Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

. . . HI lt·;1.· 1 fo,- ~, !-Wl!ipl tl !'I' br J1;1li:111 ~1·11 lp1 n,· l<'.n1 1lin <;rf'1•n. fr111r1 (.)11P1•11i-;l:111d J\ !'I I ;;.JJ,•r ,\· f:I :1 rr rn1•111hrrs 1; 11rg,, ~lll il h r l,·( 11 ;inrl .Ji m ~l ,·l .:1111·lil:111 wlir•n th, 1;,.,.,11 .,,._Jtil,111, ,n \\':is 11 11 p:i 1·k f' d ~·••Sl<' r-d;i,,· Thi• \rt (;all1·n \\ ;1.. a 1111-.... ,,., 11•rila\ , 111•:111, r11ll1•1I .11·,1111111. ldi:. fa I \t 111111•11 .. ;i I :1111111111, .11111 .t .. n,n • 111 1111•11 11nrh1•1I a r1111ncl 11111:1· •·r:llr, 111" lt :ell:111 lti-.1111111• of f '11ll11n, .,l1·lh11ur111·, :111d 11,,. Fl,di a l ,a 11r11 -.ld1111h1i: ll1t1'. 'l'h,• B1·t-. lia111• 1•,lllld - 1/1111 will l'io-.r 1111 \111.; 11,1 1'11·1 111•1,, 111q 1:i 1 l,l11 1,; .,.,...,,_,..,,,,_ ,.,,.-,---,rr!"'W,,!"",1~1 1111· , , 1rlpl 11r1• l , 111111• 11( 11 1t1•1.: ld11~ .1hu 111 :1 11111 ;i pi..,"• , 11111 .. nf II ; (1 . 1111. 1,111 , 11f ,,, 1111111 l1or 11 I 111 · ill11 fi t ,., n 'II 1·,l111111 l11 11 11( hr-11111,• h,• 11h , Id ,, hr111111· Ill' 11'1111'111 fl :.: 111·1•-., hi-. p,1111'/-. I• •1111 I 111• rl1111r-. nr 1hr O n irln f ',1fh1•1lr:i l, :11111 h i,. rlr:n, l11 i,: , ,11111 "' ' h ln:.: .. 11 1II lw 1,111•111•11 1 1111 li1 h '!I , IH q111"1•11 ., . l.1111/ .. , 11l prr1,.... IJ:qll111r \l ,11,1 f ;, 1•1 n I~ l!,11\ , :.: r t',tlr•.. I ll1 i11 i,: "'' tlplnr .111d lhj "' 1 .. tilt' fir•.,, 11 111,• l l11•rr h ,1.. h Pl' II ,Ill 1•, /illd!i1111 ur Id, 11111 I, 111 \ 11-.1ra ll.1 I 11" l"\ lllt.1 1/i,11 h a .. . 111,1 hr-1•11 , 11 .. 11 II 111 ,,,.., . httlll'III', 111!1 d 1.. 111 \11, . lr,111,, 1111 11111: h 1111• cr,11 ~ r, 11<,lf I' of l·.111llln I ,rr1•n 1 I EMILIO GRECO SCULPTURES AND DRAWINGS The President and Trustees of the Queensland Art Gallery invite you to the opening of this exhibition by Miss Daphne Mayo at 8 p.m. on Thursday July 21, 1966 Exhibition ends Sunday August 21 ·,ART REVIEW by Dr. · Gertrude Langer A sculptor from Italy I TALIAN ,culptor Emilio Greco's travelling nhibifion of bron1e1 and drawing, is on view at the Queensland Art Gallery. Grr1·0 i,., !HJ[ :111 111\'f•ninr or n 11t•w 1Clirn11, b11L !JP makr~ n , all(! nncl ln– rll\'lrlunl ('Olll 1·1 IJut 10n ro ;1 11 existing nnr. H1.c: 11 r1 J.'