Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THI cou1t11,-MAIL MONDAY se,T U IHI , can BR,ISBA 1 NE city planning learn from Canada It's really on the move ~ 11111u1111111111u1u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1n1u11111111111111,1111111,,11111111,1111111111111111u1111111,11111,11111111 ,1•• ~ - • • ~ ;; • ~ • • ;; • i • SIR LEO.TV TROUT, 1vlio wrote 1l1i11 article 1111et:ially /or 1'111, Courier-Mail, i, on a 1vorld lo11r, lie i, ,1 Brisbane hilllim•u leader and chairman of trustees of the Q11ee1111larr,l N11tio,ial Art Gallery, The 11eco,1d article in the serie11 ,viii be 1mbli11l1erl tomorrow, .;)1u1u1111u1111111111111111111111111u1• 1u1111u1u111r1111111111u1111 11 1 11 I 1111 111,1111u1,1111t1•11111111 11111 ,1,,1,1 1ut1111111111 11111111111111111111,~ llii..l EW YORK. - The visitor to Canada is immediately im– ("'1111 pre11ed with that country'• va1tne11 and cleanline11. Within the last few years the City of Mon– treal has had vast Inner city development. lta Queen Ellubeth Hotel, with lta under,round atore• and aub-YI atretchln1 for over hatr-a-mlle! aiid It• City Square, wh eh ae!4 all buildings welt back from the old all1nments, /rovld· ~~f. ~~f~e tti:!'et rie~ b~t. tn1a more attractive and practical. hoih~ d:Jre~• /!_f{:ar~:~ mlnal can be macle func– tional and beauutul - all underrround. What an opportunity Brllbane'a Central Railway Station offers for a atmllar development I o ~~tBU.~f:e'!~or C::;~~ sf:eet and the river atands up very favourably to com· parllori with IMer city dev– elopment In other parta or the world and when com– pleted wlll be of 1reat ad· v1nt&1e to Brisbane and Queenaland, lllffllMttllMtlllllttlllllllllllltllllllllltlllHlr Toronto ls another city which ls growing quickly and II being planned aen– albly. Ita lnduatrlal a.reaa are more beautiful than many realdentlal areas In other C~1nor f.11e.:Ol'lgack ~~~~ the ma1!n highway, often by more than 100 reet to 300 r:~\1/lid ft~'!~e~:iJ•.~~ anH turfed with lav.'tls, The result ls th11.t one drives for miles along a per– fect highway flanked on each side wllh lawna and flowers. There are no fences. How unfortunate tt I• that the Ipswich Road from Rocklee. to Ipsw·.r.h was not laid out like this when this planning could have ea.slly been done before a bulldln~ ~!~~'. ~:Yt~a~~e':v/i? lei~;. from our past mistakes? Park homes Toronto's latest l'l~tdenthtl development Is equal to any I have ever seen In the world• If one could Imagine the Brisbane Botanic Gardens or Melbourne's Fitzroy Gar– dens or Sydney's Hyde Par~ ~g1~fve"-~~~~vtg~k~n~lt~~~~~ disturbance to the existing t-rees, shrubs or flowers - no fences erected, but one house being built on each block either o! a ranch or Geor– gian design and each house costing between• £40,000 and £80,000 and e\lell more, one would h1\\'e a fair Idea o! what, this at-ea looks like. Every house has been arch!Lerturally designed. Fully grown t ree11 ha.ve been planLed ovu·ntght, Huge P~!k.~o~:." rlcr:~ 1':;1 1 l;, :~1i the park- There are no kerbs or ~~!~[~, .u;;t~. ~fl\',". ~~: and Is dralnt>d away remov– ing the ugllnes., or kerbs and gutters and giving the whole area a much aofter appear· ance. The land Is worth between £25,000 nnd £50 000 a block. It 1s griwtous hvtng at lt.s beot. 2 City Halls 11 ,1,;~~~1;~••}~;;111;1;:~•11~•;~;111 }~;; 18 - the old one and the new one. which Is o. huge scml– clrculnr building surrounded h!' 11 lnrge city squnre with fountains, pedestrian walks. nncl amenities !or Its chil– dren nnd ndulls. lL also hn.