Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, O. , r, ..J Theatre and art shows for visitors BRISBANE cultu,ol groups have ar• ranged prrformancc1 of Australian plays ond art t1hibition1 to coincide with the International Federation of University Women's conlc,cnce. 'l'ilr <·ont1~n•11i-,• \\'lnd1 i Ill I ' Ill\ ('l'l\11 \ i.:rnch11ttf's hn,·r bt'"II nl · lr:tcled, 11·111 be ltrlcl HI t lie Q11r r.11slnnd t · 111,·1•1 i-11 v ~:t ill l·'rula,r un til All !,!t1s'1 'l'Wl"lfth Nli,.:hl T l1r :1l l'f' Will 1H~1 lon11 A On 1111• ul 1'u111hcrs ,, 11111•11 h\' Aw,– t rnllnn ffohrn A 111us 11 11d !-('( nL :111 l111 rrr1Hli111111I congress at an :\11:-,11·a !u111 Hlli\'('r.sity. w·1•~tiuf:!~'-''.r~~~ !-~u:~>l',~:1 n i,,:~~ rtn v for pcl'formn111•p~ on .'\11~11s1 ~I. :.!:l, 2fi. 27, :J.H :rnd September t. 2. 3 and 4. Revue repeat Tiu, nris bn 111• Art.c; "hcn tr1• will 1,::1,·r rr pf'nt 1crfornrnners nf t hr1r re· \'Uc, nun, Run . n,111 tn•• 111orrow Fridav S11L11rdn~• r ve11 in~S and · On At1 Rt1SI 4',G AIUI 27, On AUJ.;USl 2:1. :.!·l. :.!5, Ihr rhr.nl re will prnchu•f' 'J'hC' i\'tnvor of i\t11cknd11ln h,\' AuSLralmn nrnc \' m·r . Roth prnd11c·I inns will tnkc nh11:c al thri r Petric Tr r– r:we I hC'n I l'C. 011 f'C(fllf"St Of Dnrnrn Art nnrt i\l 11sk rourr-:1f' r , Dr Orl'trurlr LAll!!C'I'• Ch·c crlllrr1rc. will show ; •;'\~~:t~mis. I The Queenslnnd l\l'I Gnller\' will hn\'P n i,;how– tng or' pnlnt i11Ai:. from Its ,·ollecl inn nnd the Morr– ton Gnllcrv one or Au~trn– llnn arllst:s. The ,Jnl111slnnc Gallery will rxhlbit pn1ntln~s b)'I Arthur Boyd, Charles 8lnck11rnn. nnrt I.n11renre ~t\~,:i~11~c~11~s k~ 1 i1J~l~~-.~ Schlllnm. The Quccnslanrl Con- I t.cmporn I y Art Roclel \' hns rnlierl ll s e~hlblt,1011 or pot-1 l lrrv rind Rl'I. Arllst ·s Own Artist s It will be held In Finnc,·S Auctit ori11m rro1111 Alll!USt 2:l to Atu;ust :.?8. Al. the Darnell Gallery nt. the Q11een.slnncl Unl-1 vcrsil y will be n11 r~l1 lbt– tlon · nl nbnrlginnl bnrk pnintlni;?s nnd lrn~t nnd contcmpornry p:1 nUn~s. J,ocal nrl lsls, inr l11rlinL! Har<>ld Lone. F'rnnk dr Stl\·n. Irene Amo~. nn<i Ell,,nbel,h Tront. wlll e,– hlhlL I heir llll In! ln~s Al the LIU le Gallery, Ken– more Brisbane, 0 . ' • ... ;,; . J EDITORIAL We r1111 •~•st L ET 11, fa,,,. ii - 1/uN•n~land now h11s 11,,. mrlun– «·hol~· «lislirlC't ion nr hf'in~ llrn nnh· Slate 111•\f'r In 1111\ ,. ·huilt 1111 nrf t:allt•r_v. Aclr l11 idr ;innounces a 1t rl\' ! I million l"cstiva l or Arts Hnll , In he nddrtl tn Ihe recent ll 7 I.noo 11rldition to its 1\':11io11a l Art r.a llery. Tli~ ,\ rl Gallery 111 :-:>·drH',· 1r:. g-r 11ing A new t ~,in.non win;:. Mcl hnurn c 1s ;:et.ting n lll'nnd -new ( S millinn Gallery and Centre : nrw Ga llery rxlrni,.i,,11 , npC"nrd enrlicr tl11s yrar. l'CJSI ( 185.000. 