Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

COURIEll MAIL" Brisbane , Q ARr' 11iv1iw lly, Or. ' Gertrud• hnl•r A sculptor from Italy I TAL IAN \Culpto1 Enulio Greco'\ t,ov L•ll,"9 c•h1hition of h,o,u.c, ond dro w1n9s i, on view at th e Qucc nslcnd Art Gullc ,,•. t'X l:-1 111;.: 111}1 II !:-- ,tit I.... l, , (! 111 1 1!11• lr:. <1 1· :,111 .. .. : !la· Hi ·n .11~- ·'·' 111·,. :1lld .:1 p.1! i 1r l1l.1 r 'li t' !.1., 1 p /Hl',1' , ,dlP(! '.\t.111- )\{'] 1:-111. ' \\ /!11 l! ·11,, l.11I rr . lio\\'f' \ ,·r. (11,1•;-. 11o1t ,l]H>lv n R!! 1111' \\'Ol')\~. I I J., 1111Jl't• f'\ 1<!1 1 1\1 II\ t l1C' i :, m 1-;:ll t•d '-l ;t!Hllll~ r,•111,d l" JH!lll'1·:- wll"rl' G rf•,•11 .,,·l,•1·:,. 1•1•rn plt-:-. p,,.-..1•.~- IIJ~po.~1 111.• 11,,• I 111h-, :-1 1 ;1, rn 1':tJT~· • tw ,•y1· Jl'lllll 11111' p !lil! I 111 L'(l lll – l!IH tlllll lu .111n!l1t 1 :. IJ1 •111 1b i., :,.uh •rit111.11,·d tu n cl, i11111 rn n1 ,1 r.1h1•:-q11r :11, ,,.,,_ l1 1t lli \\ Ii i! /J 4"11lp!!.1 --l.'t':- ! t\t> lll ll+'f' 11111 ....,· 111.tr {t'l!,-.jdl}, ... nl !IH' l h:.111 ,•. i\ 11 .11·,d,r:-.qur 111u\ ,•111rnt nt ,..,11,1p !1la•(i tlrnUI !111'11l!-- 111:1, lw "-t'f'Jl lt)!;tl in .,, )Jl\C IHt:-.1:-. .t lld Ill ,\ ('! \'l l lll ll1!..: ' P ,11'! r 11! 11f :\ ll!Ut' llir 111'111!- !Il l' fd!d,·d IWilllld l lW J:(•,td l ,l L! l\1' !lH· pll.'>C .1 11 (•l lf'• I 11! l:\ll'l\t•,:,, CT l1 l1 eq111lihnn111 St·11~i1 iH· '1'11 11 l ,11·1.1 ! t·~p:,,,... ,, ,11:, 111 Cil'i'('p ':-, llUIIL1ll t-- · work :-.l11H\' ,I l\1lhi1· ! t'"'l'l'\ P , ,l w111Jdr:1w:d 110111 !Ill• ,..,pf•1·- 1n1nr. :\ ilt•11d ,,f ,1 lll1111. wltlI t•~f'!'. i•l11."i' d, 1, 1rnrt1,·1!111rl,v :-.1•11:-.nn c 111 !IH' 111oc1,~11111!.! u 11d tlw 1n \\',1!d 1•x pr1•.--:--1, 111. In 1!1,· .-.11rf:11·1• 1r,·,11 11wn1 of I llr hr11n11· l11~l, p.il1.-.J1 1:-. n\'111d1•fi :11111 d ,• 11·n 11•\v \\ 111k,·d i1•,111: ,-... ,•,,111r,1:-.tcc! \\ II!\ :-11111,!1!1"1 11'1•11.., '°1HIIJ· J\C'l thr pl:,v tll 'Ill' I.L: lll 1,,r d1•:-.1rrcl t•lft'< l" an d !Jl't'S~\\'f'llC:--, 111 1lw hr<,m.P l'l'!H'i s (0 1 tlw Ch111 1·!1 11! :-;1 .1,i1 in 11 F'lort•tw , 1r 111r cine,,, nt 0 1\ ·rlr:1 1 . Grt'c,, h.,.. I ,111 I'll' ·! ·11·,· \\ JI h tr ~ \\ .~ I )I• "MAIL" Brisban e, Q. Record from the past [,, FREr'f ~IC PO(; P, Nowada ys, we ore , ., P.ocd to thinking of nrf in term, of what may or moy not be immediately under– stood that we a,c apt to forget the truly represen– tative CIIDY\ of the rccordcn of codic, day,. Tl11• .1,1h11"-111111• f,:illl'n F tH i l l!.!S •is l,a f' k 10 rartli \\ ii Ii J\ h t1 11\p di !!$ 1 ·111 1l'fll .r;.l111\\ ir:.:. nf \!! h n • L:l :111)i, :i:•<I Pt .1.:l '.I\ lld! d d 1!1L'. h:1d: :,. j;11 a – • !IP l~!P r;nn. 11•·~ ,.. ...,, 111\'r• ' l\l' 11111-- t 1',•,1 1:i;f J \)II'('(' • i,f dt' · I I 11:,·n i]J ,1\\ IIH.'. :,11rl !'rll· 0 1,r-1111.:.. /*'rt't ;Jn,1 <111 '°f. •: P\.:;r1 \y \\' 1.11 tll1•.r p11r· p,11t 1n <111 - rn rr<"nrrl n.t ;1cr11rn•rj\· n~ lll:l \' bf" rhe ,i.rrnr.t, pr:',{l!:.t, :11HI nrc;:H-1nnc. or rhr 11mc I n ~hort. 1t ,~ n rnn,'-· re· fre.:;.hinc rind 111rornrn:l\·r e .xhthil 1011 - nrt w11 hrnir r :;'t lnlllH! to be fH~ 'Lovely' At I he Quei•n, land Go llrn·. f:m ll10 Green drl1cill.· with n H'n r~ nf !-rlllp• t urr ,'- ,111<l dr:1w1n~:;; ·!1;11 r :;11 tw dc--cnbrrJ 0111,r :1... "ln,•f"J\' ., F.n~r\'T l1111~ lle dnr.c.. rn ('1thcr ftPlrl 1~ m.1 rkNI II\ a stnrtlin.L!l,\' IHI!'<' !-.rll,.,I: nf line nnrl Il l'- <lrH\\'1111!. , ,ll't' Ol:t.'-l rrp tl'C'l~ ... or lh!l lt nllrl !-lrnde !11 ndrl111on rnnt r:l_c,;T.c; 11f'l1le,·rd b~• n srn~l 11\·, 1 u~(' or t.hr ele– mn1 tnr.v prarlirP nf rro~~- h:ircl1in1,: n 011·r 1111'-" r illir•r c;how ,,, lhr!r l\\'O·C'f'll!m,· rt1! – !cirenrr ..., hntil ,hnw ·he ~:imr C'a re !11 nurntlon to df'f :111 nnd nrtl...r 1c ~C'r1...,!t1,·11.r