Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THI COURIER-MAIL SATURDAY JAN CRITICISES PLANS FOR ARTS CENTRE Q l EE:\:--1. .\Nl> Art c;all1•n- din•1·ll11· (Mr. I.. N. ll. Thomas) yc,;t~rday criticised recent 11rn1wsals fur a new cultural l'Cntrc fnr Bri:<hanc . On 1'111 1 :-.da\' Ecl1H·at 1•1n i,lini-"tn 1 ;\J 1. • P l7i'• '}' i ancl Ccn11•1~n 1y ,<\Pl>C'ill F1na11,·t• Co111n1111t•1• 1•lrn lrman 1Slr l.POll Trnut , (;l)JllJllt'll lect 011 th p ,w,•rl lur ., Quf."Cll 'i– la11d Al'I Ciall,·1\' u11d • Theatrfl Mr Pizzt'\ 1 ,-.a1cl l lH'I'<> was A .•arn,u.: lt•t•linc lh:11_ ! h is r-1111111·111 l'CllLrr·s clf'\'r lup· I 111r 111 .;l1011lcl hr bound up wn 1, 1 he rut urP or Lhe • Rnmll St.reel. arc:i ~i,· Lron sn ld I hr Br1s– h:111r City Council Sf'Cnted UJ1\\'1lhng 1.0 1110,·c 0 11 dc– ,·c•loplnc the arcn. :\1r Thomas sn1rt there t.·a-" somcthin J.! n nlve-or cnu\ct one snv cn lrulntccl?– \11 1h r rr 11infks or ht1Lh Mr. Piz1,(•y nnd Sir Ll'111t Tt·ouL. ··nn111 seem tn bl11111e t.hc Lord ~a~•or ol Brl!-ibn11e Rile! l1ts council ror not. ~.~~t,\rli~fnri r~!lc;,h~l u\~~ nrc plen,;rd to ca ll n cu1- turn\ rentre," he ~Rid . lrf1bln1, Q. ~ Tfl aitiug . .. <1ntl 1,opin~ 1'h P ()ueenshuut r.unrn• ment is "~e-1wr:ilh· In ra\'• our" of au amhlllous 111,111 to 1th·r Hrlsha ne II new ,·111lur;.1 J N·ntre. T hr Eci11rn11n11 ~l lnh trr 1M1 P iZZfl\' I :,n \'S KO Til ts SflllllclS nrf'II \' anocl. tm, on nn~t nrdnrmn11cc It rnPnns 11n1 hinu. Nrith C'r 1hr \lo,·r•rnm<'llf nor t hi~ Cil y Cn1111('it hn/ii so fnr mndP m orr thnn tokrn c,•!-turr s townrcls r nr\eh · In c tl1r ,·11 lt11rnl life of thr rnnl1 ::\I whlril \\'RR dr~• r rlbrcl dunnl.! lhP wPrk h\' thr ermd1u·111r nf !llr' QuC'rnsln nr1 s,·mnhonr O rr h N.trn nc: hrtna h1dnn• a,.r nf brc·nmillll Ihr r>nri nf thr line In Auslrnlinn r ulfurr. ,fr. Pcknr"k wns hr>ina kind Apart from thr work of hi~ orche.c;;.trn nnrl the ,·lc.ltlne crlPbritv nrtlst.c.. nnri n ,,,...n· n,1·,... cnod nlav hv thr l llt lc tlienlrrs. llrlsbnllP hn~ n nthltu? much 11101·,– t h :111 musknl con"l('rtlrs trl tonk for\\'nl'<I ! 1) thio,; \'PRr Wr. 1v 1 ed thnt thcat.rr Olllf'kl•· nnr1 1hr nrl enl– lrn·. tno. tr lh,..,· nrP tio• ~;rtr~ b,,rr~~1_!1 1 \)!n I f~~e ~~~~;~ rtl nrnkr un lfJ; mlnrt ~" tl, e. t r,·,.1·,·nn,. cnn art on "'I th the \nb. "Both Mr. Pizzcy 1111d Sir LN1n Trout know quite wrll thn L n site for such R cc11tre wnf. agre('d on and npproved In Centenary Yen,· rnsn nnd thnt neither ha~ done anvthinp: \'l~tblc •l11cc Lo build on It-or t n [111 fill t.hc promises Lhnt 9.'err nrnde then TH! COURIER-MAIL TUESDAY JAM 4 1966 Withdrawn "Tlw :,;it.e has ~tnce been. ".s , hcv know. withdrawn."' Mr Thomas said : ·•Per– hnp, they could say why 11nd whnl the alternatives nre- withoul blnmln~ t.he L<ll'rl Mnyor? • "Thr Implication ts tl'IBL Mr l'l,zcy is conveniently hldln~ behind unnccept.abte ri1;~llltS&~~l~~ar;orwirian~~ c~~~~it:;¥11~';/'~~1.:'~overn- rncnt '!