Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THE COURIER-MAIL WEDNESDAY DEC 29 1965 a Govt. ba·cks plan-for culture base in new city "heart" THE Education Minister (Mr. Pizzey) yesterday declared the State Government generally in favour of an ambitious plan to give the city a cultural centre and a new "heart." The plan envisages a cultural centre in Brisbane's heart with gal– lery, theatres, and facilities for allied 11 r r'' arts. Mr. Piney said there was strong feeling thot this cultural centre's develop– ment should be bound up with the future of the Roma Street area. He sa id a commiltee l,uca bou11clen hi' Alliert had been formed in Street. to 1,he norlh. North 195!1 lo rni~c fundH for 1~t':.'~tt l~n LIW,e ' 0 ~:!\·. ~:\~ a cultural centre aH a Tank Street and lloma centena ry project. SI{~~! ~:~eat 1 '/'s ';;~ii.;, than But an appenl could not Hi acres and the estlmntcd be lnunchen with the ~en- cost. or rcsumplio11 Is ernl plnnnlng for th•c morr I h an £3.800.000. Ex– Roma Street area. unde- perts say the council would 1 termined. recoup its outlny from priv- Author or the overa ll nte developers nnd the lr,– plnn fnvoured by Mr. Piz- creased value anrt grcntcr zey Is nrchllecl. Mr. Arthur prospe rity of the aren. ~r'1'h~iJi. t~~s~J~~bl'i'~t;, 1 ~[ Parks, seats nnll Pnrtncrs. The scheme provides it The Centemu_·y Appeal balanced dcvel~pment wit h Flnnnce Committee chair- Lrnnsport. fac1lltles and man CSlr Leon Trout) snld parkinf(, shopping, hotels, yesterday the Brlsbane restaurant~. commcrclttl City CouncH se\?mcct un- nnd governmrntnl ofllccs, wllllng to move on de- residential blocks, places.to veloplng the area. sit. and places to ndnnre "The old markets nren ls ll.lw vlew-1,opped bv a n most dc!ipondcnL nnd cullurnl centre with ga~– unslghtly area," he said. le zr. theatres, nnd lnd h- Sir Leon snld IL wns de- ties. for nllled arts. slrnbk' that the Govern- Srr· Leon sn ld the ~OI'• ment nnd the City Coun cil crnmcnt would :-;Hb!ilCllsc ncce!>t n compoSite plan I he cu lturnl centre t for ol t ,e Bligh scheme .;,d £ up 1.0 r~;;o,noo. the Wilbur Smlt,h report "If the Government, ~nd nncl ttC' th£"m tn wlfh the Ith~ r.rnmcil arccpt_ the Town Plan. Dl t~h schcmC' \\'(' w11J get pt new then t re nnct new Resumptions l~n llrry, b_ut if t.hcv _don't do ~o qu1ckl~ 1 I cnn t sr.e The Bligh scheme ac· us ~i,tt,inA ii, !or years," r.ord ln~ to ~xperlenced Sir Leon !-nlcl. planners, does not lnlcr- '•I\,tenn\\'hile f£"rc with the councll'i- plnn got " si te for I he cultural (or the Clt:i Squnrc. nor c·rntn•, n11d we ca n't, slnt'l (.he WIibur Smith trnlfic !an 11ppenl uni.II we hnvc lmpro,,r,mcnts. one. We r:un't ask the pub-1 'I ht~ schcn_·1e t•f'q11lres tile lie to contribute money council rrsumption of al- I town rds ft centre If we most nil buildings In the don't h n\'c n site.'' 'Brisbane must pay' BRISBANE shnulcl han, ;i i:ultural 1·entre, hnrne hy the 1wnple of llrishnne and not 11111 on the rest nf the Stal!