Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisb.rne. 0 . Exciting N.G. art exhibition ART RCVICW by Dr. Gorlr11do Langer 111 E t'Xhihiti1111 of ,\klurll'sian art nt fht• Cl11t·1•1tsl1111d Art c::dlf'f,\' is l!X(•itini;-. Tllr obJCClS hn,·r been risscmblcd lrom rmb!lc :111d prin\rr collect1on:- in Aus– trnlln. nnct n numbC'r hn\'r ~~~(~;1 ~~1!. r1a'i~\n~,::c ~~1;i:~ i\luscum nncl thr An Gallery n t Port rvtorcsby. ~1a,i.:nlfkcnt musks made of wood, hark t'lnlh, or h.asketn· IJU•lude a 11.trtku– la rl.,· lmr,rrssh·e one In hla1·k wood, s1wh as would havr lnsplrect thf' ruhist~. Among \\ ood('n bowls is R hug1'. bC'nutifullv - propor- tio,wd 011r wit!) !11111dlrs cnn 1°d in cl('licnte openwork. Som1• shield:,. nnd lmnrrls de– corntr cl with splcnclid nb– strnct dCSIJ!l1S could well c·ompt.•tr In on esillbuion of contemporary nrt. Can ed figures of ances– tor:,; nnd spiri t!- inclu<lr :-ome of large :,;izc nnd cxt rnorctin– nry ctrnnrnric power. such as LlleF.!~.~P :.~~J! 1 "F,0{1 1 sgel~:~1·c1 ohjcr ts, surh as the honk~ from the Scplk Rh'('r, re– ,·c;d a wealth of lrl\'rntl\'e– nrss and hrant,· of dc:,;lii::11, Though chrtrnctcri1;tlcs of th(' vnrinus dcshms nrc :sC'cn. rnch piece is of inclividunl int rrcsL , fin(• cl ispln~' nnd \'f'ry sen– slt1,·e liµhtin~. ror \\'hlch roni.:-rn111lnlions IH) 10 Laurie Thomns. help much to re– inforce the impact. or this cxh!hltlon. . Child art in the Gallery Brisbane, 0 . \\"t1rk h\· ,vinl!ll! ,1!'! 1,: .. ~'!:ll'-""" \\ l1n 1 .1r1if'd ntJ Jll'll•", 11, ..·- t ,... 1'!11· Stl llfl:l.\ '.\!;111,,, lflr.d ... f'l11 lr/J1'n .., Ar! C11rnJh•ttr1,,11 ~-~ \\ ill IJt' dhpln \'•'cl l11 l lu• .. • q 11p1•11-.l:1ll(l An ( Talh-1 \' lrom tnrl.1\· In :\ •1 :11,1 :!H \\lnrk I r,1111 r•11111,,r ... -1,p 111 1111• r'llill[rl''l' l•II \, \\Ill(' !, a r - lrn1·r ,•d :11. lf'f• ; ll,111 :!{lflO <'11!1\,•,,. ;d.~o \\'I.I l,r 1111 \l1'W P nl11t ln..!.'- l'Hlllf' t ri•m C"u,,,,11 , lnnd . '.'.'r,,, ~ o,·•h \\•:1lt'~, :'\i'W ( ill l!lf'll , flllil I \ fn l;l\ ."1,1 f1 11i11 ,·h· llllf•n 1 .1 ~.':11 lrn111 1,1111 r,1 11; r,·:1 1, 1 J he :\ 11 (i ;ilil't \' I 11p1•n d .111.\', l1whd 111 · .~11· 11 1!.1\ .~rom In 11 Ill ! , !l Jl Ill , 1111/l - p.111. lO :i p 111 , nil ~111td 1 '. Brisbane, Q. JUNE 26, 1966 N~ -yalue • \ this show \ By FREDERIC ROGERS By a (lUirk ot circumstance, t_wo exompl cs ., h wing in Brisbone . " pop art arc s o Tl 1f'1 •· ·,11r" ~1 s \lnle m ,·nmm(111 lJr1 \\ t'f'I\ t \~f' I \\~ ~ 1l1f' '"' 11 P - 111 ,H n_,~~lrrl ,\udlt111 lum - 1-"' 11P1 .1 b" io11c1 , ,11mpr1 11w . prn- ·""'::<:i:.J.1miiilcLltrn1rn: 11.~ q11a l111'.·nt 111~l. , 1 !If' , 11 ., nl llt'r ,1 1111,1 1 ~ l~~tnc<'I I• ii \\\' cii:,.pl;i \",;;, '1t~<.,('l{ /It 1!11' ()lH"4"11'"1arnl <,.,. (t;g~~~; ~1.IP 1he prru1-.al nf n •n111:-. 