Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

,) Brisbane, Q. Town gets 3 gains BILOELA.- The opcn – inq of new Bonat10 Shue Council's otfic c!. here hos brought an unc•pcctcd three- way w1ndtoll tor shire r~sidcnu . ,, f Y 1,11,-.11 •! \ Jll .Id' e :\ I! ~ 1" !.:,d!•·I ~ • :\ !tlil - 11111(' 11)1,11'\ l'IIC l'Olltlt"li :- t., f f of Ii' rn'11i h rnmrcl mtn t l1r \('\\ '11/1,tlOO ,!IITlll\d\l lOl!Ni r1u·t• b111ld .110:: wlllcl1 h ,1 :-. 1000 ~11 L1.1n· trc~\ n1 tluor 111'.t I :\ t It ~ 11r , 1 111rc·1:1t: 111 he 111•,1.· of1 11·c:- the Cnim- 1 ·1\ d(•t·:<lcct 10 lllJil!-f' tlH• 1•i~.1--~1;~~1bri~~ 1 ?.1/~fi11 :;., Ill· I Prr :-<'l!t Or!!Hl\1.--('I'~ of 1 t il{' L!./ll!('ry locnl Ch:unbcr l nl Co!n lllf't l P ar:ct thl' rr– ec•11:l\'-fnr111Nt Rt\n la br.,n1 h of 1 !1r :\ 1· ... Coll1t- 1·1l hop(' to c11, pb \' :, rl ,lllrl ."'l't1 lpr11rc \\ Ol k .. fn1m tile Q11L•rn.-lrrnci . \ r t Li n!lr n· ' - ,., Brisbane, Q. lh1u1t, .. ,.,,,""""'"'"'''''lllll1hl!l!mt111i"'"""''"" Library to open 1111.01-:1,A. will ha,·1• a nr" · Im • 11rn,·rd lihrar~· arul II" own art i:allrn· soon. Th1• llhrarin1i, ~trs. I•. .'1_,,,r.. , of Hll,u-111 . nlll takt• 1111 ht•r (11ll ~Unw Joh 1111 Au~u-.1 1r1. Thr 11rw llhrar.,·. clouhlr lht• 1·a1>;u•II .,· of tllf' old llhr:ir,·, will han• lillOO huuk,. Th,• ;irt ~allt•rv "Ill he ...,,lahli,hf'd 111 i•m1 jmu•• tiun with 1hr llhrar\· fol• lnwini.: C,11r1•nsl1111d · Art i";alli•r.,· ar111ror;1I. Tht• °"allt•r~· wlll hr r1111 I•~· :1 1·11mmlltrt> of liwal orfldals, 111 hr hriuh•d In· 1hr Han:111.1 Shirt• ( '1111111'il l'lrntrm:111 1 ( 'r, :\ \\'. O'H1111rk1•1 , LIFE" Brisbane, Q . Encouraging < I\ I I! II <1/ I I· \,/ I \ /1 ,., ,,,,, ,,. ., ,, ,:.: , , ,.,, ,, , /, 1111 ,, 1 I,; ~ 11 ,, /, f ., ,/, ~11l11 \ 1 l, ,·u 11 , ,, I, 11 / •Ill 111 I I 1 /11/11/tu/l /II , 111/ flU/< II••/ ' / I ,t/1 J/1, • It,/,,, /,, , ,,,, di/1u,I. \1111111 :,: 1111,i l' lha ll Xtl 1·, llil,it-. \1,1, \l111'h. hi 1111111 1:il11l'l.1. .11111 H,11 .1l.1h.1 1'\, . 11;• I,\ \I {1,1.!1 : !,,•, ' ,• ,nil ill 1 1:,• t ' .Ill \J•! ,1 .ll ··' '\ ,,, \ . \ ,+·; '1,1 ,II \: . I• 1!1 \\ t ! I' Jil l' ,. ,l l ,l :1 •. 1.I .,,1 :. 1111i ', I ' llf I 111 j d 11p 1• • Brisbane, Q. QUICK LOOK 'fOOWOOMII.-\ . - ,.\ JlrllJln<ul for 1h11 estah- liNh1111•nl or R hr1111d1 nr tlrn Qnccnslnncl .\rt (;allc•n in Tnmrnnmha hu~ hPPn 11is1•11ssP1l ll'ilh 1111' 1,:,;11..r~· 1111111111,:rr I '1r. l.1111rlt• 'l"homasl. The :-1•,·n•t:1ry nt the , T <ll)\\ Qfi111h,1 A r1 Gnllrry t r\1-"il Ct'S • M l. A. (' , (h1l>crl· soil• . met ~J r. T l!o111n!-. in Rns burn· 011 T !111r~ct;n on i bC'hn l f of I !ir I l'\l!--ICr,-,, I Thr 1:1u::l!r ,1 ton w;1s 111arir> ,1: lilf' 1,prnilll.! 1)[ ( I\(' ,1. .I. ll llclt•r Collrrltoll in Tnoa \\'OOllllJ:t Ill :\Illy.