Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

German Handicraft and Industrial Design Pa1nt1ngs by Charles Conder ··<;:ftt:\ Display is based on new design A SQUAT little cltiun, bowler-hatted, and ,elf-important; a gymna1 .. tic display; two amusing old men; bird, poised on ,lender legs , , • These \\'('re lmpre~c;\on_:- of lhe Gf.•rman lrnnrllcrnl t a nd 1ncl11stn itl OC',,!1,!tl "~~ l1ibil ion <I I r lir Q11er,ns~ !nnd Art Gal!C'l'.\', T llr di~pl;1,\· fr:1 turr:- e\·l'rV! lilnr.! [rolll lw ge ca rtiu•nw:ue- po!.<; nm\ :lli– sl rar-l .'-CUI p t 11rr~. :-t 11rdy l'ilildn,n ·s toys nnd pr:~l'- l H':"11 yet decorn1 1_\·r kitd1C•t1\\':l l'P. to fr:-\i,!IIC J.!·]nss and chln:t. \\'tll'I'. ,,!l.k :l ll<I wool t,:1 1)C<;tJ'lC!- :'\ IHI ex– quisite go cl nnd ~cm jC\\'ellf'O'. · Simplicity Jt wa:; nrrnngrd hy tlw cul t11ml DcJ,>artmcnt ~r tiH' Cicrnrn n I· O!'Clf,:'11 Off\! C nnd brou~ lll, to Quern~– lnnd by th e Sta te·s Olr1- :don of t lw Art~ Co1111c1\ or Anst rri lin . The dlspl,,y wtll be 0 11 \'lrw al the (i:1llcry unt il Oc·1.11bcr :.n The Ga llf• ry·~ n~sls!nnl director. i\11.'--'- Hnh~·n Hil l I H'nl:-Pd thC' rxhlh1tton for t:- quali ty nnrt \', l'lrt ,·. "Thr keyno! e or Ihe ~~~ hibll Ion.'· she sttld, ., Is good 1111 ct simple des\~n. "F.\·Pn thr d1sp\{ly c11:;1:1s were ~pccin llv rlr.'-l~nrrl 111 Orrmun.r to r()l11J)1CmC'n! ll'H' ltC'rnS." 200 Articles T lwrr :HP 11111!'(' ,11.nn ~on plr<•f"S :n 1hr r;,.;h1hllio11. whirll ~how~ r ll~ work nf ln<11n rl un l f•rrlf1 i.11H.'t1 nnd ra,•1n rv- p rncl11,·r rl nrtklr.'- \ liss Hil l sa trl s\10 !Pit , 11 ·, 1 111" r \:!, ihi11011 would hf", nf s: rrut irl!N<'. ..,t tn ln– trl'inr <1r 1 ·nrat.or :i-, n1Thl~ 1 f'l'l\l re n !Hi H r! .1..ltlcirnt ;1IH I lfl IHl \l~l' \\'\\'f',~ .. "Thr\' i·;H l l1r,·omr R\\ nl of I hr· ,. ,:ur nf 1.:onrl rlr_ , ten 111 t 111' h111nr ;1"., \\'Pil n1- ~<'' 1 In ~ 11"\\' 1dC'n:- '''';, ... :– .~·.:;. The President and Trustees of 1he Queensland Art Gallery cordially invite you to the opening of these two exhibitions by Dr. Karl-Heinz Scholtyssek, Consul in the German Consulate-General, at 8 p.m. on Thursday, September 29th, 1966. Tti.- Gt•,,11.111 E ot..ti,t"'" 1>.1-. 111• ,·•• ,1r1.1nq1•d by 1111• C11ll,u,1I D••p.ut1n,·,1l of lh,· Fo,1•11111 Ofltt ,. ol 111,, ft•(ll•r.,1 R,, p11l,l11 .,1 Gt•1111,111y ,Ind ,11.1,I,, .iv.1il .1hl+· llt'lt' ht ltH· A,t .. C111J111 ,I "' A,"1, .11,., Q,1t•t•11-.l ,111d 01111,,,,,, COURIER-MAIL TUESDAY OCT 4 _1_9_6_6___ - - ------ • ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer Two exhibition.s at Queensland Gallery TWO exhibitions are heinA' held simul– tnneoui-ly at the Queensland Art Gallery. One, a collcclion of the also, very eleganttv de- work of Charles Conder, :;~c'\~s. fa ctory-produced beloni:s partly lo Aus- We ma.v remember that tralin!1. partly to English :?~~P~~·,::i 1 J:[~ [~eofi~~~ art history. datlons, internationally. tor The other, an uhlhl- good contemporary design. 11011 or German llandl- Its Influence Is stll! pre- 1•ralt and Industrial De- sent In this exhibition •l~n. present. n •election alongside with aome ln- nl the contrrnporan· be,t ttuences tram Japanese In these flrlds. ideas of beauty. The Conder Exhlblllon inP~;.~ef~;~~r~• ~t~~i11 he~ f, 0 ~1t: 1 n,;\~~:kci~~ir l~ta~l~ci mass produced objects, RIHI made his mark as a )'0uthful painter, as well as •·ork done nrter his return 10 Europe. There he Joined lhe Art Nouveau movement and ~nlnect Rdmiratlon from nrtis1s nnd writers such as Toulouse Lnutrec, Aubrey Bcn rclslcy, nnd Oscar Wilde. In Am1tralla he ,~,a! nnt nnl~· one of the ploncen nf lmpttsslnnlsm but also of Art Nou,·eau. ··Departure or the Steam– .<h\p Orient.", done a t the 11~e of 20. Is considered his 1,nest pn\n l\n~ clone In Aus– trnll11. In this he captured rile :rnbtle ntmospherc and rrflcc1 Ions of n rainy scene 1101 unlike Streeton In his famous "Redfern Statlon."' But. unlike Streeton. he nrr:rn~cct the scnsitlre elm;. tcrs of colours and forms in :i much more clccoratlvc nrn11ncr. lhus indicating the 1cnrlcncy he wns to de\ielop. This e:m bf' seen here In pnmt111~s. which include pAmtln!.!s on silk 1111d on rnn.'J. rt!- wrll ns In clrl\wlngs 1111d l11 l1og-rn phs. C'ltanrnn~J.r hr rmbod lcd nn adn11rn11nn !or Japane~e prtnrs , wi11ch ht• sf1arrd \\'1l lt ....(\ ll lilll\. nr tlsls of Ills prr!nd I Ill :1 IO\'Cly sma ll pa 11111111: ·· 1-1 >W Wr LosL f"!n·,.Jr ." Our own c-aller,-•'!I lnli·nl " Fruit Trrr!\ In Hlo~.!<onm. AIA:ler~•• make!!! a worthy fnral point In thl!t ~"""'· L11 !lol!rn p!u1 Incl ude r11w Hn!wc ~rries. •,;.·,\·, .-., ./:,_ :;.-~ ...l -~ •