- bn.c:,•d tradillOll,f... nr lhP Rc11nl!i• Mll('C :111r1 Ill pnrl lculn r the la:-i1 phu.-;P cnlle(I "Mnn• nrrnm1.·· whlc:h 1hr !Hi ter, hmrr\'l'I'. clnr$ nnL npnlv to all llis works. II 1~ more cvJ<lcnt In I /1e r h11H!ntecl st.n n riin~ fr 111;1\e fu!ui-es where O rren :-clcl·t~ complrx posr.'i, r! 1.,;;pm,111!.! tl1c Jimb-; ·"'' ll!- In l'~l IT\' I he !',\'C frn111 ttlll' p (ll111 ·of cq111- lihn11111 tn n11othrr. Dt•l:tll I!', ~11bord l11nl NI lo n rlrn111nam nrnb!'~(lll(' mm·r. lllf'lll w/1 ld1 rmpl!HSl;t,('.', IIIP imwr 11111M;ular trn~inns or till' fi~ure. All nrnlw,"ir/llf' lll(l\'Plll('fll of .,;J111pllf11•rl O\'nld form..; Hl:1\' l)r !=,•,·11 ri]:-io ill ~0111(' Jw._,.. ,111rj In a 1·!1.1rni1n ~ " J•qrtr;11r ,if Anna·· t/Jr nrn1;, nrc fnlrt,•r1 hcl1111d r)Jr, lw1rl tn J::l \'r rhr pot.,c nn r fl .,, r nf 1n11111r ..,s :11HI l'quil rhrlu111 . ~t•n~ilin· Thr f,Hlnl P:,.pn• -.Mon-. Ill Gt'f'r•n·~ illl ltlHl\l!-11 \\'Ql'k :-hnw ,l 110\J IP ,.,...,.,.,!'\,., ii \\ II IHlrnwal trnrn !)11· ~prt'• 1nror. r\ llf'tHI 11f ,t 111.i n . \\'11 11 "'''-" 1•:r,... ,•d , I p .111 11·11!:11 l,\' :-t·1i., 1t l\ r 111 tile 1110drllm1-t J srnrl I !if' Ill\\ :, 1 tl rxpn•,,11111, Ill Ill.- .,1irt.11•p ' l t';tl l!h'll f nr rt1c 1Jron1,• 111~11 p1d i, 1J l.'il il \'lilrlt'd 1111<1 dt>l ir-111<•1_\' \\ orkwl iri, 11111•~ :•11111 r.,:-,!NI \\ I! h .,1111111t/11·r ,11 I' ll ; r•ltHIJ– n,·l tllr pin\' o f r!w i.l!l tl 1,,r t!f'.•l!•'d 1•1 rr r ,.. ,tl ld ,•-.; – I ir,,, .',!\ i'llr ., ~ Ill I l1f' Ill 1111 / f' I 1·i11 / -. 1111 !h,· (' i111n 11 n J ~I ,/111111 111 F l11rr111,. t! IIII 1,11 1111• /1111 ,,. .. ,,: (11\11··11 (',llh,·d r.d. I i1tT •1 IJ t :1111;111111•(! 1111• .,111 : I .,. \\ J!h 11h: .:1 ·it rr•x·11 1t•-. u li.1 h I J1•,1 1 P •lJl) IJl\11111 .... 1 11:lll~f'l nr li!-'l.' 11111! cl.irk r,.. 11f1111·- 1111• Ill\ :Ill' 11! ll1\·., •r1 \ ·111.. ldl'\;f' r 11\lr1•!,1111 or dr.1" 111::., nf r ilr r, 111.111 1lf':1tl 11111I 11rirh• r r11t1plr- 111,·111 c:; ' /II' :!I ,-.111lp!tllM, T 111•f.•• nr<' ,1 _\1·11l p1 u1·~ drnw– ·11":• hut 1·1111q1l1•11· n -1 w11rl, of nrl In r lll"tr O\\ 11 1 a:111