Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

YOUNG AR'fISTS T 1-IE 24 children in the crea tive art class at the Queensland Art Gallery wouldn 't miss lessons for anything . T )11•l:- tcadler, :\11·~. '.\l;1r1-::11•4•l :\h·~••il snHI 111:11 \Ju• d11 ldrt·n \\'l'l'I' -.c111111.., nbolH I ht'II' ;\1'1 all cl n•,tlly 111,1dc• I lw mo:-.1 o l l ltf' l l' lt·:--•,1,11:,. Tl11 i:.u llcr v h.1!-1 lll·••n ('"!llltwl1m.: l'11!1cln•n·s l'l'L~illl\'l' i\l'l l'ln ... ~1•:,. l(q• :.!O , e:11 :-. nnd :\Jr.-;. i\h·Neil ha~ ht•t•n t1·a1 ll– ln:-: w r 11 y<•111·s. :'\n exhibit !0 11 of I he d1i ldre11's \\Ork will be Jwld at the Quccnsl;111cl AJ'l (i:1llery 011 \Vc d11c:srluy , 01•c1•mh<'1 1, ·r11c IJlrc·clor tlf Pri111arr E<i1u·:1111,n. Mr. A, F.. Gu•ym<-r. will op1·11 the cx 1 1ihi1irn1. t Edwina Cunningh·.Jm, 9 , ot Kcd,on putt the finishing touch to her pointing of the Christmas tree, \ ., ' . .. ..1'!¾.m· • .. _, ~t-~(/ . · l ~ _",&;. L I \ \ Vi while Bloir Murdock, 9, of Cotindo • and Mrs. McNeil wotch . ,., ~.,._ o l I l1t' i'l11liln•n \\ li11 t.!.t1 1 o ·•...1'11onl 1•1H h :"),IIU 1'1!,1 , 111,,1·11 11 11..' 1 :111!.'.1' I I1)J!l X 111 1:1. I ll v rtlt•J Iii 111i11 111,· 1 Li ,..., ti1,· , l1il'1r1•Jl 11111~1 .,11 lrn1i1 ~111111 11 \ 1!1, 11 \\fll'i;. \1 1 \ )l(' t n t, 11'1!, nt l h\· 1..!itlh'r) 'I !If'.\' .ire t lw 11 ,.:hu.•,(•11 1Jll J!w 111t•n! s o f l\ll'lr \\1 1 1k , \ i 1·. ;\li'Nl'II :-;iutl l llal t lk l' l11ld1 1·11 di , llll:l !.!i ll:\t i\'P IJ:11111 illg ;11ld ,lt·:-ll' II , 111 111- , ut ~. 1 l:w 111tHh•llill".! i111c.l ;..:1011, p.11111 :n 1: T l)1•, :1r,· :1i\ 1'n rx1wric111.:c ,n :111 1, 11t·:- ,it p;1 11111no_:_. i\lr, !\1t·Nt·II ., n icl i h :11 1:11• :tilll .!J 1h~ l'\:\:-,:-.CS \\;h \II dt·,l'!np 1l1t•1r 1: 11.it; i11:11 lon . " I dq11 'i tc II I tw 111 \\'Ila! t11 d11 or lh 1W I o r!,1 it , f ,i l l',! mnl-:c .•11~~:l!~– t 1011:--," :\11 :- :\li'Nt·il ... :,id. "T ud;1 .\·. tllf-11 • 11l'l' f:lr too rnany vl:t~.._j':-, \\ Ju~: r d1 1ldn 'll ju -.t :-ll :•11d :i\,.-,,(1l'h rnll!t'I' th;rn h t•lli)..; J.:i\·1•11 lilt' uppon1111lt\· to cn.'nt,~." :-:lil' ~illd. 10 ,d r· 11.1, I'\ " p111ll lnc , .111 (1 I d ., I 1\111111 I I I I hi· 1•, h il,11 11111 1\ Iii, h , h t1\1, 1111• \\ toll\ p ( lli1• i llild1• II .111r ni! ini:- t h , .... ,1111 1!,