Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

',l / Brisbane, Q . I r :oVEMGrR ?7 , 1966 The Sunday Mail Page 19 BRICK f All OUT OF ART GALLERY'S ARCH BRICKS have begun to fall hum Quccnsland 's 75 -yc11r-old Art Gallery building on Gregory Terrace. f'11b h' \\',,iL I U•p,l l'!Jllf':11 .t •I 11 I., ' ',\ I 1 ·I~ 1•J'1•,· ! 1•rl II i,:11,•1 ,\· ,,1·,1 J J,dlt,ll :.,: ll fldt• J 11)11• ,tJ '. ,,, ,·1 1 ; ,1 Ill'" ,1/'C /11 '.\ ih•t ,. 11111, ';t .1.1 ,·1 tl rr1IJ. 1·d ,n 11 I\\ ,, 1,. 1 ,. ,_,.. , , ; 1 ,·n :\ li•'Jl,1. ' llll'lll ,l !I' 1: 1 ,•1·' J/1 /JI + 11 11 ' u h 11,,1i1 11 ,11111 111111,,1 •• ,\ , \ jh · •·d · 11 Ill - .1.1 11 ;, 1/t",111,·11 ...u1 •• ,.,. ,1: , :,• ! l''ln'i ' ,..;1111ri·1·, ,·l•l'•I' lo I h 1• e: :1/l<· n h1•li1•,·1• lh:t L 1111 1·ru11it'1li11~ 1·1111,111,·1• 1, ..u :1H1·d 1•d II\ ilCP th,1 t if fl t•t", 11111 ;11 ,•ri( f'l' p :111', I It' 1)11..,!'!1..: 1'1'1'('1t•11 !J •, I ll!· ~.t l !d!i,d A~:·1v111! 11:-.1 ! .11u! I1:d ;1. 'r ., I \ . 111 1.1 ' 11 1 :1 •I! Q ll!'t'! l ~.. t11rl 111 1'1!11 . ,1 /-.11 lif11i-.,•.. 1!11' <.)111•1•11 -..Ju11 d .\ l11,1·11rn Need u r gent Culturn I hfl\'C IJC('I! J}l t' "111..! Lill\'('nl!ll(.'lli ,11·1 !l lll on new {'t1l1 u1a ! c,•11tr• qu,·en.-:.la11d Now tlw cl1'1 rn1 ,ra ;wn ,,, 1lic alr1•11d,- 100-~111n !\ ,.:H ; 1lrry ll tak,..,._ n c·1 1011 011 a !If'\\' cent rf" n nm 11 c•r nr w·:.:r11n T h(' l'rl/I11bi111i.: fl ll' )\\:t ', !.~ on I J1r nor1la•rn .,1dp n: 1hr Ga l!rr\· ,·111ra11,·,, Thrn• :1r,· , 1:,: 11-. of rur. llwr c-r:11'1-.:s :uul 1·r 11111h- llni,: fro111 \\ :t lf•r d.1111:.L:•' ·1,, , , ,1 ' ,1 11 •. r·1:·•:1f'1 ahm·1· tilt• a r, h. h:1 ·1 'l ·101J.(! p!'o1h,d1 : T lit• lit.. ltl,1 .!. I"- II<•' l'P· t•:: 1 '..~ l•:''\\,,i~:~i/;', i~;~~'l \' h ii. • Hi.• .tl!\ . ,, . .... Brisbane, Qld. Art Gallery 11 patch-up" The Public Deportme nt ho ) unde r . tok e n to " patc h up " do rn cqc 1m n1c d1litc ly QuceMlond ', old Gollr , v hu ilding G regory Te rrace \ ,i1· •;t lf l\ 1111 ' J1" 1-.t ,II I \ • ' f l( l.1• ,Ill .l, \)1 • . :, q II ' ,:, II ,;,cl'l i 1• • , • l1•il ., 1:1 'II t;, 1 I Ill ii I ,, -' ,I : '' 11 I Ji ' .. I I' 1; ~ ,I 111{ • ,I : ', ['11• I\IIJI .,, ,,11\,t 111.i k, 1lw l!lrl ,L :, \ ,t',