Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

AUG 11 1966 You can't believe all you hear about RUSSIA ... .................... , ,- ..... - - - - - -- . - • - .,,,,. ,"i/ll 1.1,:11:v 'l'IUH 'I', 11/ llri,,/1n11I', : 11/l1•r ·,, ri•il lo 1'11••i11 1l11ri1111 11 u•or/,I ' ' I ' ' ' lour. ' ' , ..................... . . .................... .. LONDON .- Many af the things we have heard about Russia arc not true. Genu ine dsitnrR. par- 1ic11lnrly those inl c restcrl in c11lt11rc, nre welcome. I found thlfl out when I ,·tsllr.d ltmudn a~ one nf a r. art~· of fiO 1teo1,te of ,·ar~·– nc occup;1lion~ and tntrr– rst"' on a trip arran~rd hy the l1111Utute of IJlrecton. Some, wrnt to look nt R11s– slnn indwa.ry , others to \'iew churches nnct other histor– lcnl monuments, and trrns– urrs. e.spectrllly a.rt collec– tions. ·1110 U.S.S,R.- O rcat, Brll· ~!1\~nr~~~=~r;nO~~chj!~\: l~Sut; fonnn t but C'Ordlnl reception nt which gn~nl Russlnn ports, wrtlers, and nrchitccts wrrr. present. We allendcd ll Bolshoi Bnllrl, RL the famous Krcm• !10 Prtl.u.:r nf C1mi.:rr!-sr . , UU l\i Ill 1061, This j,i one uf lhe fined If not the best rxample or its tnu~-ln thr worlcl-a rLltural rentre aL Its heRt with a numhrr of thralrtli rat..rln~ ror ballet and o,wra. The mnln hnll hns n stnl!e Iron~ ol 125 feet nnd Is de• si1:11cd so tll\lt c,,er\' r,erson In !he lrnll cnn see the whole nf the stRl,!t'. The nC'ot1stlc!-i nre perfect. Seats 3000 This hall hn• RbollL 3000 M'a ts. Durin1.t the mterntls. thrrr Is nmplr. spnl'e i11~1r1r. rlw h111lclln~ fol' lhe wholP nr the audlPnce or 3000 to he ~Cl'\'NI f<K1<i , lnc:ludlm: ,,wln.r) nn<I wine. tea. or cof– frt.• wit hln minutes, nnd mosL 11wxpenslvcly. Escnl,itors take Lhe people 11pstntrs LO thl.C\ mnss1ve room. The Olllslde or Lhls magnl– r1cen1 bu!ldmg Is verv slm· !lar 10 LhaL which wn., de• signed without cosL by f;t~::~ : :~;::nl mc1,!nsbb~~= churc In 1059 lnr a r11lt11rnl cen1re- t.wo renrs before the n11!<.sln ns bufll theirs. The Pushkln Mu,cum In J\10,r.cow has one of the flne~t cnllr.t'llons of Frenrh hnprr.!o,lnnlsb In the world. The pnmt.ln ~s n I e shown· tn J:!f'f'al ndn1n ta1.:c because ~rveral pnint,\nc:~ hy the one :uHRt nrc grnupcd together. Larger Tltt' Hcr111t1.ai;e in Lcnin– grnd nl:-.o hns n mnµnlficent rollectlo11 - much loq.:cr but mnny or the Hcrmituj?c paint.In~:,., lwrr been s<:'nt to Moscow n 11ci Ihe experts say that. l\1o~row hns the best. but nol thr lnr~esl. 'l'RAFf'lf' : Tl1c1e arc very !f~~' tf},~;\LCbll~~:s liltl~C R:~~j near Iv as mnrtrrn BS those In olhcr connt rics FOOU : The 1onrl. f'nm– pnrccl ,,·1lh our .•:i :mdards a nd thnse or Enf!l :1.nd nnd l l,S.A.. I.~ J)()Or. Nol. much nwnt nnrl 1101 ~ond mcnt. Plen lY of blal'k bread and ciwlnr wl1 kh 1s l11expcns1,·c. No dellrn.1 f'!-SC'll~ nnd not, 1L good choler.. One or nur imrty pnld Sl C'fH'h for nn opt:~01' 1 ~~-\S'i~ : 0 8~~{~·Jot11e~ nrc noL d 1r:q">-S3~ 1nr n 1 1:ur or \\'0111Cll°~ i:;hO('S whlrll n Ent?l:u1d would fet ch uho111, M . .\Ill TIIA\'t:I.: A lll~hl, rrnm l'\'lnsl'O\\' tn London, f, 1 t 1 011~· 1 n~~l1n 1 ;~~-' ~1 n,!~~:;l 1 d ~:! ~· nho\11 MO fn1: a ~m11lar dt~– tnrwc. No choice SIIOPS : 0nr ml!---.rs sm:ill Shf\pS. For r xampll'. If onr. run~ -.h111t 01 h:1,·ln~ &.1np nr rn1or blnd<'s or nnyth\!Hr r l:-r. 1 hf•\' ('flllllOI be p 11r- 1·h11,1wd HI till' h1ll1•l n lor n! z;tnrc nr a •'lirml..:ts' sl1np. Tltrrr ,~ no har,::alnlnr:. no f'lrnll'I', rw :i-tnrktnkh1i: i,;nlri,., 11n ,•nmJrn rl-.nll hr– t wrrn unr :i-lnrf" 111111 :111- othrr 110 ,·it:1111 ,· a11d nn prnrli mnth·r 111· 1•111·11ur– ac:r hrtlrr ,·alnr'-, 1w rlt:-ht 111 1·lrnnr:r n11r·, 111•r111m – l11111 :11 "ill. 1'1ps llt't' d 1:--1·1111ra.:rci . nl– tho11:.:h \\C h .1d 111 • 111 ...1111\ct! ,, llrrr t hrv " 1•r.. 11' 111:-.rrl n 1r1 f' ,..,· , , ,. ltttlf' alf'hn- 1\111\:-111 111 p11l1t1,· ph1r ,•s. but H 11,,1o1 h .t~ Il l\ shnre of C'r\11\f'.