- · ery mean proposal of. olfc Ing £250,000. £ ror ,;en'/'1l~h t;hlc~ublig1,v[g~sl; '\\'n11lrf cost rnr more than thnt "Anybody interest.ect m 11 ,r r at.uni' requirements ot' n "-!Rl.rrv and t,hcatre c1in H'<' 111odcls now in l.hc Q11r•r>nsln.ncl Art GRllerv - ,, 1 dcslgned b~· ~e'n1or a ,·hllrr.turr ~tudcnts "Bui I suggesL tl1at nel! hrr Mr. Plzzey. who r.c ~ 11 ,\'Cr been to the Art Gal– lery In my term of office here. nor Sir Leon TrouL. hns tne vngucst iden of whnl I hnt centre entails, C\'cn tn terms or space." Mr Thomns snlo. ity cu ural centre 1n Wickham Terr ace area? JHE 111re1;tio11 of 8itc, for II Ill'\\' url g111l1?r~', 1hcutr1•.., u111I genPrul ,·uhurnl 1·enlre hu8 t'lllt!l'f;<'<I "" lhu IIIOijl 1u·c~•inµ iM~nc in lhe .ti~1·11s• p,1,ion on ,·ih· ,.,•• ,,.,,. .,1.. jllllCIII, . fur wlthonl II known Rill· lluir" 1'1111 lw onh· tlworelicul pl1111K. • Executive Commillee mcmbcrR of I.he Queens– land Foundation for CulLurnl RclnLlons hn,·e noted with considernble In– terest lhe re-publlcntion tC.-M.. 29/12/f,5, or t 11!' ~chC!lllc suggester! by nreht– tects, Bligh, Jessup, Bret - nan Rllcl PRl'ttlCl'r-; fm· the Roma Street, nrcn. Roma Street . The Eclucat1011 Mlnt., ler 1 Mr, Pit'..t.Cyt wns 1111otcd ns hnvlnJ,? declared lhe Strite Government gcncrnlly in favour of Lile pion, nnrl n.1.; hRvlnl,? sn lcl lhcrt• wn~ strong feeling thnt. I.he cultural centre's de,·elo!11ncnL ~ho11lcl be bound lip w th the fut urr of the Homa SLrecl, nrea. However, R report, In Thr Crnll'ir.r•Mnil on ,January I, 1!lfi6, poslulnles other potrn~ tiAI sitrs. The Qt1t'ensl1111ci Art Gn llrry Direc tor t Mr. N. t.. B. Thnmns, Is rf'– porl cd tu have suggested tl:~'.11~1~J'~~\1~c ,~/;nti1~,.~to~~ Allcrnatlvr:,.; to the now itbnmlonrcl Botani<' Gnrctc11~ site of thr Cc11tcnn r.v '\ 'r.nr 1 1950, cun11ru1 cc11 Lrc pro– Je<·I'. It, mn\' wrll be 1hnt nn r.xnmlnn't Ion of ot h-Jr cen– tral :1rens sub,lcct, to fu ture rc•rlevclnpmr nt mn~' cl h;r lnsc n site superior to Ihe Roma Su·cct oh-:!. . . . or the Terrace? In April. Jnfi5, 1 s11bmll lt•rl for rllsplny nt t,hc Q11rc11~– lnnci lnch\i,;t,riefi Pnlr n l:Oll- 1rtbutlo11 to the fnrum ron– ductcd l1y 1.hc Qucen~lnrn1 Clrnmhcr of Mnrn1fnclurr-.. This •J ill ry !-i\ll\~cst.ccl Ih n 1 t,he future c11llurnl crn t.rc should be sited not. In the Romn StrrcL nrcn. hut 111 the more elrvnt,.~d port of Ihe rltv bot111cled by WiC'l;llnm Tci-rnce. Whnrr Street. ntHl A!-itor Terrncc. An ncrlnl photogrnph n11r1 ro11µh ground plnn lll 11st.rnf – l11J? the !-1\lgl:?e~I Ion ~howcd th•~ proxlmit,y to Centro! Stnllon, nnd 11 lnri.tr. nrrn n f \'nrant lnnci now 11:-;C'cl A~ n CII I' J):ll'k It, al~o su~µc~trd Lhn 1 thf' extr.11.1:.1\'r former Fire Brl• µndr Hcndq1wrtcrs If 1~.