Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Art gallery to Cabinet RUBIN IN TALKS Q BJECTIONS to the proposed Cultural Centre to be built in the Botanic Gardens will be discussed by Cabinet today. 1 1·l111ot1c 1·1rc1• 111,t11 11,·,,.,_.. IL The Ed~cation Minister I Mr. Piz~cy l '.';:j; 11 ,, 1 '';\?"!,-.';;;);\;·.,d, 1 ":,1 agreed to bring the matter before Cabinet po1111<ls. after o two-hour conference yesterday with ~lr. 1t111J111 tuuk the uni millionaire art collector Mr. Harold Rubin. w11 h 111111 .'". !1!s i11tcrncw A11' Piz · ·, 1 \\1111 ,\J1. I 1a , , . , ; . ,7.t•.,·. Ill \'! t•t l_?ohPrl J1 11111L'S 1 , wl10 l'C!• It. b; 1111ders100ct that Mr. 11 . hu1J111 lo d1 se11Hs lh c ,~1i-:n11cl l:1 1 ,1 \\1•1•k 11~ a pn,• Pizzt·v sought to 1·onri11cc ·cnlrc a nd ils effects ou !tc.-;L, it giun:-.t lllc <·cn tn•. :\Ir. i(ub111 thuL n new url I A l G I) . . I 0 11 S:1 t11nl11y. Mr. Hub111 gal lery would be fully 1 e r U Cl :\ · s11i<1 thnt the "d isgust over catrrl'<I ror 111 the C11lturnl \Vith ri.-tr. R11b1 11 wns the Ihl' present ro11duct. of C1•11Ln-' rL Gnllcry director 1Mr • lf1111·s·· 111 •I L 1· IL I • ·1" ' I g I esu 11 .. ~II' H :11m•s JOI IH'<l In the n:\\: RrL _gn llC'ry, under lnt.Lc,: pal'L ~f the t·oofcr- Plh !tl" RU,!-iptrcs. bC111A CS- ()lll'C yestercl:q·, but cllll'lll~ tabJ1slwd Ill Queensla nd. iniost of thr. timr wait re.I 111 ·Chaotic' II 11eurby ollkc. I lll• dcclmcd to L'Onflrm YPSt.<'l"dRy, Mr. Rubin nr dc11y that hr IJnct been \\'ILhctre,,· from till' art ortcrc<l n 1ww post. s.allcry R C h ine!il-' bron7.t' "All r rn 11 sn\' 11\ that I ritual vessel wh1d1 llr prr- lla\'f' :,;ix monthS to ch1u1~r. sc11tod Inst J u n e o n lonn. 111 _y mind nboul lcnv111g the 81 ~~ ~i.:! 1 ~c ,~~;~~~1ct;;~~~ Lit~~ ~nllery," he sa id. CllllSC Ill ··•t ill• pre.s1•11t Ass11ra11ee ,;,-1' Mr. Plzzey snld yc.~ter– dny l h:d the Stnlt• G ov– t•rnt111.:11t hud no intention tlf SJ)OI ISOl'ill!J' cnmmrorclnl "'fi •~ _,. . I , .I MII, ,..Im 1·1i11l111w1I " " ,lirt•c•• lor of th,• C.hrn.--11.-luud Art c;11llc•ry 1111111 "-'Cl!"· "''ilh 1h1• Chinu••• hron7.t! ritunl ,·1•8fic•I "'·hirh mil– linnnir•• nrt 1•0ll1•t•lor (Mr, llnrolcl Ruhin) hn• willulrn" n from the •nllrr'.''• dlsplny.,; al lhL• proposed 1 111•w Art Gn ll1•ry. I "Nern ut un,· tl m1• h:1.. -., 11 h1·cn ~111,:.gc~tt!d that the gn llcry be w;ccl fr11· ,'ill eh ! Plll'IJO,"\C/\,'' he sn it.l, "'J'imf• nnd tlmt.