< " very ma~nl!l– cent, art Rnllcry which Is bullL m front of a lnrge pnrk- lt was established In 1000 all(! hy bequests, gtn., nnd collect.tons, hns acquired over 3500 works or art. It ls run by 1·ohmtnry sub– •crlpllons from Utt" public n.nrt lti1 now seck lnµ- to rAlse n further onll million dollars tor hulldlt1~ 111111rnvemcnts. There Is little c oubt that they will be succes.shtl- Thc."C arc snmc of their acquisitions: An lmportnnt Jlembrnnnt. n Tintorctto. Clnude Lor,·nln Frnnccs<'O clP Murn. Cnnnlctlo, Drur– ~111! Pous.~ln. \Inn Dyck. t.wn Frnn.o;; HnlR Reynolds, nneburn, co11s1nblc. Gnlns– borou~h. ~tonrt. Boudin. 0011rbct ln~rc.,, OnuhlRllS, Ff"'nton · J.nto111·. Pisnno, ~ 11-1lf•\' Rf'\l'l'fll Tif'1tnlr1-1, 'lt ,, •• i:1111l 11 \\11 1 quart.er million t.o two-and– a-hal! million tn three years. No wonder people from Great Brito.In and Europe arc lookJng to CnrJ.llda as a counLrv to wntch to migrate. • One can feel It expanding and It is so cl06e to Europe– n week bv ship or a few hours by 'plane - a11<1 In– expensive compared with ;;,~1~"l! 1 "m,~r~rl~r 0 au~d c!\; have no snow belt which freezes the land !ormonths or the winter. Canada's J>01>11latlon Is In t.110 vicinity or 20 million ~nd J?TOW!ng very rapidly, It 1s certlllnly one or the coun– tries of the future. Jn the UnlLed States we tmvellcd through thousands upon thousands or acres or com - not wneat. Most o! }~l i':ft~e.toc:fn~'}~~nc3rnlt dl!flcult to lmaglne that there would be enoush catUe In America to eat tt all - but there la. Chlcaro Is a SIR 1.1-:0N TROUT city on the shores or Lake Michigan. Its most out– standing building la the MuM!um or Art. It IS the finest Rallery bulldlnl{ I h:we ever •een In anv cart o! the world and It hns one o! the best collections o! paintings, especially o! I he French Impressionists. The col– lection ls v•lued at well ol'er 250 million dollars. It pu1a most or the •o f:!le~orr~ad~ .~~~;.les on:! Pushkln gallery In Moscow Is 50 years behind it. Most o! the rooms have been rebuilt and alr-condl• tloned wll hln the last few years. There Is perfect light for every picture and Lhe paintings nre not over– crowded. They are hung ::;~orr~~fr ~~u;~!lfty.pertod There IA a much better collection o! the French Impressionists than I •aw n I the Pushkln aaller, In ~fOSCO\\'. Here are aom• flRures ""hlch JttsLlfv Its reputation as "a monument to volun– teer 11lvlng": • Value of collection over S250 million. • Annual Income over U mllllor.. • Olfta for purchue of palntlnRs In 1964-1965, over $800,000. e Staff of over 500. eNtnety per cent of !ta works on display. This must be a world record. Mnnv galleries can dlspl•:v only about one-filth or one-sixth of their collec– tions at anv one time. • Ninety per cent or a 688,000 aquare feet area II air-conditioned, Arts centre 11111111111111, 11111111r11111111111m111111111111t11111111111u1 The bulldinlf has decor&• tlve arta Jallerles, a School or Art Institute. a Theatre anft 'ta~~::&\ ~( u.Pe~•t':1 8 and a total public attendance or over I 300,000 men, women and children & year. It has 70,000 bound vol• ume,, 20.000 pamphlets :i:!'. l~i~g~~fo~~ p~fn°t~ over 54,000 postcards and 300,000 prints and drawings, It has 27,729 members. Thi• fantastic record or voluntary giving ttaa been due to over 14 years• o! care• rut planning by a te.m or experts and the generosity or so many American pub• U c-splrlt.ed citizen•.