•. n11ircd, c011l<i he 111.ill~ccl In their nrr~r lll, sln1c for err• rnll1 r•11lt11rn l p11rposc~. nnct Int er com 1 rrh~c1 tnt,1\ n m n 1nr 1.hrntre wit h nclcq11nlc nnrk- ln~.. "illlf\llrr thrntrP. ,·nu lrl first, he rslnbllshed l11 thr . vacattl, rhnrr,h httlldlngr qwnerl br the Rnllwnys De- LETTERS to the EDITOR pnrtment at Creek Street. nnct Wlcklt11111 Tennce. The cxtrnslon of Turbo! St.rcet proposed In the Wil- ~i1t~t~11i-1!~1c~:~fo~~·,~,~~~!~ ~!f'ti~~; uart of the city which. no doubt, will be se1wr1 in Ihe foreseeable fut1ll'r by nn elecl rlficcl rallwo\l systt!m, The nt·en referred tu nbovr nl~·cnclv Is n centre of Iittle thcutre. ,u·t. w1·IL– l11g-, ballet, and nrt ol speech actl\'llY. so forming- the IHIC]C\IS of the city's Clll– LUral hl'Rl'L - sultnblv re– mo1c frcm the bnildilli;s or t rndc nnd commerce. vrt within cnsv reach of work– e r/ii in shops nnd offices. The arr.a Is 1rcc•st11clctrd. ano imrt or 11. could br lanclscnr,cd J11w11s nncl ~nr• dens. A ullot .schrme !or the 10111,,:-nwall.crl cult urnl cen• t,re c·oulcl 01:w.rntr In exi., t. inu: bulldln~s pcndlnJ.t lm– lllrmentnl.lon. prm:rc!-.slvcly, nf Ihe nrn,lor uroJcct. This fou11<1allon. which rem·cscnl s the Interest~ or nll cttlturnl bodle.,. wllh– nut lnfrinjZlrll? their lndc• urndencr or n11tonom,•. 1,., a cirmonsl rntlon or !he nbil- 11 :v or mnny bodies tn co– oncrnte In nrntlcr~ of com• mm1 concer·n .. . . . . Lender!= In Ihr c11l· 111ml flclrl must be found In the rorcrronL of co• ordlnntcd cfforLs Lo dis– cover the mosl dcslrnble plnn •for n culturnl ccn– u·c, nnd lo make it net.uni. sl.nge b_v stn ge. The Premier , Mr. Nlck– lltl!, lhe Educa tion Minls– ler (Mr. Plzzey 1. and the Lorri Mayor I Aid. , Clem Jones\ have been kept In– formed on the develoomcnts lendl11r. lo the fnct. of the Founrlnt.lon, nnd on its nctl– vll.lcs and alms. - S. B. Hume {;lmlrman In omce, Queensland Foundation ror Cultural Rr.latlon•. Let down by sticky tape I PURCHASED a pair or Jamaican shorts for m.,· clnughler for ChristmnA. On Christmas m •.>rnlni; ~he lrJcd Lhem on nnd round the elnst.lc hnd i::ivc11 wny. \Ve Wf'rc going t() re• turn them to the shop, but my dnught.cr wnntecl to wear them thnl dny •o I decided to unpick lhe band Lo find out whnL Lhe trouble WM, 'l'n our amazement the elnsllc wns Joined with sticky tape. I hope this will be a warning lo nll ilrls tUI the embnrrassmcllL might have been much worse.– "Caughl," t'orlllude Valley, All work and no pav youR report "HotI- day time is Work Time Too" mentions that Engineering, So c I a I Studies and Architecture Students have to work Rt their profession during the vacation, as part of their training. or these three exacting professions onlv lhnse who }~~ .r~•~~ks "it stoti'm v!~~~. lion t·ecelve no pay, There fore parents or bi~ lamllles or those on 11mlted .Incomes, should be advised ol this )~;c~ocf~{~lt'~'dVes. a student ev~~. 8 et9~~i 8 f~~\~ffc1 h~~d dedlcntect student should be debarred because of this curious dlscrimlnntlon. "Punlt.d," Kenmore.