Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THE COURIER -MAIL FRIDAY OCTOBER 8 1965 :I ·New city' plan gets 'mixture' By a Stall Reporter A :\ amhitious 1>h111 lo Jd\'e Brisbane a new "heart" has won the at– tention of the State (;11\'ernment and 1>rai:-;e of Quet.'nsland ('harnllt.'r of Manufactures. hut ha~ hecn c·old– ' shouldered by Brisbane City Coundl. I Th,. t:i l)' L'o11 11l'il has 11nt y(•I nfl'idall,v :1t·l< 111m·lcdgn J rc-,·r•ipl of t h~ pl:111. 'l'llis l.c; clr.;pilf' tllf.• f.1r1 that n ;,;(•itlor CnbllH't .\llll - /iSlt'/' snlcl Jas l \\"C'Ck : "J wm.1lrl \\ i1lll 1.1 .~rf' 1l1csc Prllll'lj.)lf•.,; m 1p1P111c ntcr1 lll anr plnn of Brii,bnnf'." ,\ ut hor nf t he pln11 Is a rcl11t,•c1 Mr. Anh11r I3l1µh. of lhP Br1~1!n11l' llrm ol Bllgh, Jt--.!-Sllp, Brrtnull, nncl 1-':tl'IIH'l':1, J\('c11rcl111g to l''Xper ien ced plan111:rs, It riors 1wt l11 tcr– frrC" with the ('OllllCll 's plan for the C11 y Sqlrnrr. nor Ihe \Vllbur fi rnil 11 l ru Ifir ltr!fl~~v:~\ 1~1\\:· requirn." 1 l1c C1L\' Coundl rcsumpt10H o/ '11!111ost all buildlngs in the nrca hounded by Albert StrcN. lo the north. North Qun,v 10 the south. Ann SLrrrt , on t.hr rnst, and Tnnk Sll'C"<•t. n11r1 Honrn Sl!'('('l. n il Ih e \\'f'Sl . The ~!, .. ~,?.o~~dsWJll!d ! br mor,, thnn lfi ncrrs nncl I the L•sl imntccl co.-,t. or re- 1 s11mption~ would Uc in.ore Lhnn 3.8 1111111011, hut It is ur~e<I tllut, Lhe ('OllllCil would recoup its ouLJny / fl'om private de\'clopcrs and the 1111 .. ··euscct \'aluc IJl'CI\ ter J)J'OSJ)Cl :1,y of the arcn. Tllo schemr prL tdc. .., a balnncrcl dcvclopmc11L \\"iLh trnnspon fac111Lu!s and I J)arkln~. :-tl1oppini;. hoLr ls, rcst nurnnts, 1•ornmcrcinl 1 nnct gorcn1mcntul offices, rc~ldcnt lnl IJlock.~. placcsj lo sit. nno nlncr.r.; 1,0 ndmire r llr \·1cw - topprd up by a / ·ullw·n1 ccntir \\'tlh i::ml– lcl'y. theatres. and facilities for nllied art s. I 'J'hc Qurcnsland CIJnmber or Manufnctures president i Mr. B. T , Tun!r~n said lnf-it night. thnt 1hr ch:11n• ber's co1111cl1 hact ai::rcf'd Io s111mon Ihe pl'lnciJ~1lr s of ~!fisrnu,t~~~; 1:\:iri~-;a ls.. li:?;~ up·· 1 he city anet provide bndty -ucccled residemint, nncl shopplni;:- facil itlc..... c,,T 11 ~1cl!~-~~>0-\n1~~ di~Vil~l71~ 1 Smith anct As~ocintes· Lrnn~pornt.1011 pln11. Sent letter Cl~~:~·11~~~ 11 ~?' ~.r::~u\ 1 !~~-lh~!~ hnd SClll n if:ltcr In Ilic Trcns111·cr IMl'. Hile,·1 pn~s'ilng ii s SllJ)l)OJ:I Mr. Bli~ h 's µInn. I Mr. T 11111<,r .snlcl lil:11 lhe 1 i,lnn w n~ ,1r~lrnblc brr•aw•r it <!Id not fn,·011 r "1Jirc;e. 1mral clrvclo1mwnt" and 1\\'rl.') well CO· orctl1111lf'd, J .. . Brisbane, Q. . '-. -~ '. "C01JRIER MAIL" Brisbane, Q stops a,·t •·1· O O W O O M 8 A Mt Socic-ty mcmbert arc nn tcntcrhooks ovf!'r the g,cateif rcspnn,ihility hod : the y ha.,.c r..,.r., loolic in'J aft er morc than £20,000 worth of a,t ''trcn-.urct ." :, rr Sr• Jf•I r p l 1',!fl1•11l •\ ,j n 111r\.,1•~•• Rile! Sf'\ P· r nl u1l1e 1 111r111hcr~ ~IPt-'Jl al :--011111 C"ttll!-.. Rrntr :-:-1'1111.-'tl 1n111!.! l11 a11c1 111111111')11\\ mchl I n l!llnl'Ct 1111' p u 11llllll,!/\ 0 1U'l'll:--l;1llct :\ l't r, ri !le! ,\' IJ·,.., ll"tl! JO Jllllll l lll'.!!– •,\'11'11 i1 111o n • !ha11 ~li'l.OtlO l<il' l"l l 1"\ lll hl l !Pll f 111rll 10 :1 Ill I 1 10 p Ill. HI 1 11,, :-•·l1,1nl nn S,1f111ri,-n• i1nn S• mtln.,· In HCtd 1I 1, 111 pn111 t1 11L:.c: IJ:in" hrr11 rl11nalrcl rnr .1 hC" h'.. n rll Olr·~.snn /\ri ( ,;1 1• lcrv in Jrn11n,1r ol the piP:-i•nt hr:1d tradwr Centenary T l1r 1•x hll111 1n 11 hf'lll l.! hrld a~ rnl rt nf ! hr ~CJH)O\'!-- t 1•1\IPllRJ'\' 1·r\p. h1nt1nn!-i. l'Hlllli!1t:!!-i (Ill f. ht i\\ n\CI' lhr wcl'k•cnrt induclr \Vi llin111 n Ar~1r·:- ":\lbrrt NRllli-t l ,lirn." \Vllll::1m 1 Dnbcll'~ "l·lrc1 1Pv R . :\ tn1:-to11,'' '.\·1nr!.!nrc1 OIJp,·'i.: "l .rmnns n11d Oinii~f':-.'' nuct n nssrll Drvsdnlr'!- " J"\iH'k \"rr- fll1<in11." Fur lht• l\.;,th Oil-ki,;1111 .\rt (i :dlt•r~·. 11:1lnlin:.:.~ ha-.•r hrc n 1l111mlr d h.-.· !'IC\'f'• ral artists anrl 1·1~llr1•lol'~ i111'h11lim: llrlan \\ i~llams, Orn•i,I Fnwlrr, I·ranc•ls ,le Siln1 Alastair G_raL ltal11h \\'r11i,nrr, : l\_f'n– nrlh :\1af.•1111N•n. \\ 111mm Uu!-.tard. R. S . Murra ,·. nnrl nun Fr,at hrrst_!!" .'::...