Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Th e Trust ees of t ile Qu ensl,111d Ar I G.i:le ry co rdr ally invit e you <111d your friends to A PUBLIC L ECTURE by Mr. ROSS MORROW Brisbane, -r- al 8 p.n1. on Thursd ay, 18th Au gust. Mr. Morrow wil l I lk dboul some of the rnJny ex c1 t1r1 g ideas st imulated by h is r ecent st.:i y w1tl 1 fellow J rt 1sts averse.JS and ha s chosen as II e !1!1c of his tall< " If you ca n't com e in . smile as yo u go by." ,.Art Gallery space to l1er • a surprise JT was shocking that Queensland was the only State without ih own building especially for ort gallery use, th e Queensland Art Gallery's new assistant director (Miss Robyn Hill) said ye s– terday. ~t t:..1' H ill I!- A)J\ltllll !rd a -..,1q a11 1 fnr ,1f any S t:1· · lrn· She !-R id 1/1:11 Q 111•en.,ln11d ,.\ r, li,\ llC'I',\' . rnllf"l'! 1011 111<'11l(INl ..., ,m e ,1 thr \'.11r!rl :- 111n--1 \al uahi pnllll 1/l),t.'\ \Vlit'll prr1rn rri 111 m s wri hrmg marlc nr ~pr eiRl rx – h 1l)lt ions wrrr :-.lwwr,. I hr prrnrnnrnt rnllrr! 1<'11.1- harl tn l)r .~torcd bP<'Rll~f' n f lack of , ptH'f' Permanent I \\' r h ., lnn.:rr 1,;:t !lr r ~· , nm,• h:'1,\'~ c011 l<I bf' .... PI 11 ... 1dr f11r ;!1:--pla \' nl p1•r111a – fH'll ' p,\ rlll \111.!.'- (111 nn i.:. ·" Pt'– r1.1\ •"''\1t!h1110 11~ ~I I,::, JI JJ! W:I '- i \ll'!llf'I' !\' kr,' iJ''I' 1 i pn :111111~.''• nr S 111111 A11..;1 rahn ',._ N:t l lotHI I A n (i,t!H 1 f\' ,\ 11,..;, H 1!! '-lll(l ,"'1lf' \\II !- n r;~~.i::.r~.t ,/1\"~~;~~~•r:l r~ ~ lf'$('f1\ 1: = f'l' ,il l!-'\f' 1lrl ~! u• ti:1- 11 l\:,1'11.-101 or Ar·,. dfl,1 rr-,• tru111 • !W TA "i· 11l:lllH\ ll ll l\l \ 1' 1'"! 1 \' S IH• I" n ,..:r.1d:1:11t1 or F 11tf' An .. ,,: :'\1 f'll,1"1l'IW llnn 1·1,11 ,. :, nrt \. It 1-: ,, 1-..,, d 1111r ;1 ,., 1tJ l''-1· n · t ,•• N1 r111n·1 fia \11•1 ,. :\ t"-"' l":1'•:·,J'.~!~'l•l•t;; F, •11n,1J 111 :\l1• lh n11r1H 1