1,n n ,111<1 a col'r rrd sliver lJOWI. Jll r , l111hln sn ld he woul<I I {)flllllll{' lO wilh• rl ruw 01.tJr,·t.-. or hi:-. Ill'! rollt'C"l iun Oil IOflll l o I IH' '!fl llt.•r,\· b r1·11 t1St• or till' T h,· ollwr n111• wo11lcl l'lrnoLI<: N t11d lll(m~ 1•~ls1 - ·"-lj1\· t••mJHtl'lll'II\' Ill 111,, lrtL:. al Pl't'"it•nt r\l'I G .dl,•1 V !- •rn rr... I tit• 11:, .. 011 ln1111 ,,. 'J h ,· :\ rl C,.1 111•1\' f >1rr f•· thr i:::.1ll1•ry 1 hout to ln1 . ,\ l r I ll .1111 11 -.. wtin itt-m,., itwludi111: oil 1,• ... a: 11,•d 111:-1 \V,·,11 11•Mt:i v 11:,l11lir11:._, «·rr:111111·-. aud lrt 01ul 1'"'' :1 •,111i-.1 11 pro- 1 :o.lhrl'wur,•. no .. 11 ! tn lrw 111p11111l 1• 1tw 0 Ar 1 Gnll,•1\' 111 n ,·0 111 • H PE . j ., 111,·r,·1nll \·-.,uo11 •01 ,•d Cul · I lll .I I C L'I\I l'I' 111 Ill!' AUl ,1111,· G ,,Hlr 11, ,:ml The State Government hopes for a satisfactory solution :::::',' ", ,'?,';,•,:,.:.;', 1 1 1 1 1 1 •; 1 ,,\?'~;~ before the end of this week ._ t·:<lll'llll'I \' 1:111· I C rt h 1 11 '' l \'1",ti·1d;1\ lunlif'n• '"" \ clt·l'l idl•·.; Suulh ;\us trall:an ,::tl• Guard arranged 1 1111,ori-,·rl Ill,· Ecl 11•·11t1<111 l·',,., 111.11 of .-1 11/ • I irrv by director ~111 ,.. 1(•1, Mr Plu,·v In The Q11,•,·11, l1111rl ~al- ~i; Hai nes ,\I i Jl., in ·!\ •-mid l hnl · l11kf• r·,•1tu ln rH't10r1 \\'1111111 t,·n· d tri·t·lor. :\l r J·Ld n~s. ~f'\'{•n IIL•ms ~rn t lU Adfl • IJ1T 111 ..... of l llf• \',i llir o f lilt· 1w~l (,•w <la.v-.. wl111'11 , ntd a1!l 11H11t h t h (' ln lclr t h, · ,,,.ll,•1·111111 h,• 11:id nr- It bf•l h•v":o. mn,· :o.Ol\'l' lh,· Q11f•1•111-dn n<I i·n\lN·tlon ot tor I.Ii i •1•(1 h l l' 111,, 11r m NI COIILl'O\'t'l'!<i)' I ' I • 1>01 : 'i'IIHIII lo 1,,. on flll t ": Mr. l'inry will not h1 1111z1•i.. w:i-. !-lllRII lL Wl\S uctu,,I lll 111,• •:,1Jl1•1,· \\11111• :\11'. ,,.,·,·11 1 wha t thi• ,1r llu11 h\' fat lfh· tw.-.t In All5· ruon•. H 11H1111,·111 m ,:c1 t/u• l"ll ':1•1. 1~. 1 tt' 1111 l T hr hronzc~ on loan \\ ., r1• f'or , 111• r11·s1 111111• 1ht• 1 werr R hflltd nnd dnnccr T hr -.lh·rrwu r·r ,·r ~ Q1wl'11s1t1nd Nn11011,t1 A1l l fi r 11ttltf that h.,.,,reusr 11.v DegnM, l\ hust portrntt 1110,•r1I 1 •111111,ri,,•d 11 ,rt Onll1•1 v lrns 11•111 -.1•,t·11 or tlu•lr lrr1•11l111·1•n hle or hl:; wife by Renoir. 11( , I,: t lliu hdlrnu 'iU lt I hro11u; 111 l fllCC'f•-. 'J'lwv ,·1Ju.. '"'o ulhrr hruntt two ltf'nds find l\ bw1l l,y 1r.•11rh,•r-, ,,.,,. ,lumr. 1 tio v,• l11•r11 lent to the ll ems wrrr 11111 ln..tudrd I E1>•t~l n nnd n full rlcurr '"""llr s111u111, rrom thr oull1~•~tr11ll~ Art In 1hr l11a11 In 1hr lJv ~ndln