Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

from Canada It's really on the move ~ I I I I, I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 • .'illl Ll:OiV 1'/lUlJ'I', ,,.1,,, 11·ro1,, tl,i.• 11rti,·/,. ~1u•,·i11//.,· for '/'lw • • t:011rier-M11il, ilf 1111 " 11·11rl1/ l1111r, II,• ilf " llris/111111• l111.,i111•u /e,11/er ar11l diair1111m of t1·11sll'r.• of ,1,,, (1111•1•11.,/11111/ ,\111i1111fll • • ,,frt G11//1•ry. The lff't•oml 11rti,•/p i11 tlrn s1•ri,•s 11·ill /,,. 1111/1/ilfhr,I lt1111111·r1111·. . :'I I I I I I 1•11, I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 111...1 EW YORK. - The visitor to Canada is immediately im– (""11111 pressed with that country's vastness and cleanliness. Within the last few years the Cily of Mon– treal has had vasl inner city development. Its Queen Ellzabeth Hotel. with Its underground •tores and •ubwaya stretchlni for over hal!-a-mlle ar,d 11, City Square, which set., all buildings well back (rom the old allgnments, prol'id· ~f ~~~c~e t~:!t n~~d b~;i'. lnR• more attractive and practical. The de.lgnera have shown how a modem rall.,•ay ter· mlnal can be macte func– tJonal and beautiful - all underground. What an opportunity Brl&bane'a Central Rallway SLatlon offers !or a slmllar development I The Bligh plan tor devel- g~~:~t&lld ~~:·e:1~er s~:::i~ up very !avourably to corn· parl&on with Inner city dev· elopment In other pa.rt.s ol the world and when corn· pleted will be ol greaL ad· vant,a11e to Brisbane and Queensland. 111111m1111mmm111m1m1um11m11m1111t Toronto ls another city which Is growing quickly and LI being planned aen• albly, Its Industrial &reas are more beautl!Ul than many residential areas Jn other garta ol the world. Every J!ld:.11n tahl:ttway~ 8 ~~te~ 0 b~ more than I00 feet to 300 f ~~ 1 'wit':~ 1 r\~ 1,~,~l~ :.~r~~1,: 5 sN~~ oncl lUrt'cd wit h lawns. The result. 1. ll1".t, one dri\'cr. for miles nlong n per– !ecl h lghwny t!nnkr.d on Pach .-.1cle w11h lawns and flowers. There a re no rence5. How un fortunntf' It i~ that I he l1,swlch Road from Rocklel\ lo Jp:,.\\'ich WRS not, laid out like Ihi, when this planninl( could lln,•p en.-silY been clone bf'forr n buildituit pr rmiL wns Rrnnted lo the owner. MR,vb,~ we will l<'a rn from our past nustakes'! Park homes Toronto'!- lntc.-.t, rtfilrte11tJa l dcvclopmcnL u, t!Qtllll to nuy I ha\'e ever been in the world, If one could Imagine Ihe Brisbane Botanic Gardens or Melbourne·• ~'ilzroy Gar– dens or Sydney's Hyde Pnri.- Pi1~fve5-\1l~~!vtg[ci~k~ 1 \:~ 1t}! 11 ;~~ disturbance lo the cxisllni; Irces. shrubs or flowers - nO fences erected, buL one housL• being built on each block rithcr of n rnnch or Cil•or– glnn design and ench house cost Ing between r4o.noo nnd rao,ooo nnd e\'en more. one would luwe II fair Ide!\ or whnt this nrca looks like, E\'erv l1011se hns been archtt.erturally designed. Fully ~'Town t,rees ha.ve been plant.<!d ovc!'nlght. Huge f~!k~oi:~; I~~ t~." 1 /t ~Ii the park• There are no kerbs or gutLcrs. The wnter flows over the surface of the roads and Is dratntd away remor– Jng the ugliness or kerbs and gutters and giving the whole nren. n. much softer nppea.r– ancc. The lo.nd Is worth between £25.000 and £50 1 000 I\ block. It 1s gracious lvlng nt Its be.st . 2 City Halls lllllUll!llllllt!llll!IIIIUllllltlllUlll'ltlllllUIIIUll!IIHIUlllf Toronto has two cll,y halls -1,he olct one nnd the new one. which Is n. huge semi• circular building s11rrounded bv a large clt,· squnre with r01111tnins pcd'cstrinn walks. and amei1ttles for Its chil– dren nnd ndult s. It aJso hn.,;; n \'Cry maf,mifl– ccnt, nrt gnllcr~· which I!!. built in front or a lnr~e park- It wn., established In IDOO end b\· bequests, girls nnd collections. has ncqulrcd over 3500 works or n1·t. tt Is run h~ 1 ,·oluntnry ~uh– .script ion!