Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"COURIER MAIL" 0 . ' 1 • ., Brisbane, l{een for fountains ' NEARLY 300 entry form, for rhc 'S lOO fou nta in, comp,:-r.1,o n for children ho vt' he<' 11 ob – fo,m Two closs€s '1'!11• 1·1111qw·111nn /1.1" !\\ 1 1 !., ~ ,.... 1111" 11 •1 1ho-r 1111d, 1 r Jr, nn d tllr 111/ir r inr l ilo f' llt•[ \\'f'l' ll lri ;111cl :.?I . w1 1ll :t ,qnn 111 1/ (' :,nn :..!O lllf' l'l! f'f•I IJflt'it tr , 111 {'ilCh ••!;,,~ Q. OPl.','1/lll/t; : ,II 1h., "P"nilllf u/ t/1e J. J. llil,1,., ..lnHitJf'r.cory f:.d1ihi1inn nr ,,.,. Qu,.,.n,land .,frt Gall,.,,.• th,, dirt•rt,,r o/ the aall,.,_,., Ur. l4aurfo Tlwmna (lr/1). an,I /Hr,. Thoma, (,rwn,I from lr/1) 1allr,-d tc1i1h Pro/ruor H. P. 1:ummi11«•• Pro/puor o/ ,•frrhi1r,t11r,• al 1hr l!ui .. 11rr1ity o/ (Jurrn•land. and Mr,. Cum. n,inaa. f•ro/ruor C11mmi111(• ia a «allrry 1ru1lr.e. Mr. Thnnt11• nrrn"lf''d r#1r r.~h;.. bitiun. WJhirh t0ill bt- tnltr11 lo nil .4u1trnlin11 ,.;Intra al a lt,1rr ,la,,.. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, O . To le l ect u re on Corbusier ' " ,, ' 1'11: lt,1 , I;, I, 1 '" !I• ,, , ,) ! ' \I J11• l,!1\ 1•: tl' II· 11/t ' II 111 I I , , 1 '"" r: I I .t ::.r, '' ' ' .••p•, ,·" ,1, Brisbane, Qld. ' ' ... '..,J .. \ HFCEl'TlfJ:'\ 1n 1 Ill~ • I\. a!l'l; ...../i••t r:, l ),1111•1• CiH 11111 11,1111 '.\t.1 d!',\ -. w ill 1,,. lwlil . 1 1 · 111• lJ11f•,•11,– !i111u :\ 1 · l i;ill1·1-. •111 .\ l ,1\' :J 1, h :1.. "•'•'II ,11 l',tlh!L'd IJ•, rl w A r 1 c·,n11wll or .\ 11 t 1 11\.1 l / lJl'+'ll.,J.111d I ) !\ l•l•lll ,111d ! Ill' l ,t11,•1•1, l.111il .'\ 1! (i :d l1•1'V :-,;111'!1 1 \