• ugnin I j hare ~i\'Cll till' IISStHnllce I tlrnt Ille Art Gn llcry's 111- terc, ls will be fu lly prn– tcclt•cl."' Mr. Plzzcy snid. "It will be tile gn llcry trustees who will drcldc wl1nt will be shown or dis– played." Brisbane._n,.,, - · · 2 _G_A_L_LEll ART LO~~l•• Millionaire philanthropist, grai:ier f M H De V. Rubin, today withdrew two am• Qu av:·r a· century old hom the Queensland t, Gallery. . a protest He took this action as . t "the present chaotic circum• a9a1ns at the Art Gallery followin~ th~ stances Oirector, Mr R. Hatnes. resignation of the J-h• !-.rt lcl he wus rr.m: otTr r of t.iOOO ror th~ :,&<lt!rlng withcl111v: mi.z 11:1ir. hut tlu•ir v:.a lu_. 40 vth l'I' ohlC'Cl!-i ol i lrnd sinre rist•n al 1t•~1,l ,d,olll I f° itc lo11n to ' lh·c times. . ,ll t on, ltll~ ~ in tncltu.lln!! ' The pnlnLings •1.·,•ri• -,H. llw t.:,t 1 c 1 Y. . rnd two or the tnosl f :u1Mth p:llnL~n~s: _ce.r,n1n1cs • \bullet dnnccn; ul llh.' ~ :-1l\'Cl \\:l ll . ., " F1 1\'\· 0 Pidurr !1.hO\\'S lhf RCllllllh, C Cl ,l - · c· ( '01wr1• 11;.;intin::-. 1 C('rilo and ~1 m••. IJ - ~II' Ruhin ~-micl t~,,• perr. t ll'.0 ;,.1 pa i111in•es wit;'". Chinese urn d1"1w11 tuct:1.\' ,•:t•n · >' d t n.:,,.. 0 ,. r:111 ,•11 . court remove , oo p:dnt1· r t1, Gt•t,r~c Ill. Yc~tcrd,1.\' :\ l r . ~11 1 Hi :\1r. l(uhin said that withdrew u Clltll.'-'~• i• l !H l ht• rch1sNI an 1,ron1.e r itual ,·t•:-.:-;,•I 'l.'i\\1: 1_ .,. its " irn•plac..•a l)lt• :1n ·:altwd nt ti1ou~:u ,ct-.. pnuurls." . Mr Huhin took t\\.,· lit wi th him for 1:1~ 11t1 1•r ., IC'W wit ll tlw Eclue~1l111~ .\linbtvr. ~l r , P\ 1.·,1,,•,1.·. ·:,•-.. 't·rc~-~~in .v l\lr. ltuh~n l1•1:t the Art (i:11lrry \\'l_t h In.: wlf,•. carh ,·a rn 111:: •' 11:1inlim.: . H<• lt!O!t tl~1•rn tn his h 1 mw . Hot1~1·, H11miltt1n llt' ~u id llP c·un: 1t.l1•1'•·. JI ll('Cf'S'-:l r ,\' I t\;1 t -..,3,· 11r1•(•iuu!, itPm:-- •11 hnuld IJ1, r,•mn~•·d tit,· ,\ rt G:d k1:;. Tilt· tr 111 ... p• ' t I 1· r ,lllllf'S lfl \ 1)\; ,•cl I' 11 ,·1 I p,1d.:111;: ,\ 111111111• d·d 'I •' ,u,· ' 1 111 • ...,1, 111 In t i\1• .\ 1 t li ,dl,· ,it f ., ,\·ni Id IJt• 11l.11·1·d IP 11 lwnk ·..., ·, ~111\r :\ fr . Hubi 11 .,,1 itl I., 11 • 1 1 !it:-. wlft•. -.·.1111 tlw t ll , - \ t t -.it \' \ "1•·•·· 11.1 iw Ho1!· P 1,)frS~1)1' ~1•1lt1t1f'II, 1{1 :-.In•. ::;cl!o111·ll. \\1 uld 11 lt•tlcl II \)1\\,111' ll lllll•' t partv :t L lih' Clt.\' ll.111 L g liL Wil li lilt• Luh t ,\~ 1\ia~·or. Alcl . 0 1UOtl\, to'- 't.~ M.nL,. Cl.L:QOW...