11f t)a \dnda.-.h . nt~~\ \1stPn111i:z to hnl l) iu ~u 8 ')('1\ncia fnr the Pnp ~rt I F Austral Ian~ wanted to have their coun• try bcttl!r known on tl11! Continl!nt, thl!y must l!!t people see what they had to offor. '1111• l ' tdl 1 ,1·111 ·\ !1 111 lw 11> 1111• 11 a\1 11 11 1-:1111>A:,-,, , u,·. \ ' I ',d i!:, '-,t Hl 1111,c; B?· .... lrnnr ,·,•1-1 1•rd n\' [ ll 1 1 ,11!1 I. ;!l , o . (1 11(•, !1,i ~l,11\\' il l P\11 11(•\··s. t , r - ·111n 1n u n ro l\\ llH'P<i thAI 1llf'l'C' i1- nny 111 11!-l k or sn<'1nk•~1rnl \'nluf' t_n . n bnll1nntly ro\ln11·NI. ,r p11.1-. dllcl ion of rond 51tm~ 01 the "h\nwln1Z-UP" of the clot.:; nf a sterr.n !.!l'R IO • TherC' is, undnnht,rdl\. mur h to bfl 1'0td for tJlf ter luurrLl pe1 i f',ft\nn n these rrproduct,1nns. hilt . ha ,·ing said u,s t. nll is sa\1· we resl\v want pop Rrt the Outen~land GaH,r,· ls showing it in a r 0 1· 1i'?r t1nn nf l\1elnnrs\nn nr~. t rrnsun's- nnrl t rrasurr_. the\' i"l t'C : plf'CCS of All pro'clucrd wil.h n keen srni-e o[ thr world ronn~ nho'll thr nrti~ts nnrl with the cr11drsl of tools. Newcomer ln rr~1u111i-e to nn un– u~unl lnl rrest In tl1P rt1s– piny. the Moreton Ci:tllt~le!' WIil rfllllilrne It ~ shn\\ lnf.! nf n ober t Johnston ~).11 ~1t · 111 ~-"' for an flXll'B_ ,,rek. •\l tile sntnP l \tlll'. thf' a'ttenrs wi ll nrrtrtnn y ~Pen Its smnll ~n\lrn: \,·1111 rollrrtlon nr nrnwm~~– A\r\ nnd new- lnl'ludmc 6tercs hy f ,nwrencr . sn ntrY Rl10 ~-111brnnk. stn n' Lnne- n nP,,•rnmrr to the rnnk~ of one-nvrn e~hihitor1'- IH\s 32 cn.1w1,st•~ at the K enntgo Street f;a!lrri-. rtlsl wit h so~~~f11~~ ~~~ ';.~y· in a iyptcally , \11st.ra \lan 11! 'Ill' J11.... f 1t 11!1• II) l !;1L.111 ( • •11 1· ,, lll ;',.lt• b1 1IJrlll', 1.. l1t•11• 1111' 11 1! (1)lf'/l\ll'.' !I! 1\ 11 ..·d11 l11' ,,111 1,: 111\ p' n1 ,• :, • 1l1" < • .J1,i•t·:1• :,nd •\ 11 ( ; 1 - 1 1 1 ,\ , 1111 1,•1·, In 11 11• 111 !lflh.., 11,;1 11: \ -· 1 .~ 11\ .\ 1;~1rnl rn n i•'.>.· 11' Ill~ ~, .!pt ,,r ... , 1•11 1 Lt\ l11h1 11t i)J, l11 l!nl,\' . J /,h \\ Iii :1]!111\· otff 11\\ll rlw r ,t11 hi1 !11t1 :d ,,.,1 \lf'• ni!,· i .. l\lltl\\' , 111 111111 1• tl1.n1 'ltt!ltt1111 \'111 1t\ 1q 11! , ,1,1r;d tn llt· pp11 1H'ct nt· t'\ ,1! \ I\\ ·· 11 ,011 ,,.111L 10 nrn hf' I J\! 1• \ ., 111 .,, 1,l 1 H I !''-"' \ !,.._.,. .. , ,.11 1·1 ,1111 1 1\' klln \\ n 1 11,pt11w :'-l.t\H, 111111<11't jl\\ ,d11 1,11d \111 1 11111" (I,, llu :- "i .dld \' Ill t " i' /\II •\ ',l.!11 1 \ ,,,,! I .d!lt .., II \11\l ll~ 1·0 1111 - . , .'1. ii'\ 1t1d l,;i...n·t 1:,11 u--rv 1 11 ,+1 11 -:111\· ll 1l , l1ad .,!J11\1 - 111111 h !o rit !Pr ~<• tn r 1\111 \n _ f\l L!1dl•·r11•-. 111 ('1111 - \11 t t l1r -. ,1nr >·nu IH\\P, . ·\d••l.1\l,l;,'(t 111:~tl ~I: l~ :~'• ~•::::';:11 i\:.1 1 ,1;~;~; 1 /"~\'i/i"'i 11 ..: 11 ,t".