1-:l'rn rdat i\'el,I' small rn1111II'\' l n w11s Rfe do– ing h;•t l cr thnn Eris. hn ne. \ 'iclnriR alone baa ninr prnl'ineia l n rt gnl– lr ries receiving State lin"rrn mrnt support. ,\ nd Rrishane is still ma kin e:- cln with the con- 1·rrled· hnll nf th e old hard-In-gel-to Museum, where rnnf nnd win- l rlows leak durini; sl nrms nnd \\'here paint– ing-s nre rln mngcd by huntirl il\· and smog, A pn;pr.r gnllcr_,. wne proposed ns n Centena ry Year project in 1959. Another proposal has hccn made for a gallery as pnrl nf the Roma Strert-Civic Square reconsl ruct ion. But not hin;: tangible has comr of il. so far. How much longer does Brisbane have to I.rail nloni; behind Warr– nnmbool and Mildura - Brisbane, O. ..J -- .... J (),1!t,;..,,. \...•.- .,; -~ 1Wa 1 nted-a new site :for cultural centre I pr.,\i\' S for 11 (luct•nsland «·11lt11ral «·entrr -in«'lmlinl!' 1111 nrt 1mll!'n--i11 the llnmain, al tlw lnll'rr r111I of 1.«:>11.ri.r1• Sln•c l, h11v!' hrrn ahandonrd. Thr l•:d111 ·:il inn ~li11i::. lf"r 11rn1 1wt'd t hi~ \'f'SI ,\rda \ n ft r r jl II" Q11 rr11s l:1 ,;rl A l'1 ( ;;1 il<' f'\' I rui-:1 rr~. 1\l r P-,nrv .-.11rl !h.1 ' llr' .C:.11 I.Pn11 ...:11d b ,I 111:.:lir ;i nr! 1hr 1r11.•t "r•, ll:Hl ril:i r nn 1rlr•:1I •.:111nr1n11 f111 :,e,,or(I t l1,1 t 1h r, nrl.!111,,11•, ;i llf'W 1 11 Jr1 1 r; 1 J ,·rn t l'f 1 111·n11n'-rrl ,,w ,. wn i. 11 11 1 ~ill:• wonlrl br 111 t lH· nr"n 111 - , hlr. rlr1drrl 111 1,,,, 1<1111: n r"n!r fl1w flf rlw m;l\n rr•n -.1 ,r1 , q1rnrP- lr 11 m :i ~ ·n •rr rlr– \\'il '- r!rn l IH'\\' 11,,Jt w pl,111• \ f'lnp111r 11r :-d 1r 11H• fnr 'l hwlndrrl :111 r-..: p lt''-·l\ ,11 l'! \'Ji• 1•r11·r1· ,1/111'h wn11lrl r,;, ..., 1·: 11 ••· I" ··111 "-111·11 nr. :11 f•:i , I IH' 1111· prnpni.r•rl r11l 111 r;1l 1•1·11~ 1·1111 111:-il 1·,•n 1r" ',\·111lld tw 11 r '•t!f• / f",lth !\ 111·tr., 1hlr- 111 ,,,.. :\f r P :11,•\' . 1 111 '!l.1 111111111•." h" .•,:11d. \\',1:. l,nprd lll' , , 11· •· In !\'IJ\'1'111hr1 . lflfin, th r rrn1lrl hr r, ,•,1h : !1rrl l.1' 1"' G11n•n11111'11I :1n11nunrrd In 1111 " 11111rr • 11 1 ir• • 1111111,1,,1)-: 'o 1 ,.1 11hl1~h , 1 11··:1d1h· n,·:111:lhl" In h 1 j 1 fiOOM111 1·n!•111r i•rnr,r 1111hll<' 1111 t 1d111:.: n11 ;11 1 c,i!Jr 1• .1 r , h" !11\\, 1 ,-nrl nf Cir11n:r "Isolation" "'"'"' , ;\l 1 l' lt.'t'' :,wl 1!1,,t--.....--•-..,..--,.-,.~..,._. ~\lf'l'll::Oln nd A 1'1 lin 11.-:·, Tru-.frr.c. prr\.,lrl••111 '·°'11 1.,rnn Tro11t , nL!J ,·r•d r11111 hr1•n t1!-f' nt 11w "rrbr1,·1 1.1tnl:11 1nn" nf th r nriL!lllll , lir, ir " nlln11dn11111,•111 ';. ... ::~•t~:.~~i~'\~:, :.~~J: 1 1 :tn ll\'('~'{~ 1 ! ,~• :J> r r lnp111rn1 Brbhn nr , to mention Adel-