•, Her Majesty's 'l'hentre manager ( Mr. (;cnrgc Pullen l said ycstenlay. Mr, eulll'll ~aid then• 1101. think A11strnll11 wn:•d Ughl ·o;rn (i!'OIIP, ~h oulcl De__i~o I nil on I.he de\'f•lonccl 1•110 11uh to sun~ lit t Jc, t hc:11 n's would b1• STot.e Cimcinmcnt. . oor1 n ~rntc thcnl1'1• nr 11--111kf11I to 11·tn' n cl(•1·rn t :-:h'~Ti~~ 11\;~ \\t 1 ~~ 1 u~ 1\ 1 '~ 1\ 1 cl~ tlw11trr :-. t1i;•n1rr tn wn;·k In. munlcinnl Jf'nl. nroridPd f:'nr ii $ ~1z,-. nml n 1 mu - "lf 1 hr•y hnd :-.omrthinc the nrnnle \\':HH 11." h l' lnr1on. A11.'-lrnlif! nh·r.:11cl\' 1 1ikr tl1l~ 11w11· s1,1nd111·ct. ~mid . 1 c:lld mtU"h l>rltrr m the w:w wo11ld 1111prorc nncl couk "Thrrl' doc~ nn1 rtl11JCill' i\1~:~~ ~1l~f'~l/i'~ri'1\~:.1n Unl1 ccl i~~~t,!~1n'i~lfi'1 fnrn:~;'1i•~ of 11 :r !~1~1 ·\; 1 ~'\~,\~!\ 1 1:~·:;r~sL:-': 1 Grt,al 11et•tl llri.sb~ ·,w." sighlccl nuuronch, II :-oml'• A Quccn:-lnncl I::llzn- 11l'nn 13adclf'IPY ...nld ,,1tr1 tlll1uz t.c; 11111 done t-oon c·11l- britinn Tlicairr Trw,t :\ ('11\ :111 :ilnrrl t.urr will be lo:-.t to f11tt1rl' rll reetor 1 De:i n Baclricll'\" o~ (J.t0.000. ,,er1nln t1.1lnp:. gcnrrnl.lons. sn irl 11 mnrtf' l'n · lhrno\,. ,, r.rr rs:-;flllrnl Onl' was an "Por vnulh lodnv,lcnpnblr• tll tn n~<)-~r nle prn- al'! i:nllrn :,nd nnnthrr a thcn tl'1' or c11J111rnl nro- inurtlons. \\':is t3n:-;bAl1P':- ,fll!•l-cJ11 ,s !l1r:1l rr . L!l'fl~~111\('1-i hnld no lnlrr- trr111rndn11~ n"r d. "R:11!f•t nml f1pr.r:1 :11'(' rsl. lw ~alrl. .. 1 11111 i·rrlnn, Urnt If 11,•,·.r1: :1 r·n11111wrdnl prn• "Fnt·L'inc ll1r ,·mine 1,1 lhrrr \\':i :..; n l hf"nlrr llf'l'C: po: 1r1rn1, 1111rl ! J1c~· 11.1,:_r In 111.trncl llll'n tl'" c·o11ld hn r 1· whkh nrortucrrl .-;nnrnlhinl! llu• ~11lJ.'-lrli. ,.,1 IH•11ril,v. hr two t•ffrclf. It woulcl _r•it lwr - n pr•ra . b:ilkt. nr nrnmn- sn id . rh 1 ,·t'lon n ln,·r ,,1 i.:ond :i ll 111,, ,·rn r nrnnrl, It wnnld j "T3tlt Bn•l)n11f' 1111d!r11c·r~ thentrc nr ro~trr a :,.~•rloui- C.i'I 1111hll1· suppnrt." he IHI\'!' l)l'fl\'I'(\ t lll'lll~l'l\'l'S nnti~rul;un• f'lHnnh'x. ~nid . l!l'£"tll :,,;11ppor1rr:- nf b:1 llr1 Mt . I 11lle11 ;-add 111• cllrl "Such 111'ct111 i:-.n1!011 ... ns 11ml t1111'rn rrn<1 t lw ~ ... )10\\'!- l h f' Q11C'r•11~ln11d nnllr t ,!IH'r,, 1~ a µn•:11 d1111l 01 Cnmunl\\', lht• Hrb bn1w i111t'n'.'-I " Art head at meeting T HE director of tho Queon1lend Art Gallery I Mr. Lourie Thomas I oppHred before a 1poclol m..tlnR of the tru1to11 of · the gallery yutordoy afternoon. It Is hrllcvcd he WA.S cnllrd before I.he tr,•stees to explnln a stnt.eme::.t he made last month. crltlcls– ln~ proposnls for a new culiurnl centre for Bris– bane. A sncclnl meeting, nt- [~~j';,~s. h~·a:o h~~ ~~c •~1;~ gnllery late i·csternay nfl.crnnon, n.nd l\lr. Thomns was cnllcd hefore . I.hem nfter n hnlf-an- I hour's ctlscus.slon. It. Is hcl!evcct they warned him agnlnst mnk- ~~1efvu~~~lc~'.a~~,iie1~~t ~~ furl.her nctlon. Altrr the meetln!< chnlrman or I rustees eon Trout.) snld: "It was speclnl mcrl ln2 cn lled or spcclnl purposes. I nnnnt, sny nnyt.hlng nrc." In his stntrzncnt Inst. onth. Mr. Thomas snld hnt neither I.he Eclncnl,lon Minister r Mr. Plzzey r. who Is rrsnonslble !or the Art Gnllcry, nor Sir Leon Trout hnd "t he VRRUCSI, Iden" or what R cultural cent.re for a rlshnne would entail.