-- from the public n.nd Is now ~ eklnJ? to rnl~c a further one million dollars ~~;er~u\~d 1 \1f 11jn\l;;;?bt 11 ~~~; they will he surces.sful- 'Jllc~ arc some of thch· ~';;h~:~!~?ci't: ~n -~i~W~:~i:/6: Clnude Lorrnm F'mnre!'ico cir l\Iurn.. Cnnnletto. Urur- [,~~~ Fr~~:sl~~·nls Vn~C~'~J~~: Rneburn Constn hlc Oalm;– borou~h_' ;\ lonet, · Boudin, oourbct. Jnc:rr.s. Dnuhlµ-ns. Fenton Lntour, Pisnno. Sis1c\' :;r, rnn n rnoirs, Dc~n·s· Snr(!cnnt S1r kcr1, All~wit us ,Ioh 11, Rodin. fif~1l 1 1 1 ~· !--f~~~ ~.'1 1 ~1 1 ·~~ h~ 11 ~ 1 1~,~~ is.~(•. P1CA<:SQ, Ep~lrln, Hodjn, nnd Henry l\loorc. Th£>\' ),n, f' n ~flf'C'IR I srp in rr fnr tl11•lr ~ ulp111rcs, w1t h ."-C\ l'l'fl l 1n u n1 11111s, Tlll' l,!llllrr,· ('0 !-.l s O\"f>I' ~:mo,non n .n •nr 10 nprrnt r Allri I he wholr of 1-hl~ ;11110ll lll IS IOl!ir>ri rmm Ille p11hl1r T nro1110·.~ pOplllRl !nn Im.~ 1·l~Pn Imm onr-n11d•Ll1rrr . 11rnr1r r n11lhon to t,wo.nncl– n-hntr 1111ll1nn m three years. No won~lcr people from GrcaL DrH nm nnct Europe R l'P looking to Cnundn as a rm1111 r \' lo wluch to 11111.!fllt e • One cnn reel II expanrl,n~ nnr1 11 is s clOf\e to Europe– a weclt b~· ship or n rew hours by plane - nnct l11• r :-.:pens1, e ro111pn rrcl with :\ttM rnl rn nlt.hfHIUh our di• mul e 1s m 11<'11 belt1•r nnct we hnr ~ no snow b<'lt. whirh f1 cc1.es lhe IR11<1 for ' months or I lie wm1 er. Cnnndn '·" J>0p11lntio11 Is in t-he vicinity or ~O million Hllct L'1'0Wini:: \'Cl'~' rnp1dly ft 1s l'ertnlnly onr or the co11n– tr!rs of I IH! future. In Ihe United Stal.ea we l,ravclkd Il1rough Ihousands upon thousand~ or nr:rc., or ttJrn - not wneat. I\106t. of ~~dis ~~\ctYc.LO d:f~ 1f~~11;;rtit difricult to lnrngine that ti;ei,,;~~~~~ ~ ee"a~ur/1 ~ntl:: but there is. (.;hlcaco is a .'illl u :u.,· 1'/WUT c1t~· on t.he shores or LAke ~,11chigan. ILs rnost. out• standln~ bulldlng i• the Museum of Arl. It 1, the !!nest anll..-y bulid In~ I hare el'er seen In anv onrt or thr worlct nnd 11 hns one of the b<'~t collect ions or paintln~.-,. c.-.p l'IUII,· 11! the FreJH:h trnprrs:-;1on1s1s_ The col– lect 1011 b \'nlnflct Al well 0 1·,r 2.;o mllllon dolla1·s. It puts most or tne so 1·nlleci maj or ~nller1es or the worlri In ~hnmr. Thr. Pushk1n .cnllery In Moscow t, 50 venrs l>chlnd It. MoH or the room:, hn\'e been relrnllt and oir-concll· tloncd wi thin lhe Inst few years. There Is µerferl li~hl, for ,-·e,·y picture and the pnlnt.Jngs nrc not over– crowded. The~• nre hunJ:" arcordin1t to their period and their natlonallll', l111 prr ~l()J1b{S 1ha n J hR W n ! 1h ,, PU.'-hkln RRllery ln ~fn-.,·n \,. Hrn• are 60 lllp ruwres wh 1c'h lu:<ilih · It s r<'IJlll .tllon ll!<i " A monument tu \'olun . trrr ~l\'IIU:'' : • Valur- of m·r r .C.250 million. • Annual income over H n11l1lnr,. • GlflA for r>urchns,. nf na int1n~s in 1964:-1065, m r-r $800,000. • s1 a ff or orf'r ~lOO. e Nmetr per ceni. or 11s \\'lll'kS on d !,..pln \', Thh 111u ...1 be n world record. l\tnnv l.lRllcries r r111 dlsnln\' onl\' nbout one-flfl h nr 01w •slxth nr thrir collec– t inns al nnv onr time. • Nmety per cent or RHH.000 square !ccL area Rlr-condlt loned. Arts centre Th~ bulldlng ha, decnra– lil'e nrt.s galleries. a School nl ArL Institute, a Theat-re anri A School or Drama. It -hns 6000 students ~nd a totnl public attendnnre nl orrr t.300,000 men, women nnd children " year. II has 70,000 bound vol– umes, 20,000 pamphlc1s 65.000 photog1·a11hs, 52,000 sltdes, 19.800 colour prints, over M ,000 postcards nnd 300.000 prints and drawings. II hns 27.7211 members. This fnntnstic record or \IOllllllAl'y K"i\ltng ·hns been 1Li\e hla~~•,~:~~ 4 6.~ 8 ~~·r~~~r~1f experts and the generosity nf so many Amerlcen pub– ltc-splrlted citizens.