Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"COURI EP. MAIL" Brisbane, O. 1 1Mii/i'df:il 1 il@Sfidii Varied techniques THIS .,·ear 's llich11r1ls .\lcnwrial E:1;hiliiliu11 at lhe (!ucL•nsl11nt1 .\r1 (;alll·r.,· i.~ ,·aril•tl 111111 s liniulaling-. It brin,:s to not i<-c nrn e- 1, prn, 1rlcrl hy lh- Richards exhibition tnlcntcd young lo,·a- Kolokow,.,ki. Alll•Jlll! l\'rJt•1d a1J . 1r;1 rr 11111 1:. somp nf whom I!-< ~litr~o l.ewrr,· 1111 r• h JH'f'- cx hihit ,-.rJ here IJ\'r nnci m m·l11;.: 1111, 111 rr – Arnoru: thc..,p 1,.., A111hrr HIiu. \\'hn~c a wr,rrl-\1·1nJ1111,..: "Supcnrn l" lb Ihe br..st n( hb cnt rlc:-. n ll nf wl11t·l1 trnnstnJL n ll'Jt ll.!,cc11rlr11t nl content. Texture New media nucl 1 rr t1- 11lqucs. nm,· w1drlr u:-.rrl. hnvc ., timuln1,,c1 new in– ,,cntivrnrs,. wh ich 1, ~cC'n also in Ehn·n 1.,·nn·s rrn• original ni1ef ·:,;rn~11H·rly worker! tcxtu rr p:1ln1 1n!..!;-- HJs "Moonrtonc" lu•,·r 1~ it ll– othcr of h 1:, hcrm .. rfr lmRRcs, less oprn In in tcl- lectunl lnt crprctallnn 1ha11 Bllu'.s. Torn sacking. chnrrJnq, and sollJng has Inst much ot lls lnltlnl shock : Gle~– horn'• cf!ect.lvc ''Tnmb-Tar– qulnln" strikes one ns lc,s unique. Amcmi: a. 11111111.ler nf pnJn tln~., conccrnrd With outer ~pnce mysteries 1 .. Don Layr.ork's ··znnct." Which glows in r lfukcn t hues, handled With authority. Subtle Back lo earth. we have MoM~•• cxrcllent "Portrait ot a Publican." fi rst n,,a ull– lni; u~ wlt.h clo:.,c-110 con- 1 trontntlon nnd then JnvlLlnµ close lnvcstlqntion Into n most subtle ,vay ot palntlnq. Contcmpornry Rcnll, m ("Pop" nn Is a name that often docs not q11 Jlr hll the nail! Is represented b.v lhe quite arrcsttnµ works nr ftllohael Shaw a.nd Mnrra.1·– Whlte. The nnl \lc "nrt people" Is seen Jn the chnrmhH! Wol'k or Fardoul.u and Calllns. Alexander Sadlo combines Ideas from Fut,urlsm nnrl Optical Arl nnd a slrnn~ challenge Lo our optical :-cn1l'<f 1: rrrn., l 111ro l)N ' 'l \'C', f,111. ~Iii.ta 11··.. IJr J:! r 1111 c1 Jnl'(' • 1111•111 , .10l111 ,\1,11"1«1 rl 1;,plit n 11 harnrpw ... ,.,1.-un llr\ ,1f cnl– n111· illlrf n1 ~'11rn.: CUl' \C.li Ill ..Pro,,prrtnr " I.Jo.,·11 Jtrt>~ Ill ''S IJJ'f! f' n ( rJir Sr:1" 11w11c~ rnntcmpln– linn. \Ve .1ih:1rr the pocti – ru l lllll.'-lllt-:.-i of ,iJcf ace. Jnclerrl. 1hr11> nrr 111an,v mnrr w11rt'1wh l!P p:11111111.,:;., here thr111 r111r C'flll 111c11tio11. anrf 111110 11 '..: tlwrn nu• ill• l"luclrc1 "OII\C "f'f'II 111 81'1,\– l),111r lnt <•l\' "llf'h n~ Hlark– nrnn•~ Mal!ll'. ··nro t111cnor" an,! ( 'nnnnr'." cxpre~slo11!.f,jtfc ··n n111. Lonn ." Thr IlntTry Drawtn,:: CompctJtlon, nll-lo on view At rllr Q11ce11:-lnnd Gn llPr)'. hA~ been wn11 l.>) 1 Aland'~ Frr.11- rlln11-:,;11rrc11 l " P ro,-.,prctor," a wrll-\\'l'Ot1gl11 r)('1,Jg11_ There nrr 01.hcr clr!;c/'\'fni.: r!rnt,·h1c~ lu:rc. 1101ahl.\' hnrr Sii,.:ell's 1110!51 srn. .,ftl \'C pcn – ll11r ,,·nrk."' nnct Ciardnrr·~ r·lcn11. :-ophlsl icntcct l11splra– tinns frnm lnnci~cnpc. Both cxhibllinns will he 011 vie\\' untll Nnvrmbr. · '' Brisbane,