Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

200 :., 'e6ter art Au1tralla'1 top artlata have entered • record 200 Painting, for the 1966 H. C. Richard, Mernorlol PrlH al the QuHnalond ".!!. Gollory, · The Palntlngs, priced from $10 t-0 $1700, will be ihudged on November 10 bv e Director of the New South Wales Art ORllerv (l\fr, Hal UlsslnghRm). ' An exhibition of about ~o selected paJntlngs will Ae held at the Queensland b rt Oallerv from Novem– er 10 to becemher 11 The annuRI prize ,,' Jn memory of Professor ~e 8 n 0 ry Caselli Richards 4•1047>, a former chair– man of the Trustees of the Queenslnnd Art Gallery. It wa., Jnstttut~d In 1951 RS a 100 guinea prize tor lnndscape Pnh1 tlng. rn 19.57 first prize becRme 2.50 guineas for a pointing or ~/dtun':ubJect, In My Brisbane, Q. 11 ~- r· P " •n· Prize art "isn't nything" not meant to an vthing," hos $500 H. C. Memorial Pru.c. rc prc~cnr won the Richards ' I I!,• :11 11:-,! ) l r {', I ,I ,1 (..il l ,~ .t !11.!li :,.1 l 1 Tt•,l('ilt'!' 1 1 \\',dl111 •N >' IV • Tli 1 , 1),111 \11 !. 111 :1, I \ ,, j, H :-1T !l ', •Ii ll\tl1 1 ti·, IJ1, :-t tlll•':- \\ trh t l1r1•• 11.i! : ""' , h \\1,• •I I'll!• :- I 1 ',\,,11,d : l'l'IJl•l<l\11'1' 11 1 H h! ll J.: ,II ! \\ hil t' i,!J,1r11:~1.wl1 ·1: , pnlllli llL: l:-S Ji l l j,, 111 • I :\t r .J ,,rd:111 ... , 111 l\lL: lll l !1 ,p,, Ill\ 11.,l!' 1·,11:1!1! •'·" f •l , ', \,11., \ It''' "' .,1 111 11, r, t ,1 J h ;, \ t' • 1 1 t! ,' l',1 tt! ) :! 111 t !I ,. , I • 1 .t p:11,111• •\• 1.. (•\ J 1 , hi/' I' • !111: ;i , 'I l J, Ill.I ;1 ll, 1j "' I' '1 ' l 1J, 1 I .it} I , 'II ,1 i. I i: J .,111 ,, 1 , ,, 11t•1 1 1, :;1 fl llcl f I Ill' I' I , I' I .,, ,I I ,I \.~ I ,,,,I 1111, I 11·1 11 I • ...1,, lj ~, J I 11 1111 f )\,• :~111 11 !• •t •'d r,, \ ll \\ '' ,L ' '111 ( ,111• I I (i,lllt- 1 J(q" 'll, 111,li.•1 \! 1 /I 1 \J..~ I! 1•t!,l!ll tl:1 ,,, ' ,, , : /, •\ 1' I iH!J• l'\ ••! °\. ,·'\ :.; \\',1 h , 1,1 l ',11 ,,d \'. I.' l11td 11 I ll .i t \ • 1 \ l'I ,d ,tl.11 11111111 ,d, ,· , ,,, , ,·1,, 1 ''T ll•'l'' ! 111.i1·,, IJ,,w., di:-~ ' ,.,. •r \ •I• I 11 •1 r, ' c·: I' I· ,., f I! I, ll• ,!' Li I J, t! I 1·,,,1j1 II 1111 I• lt11 I: II\ 111 , 111111 ll IHI• d \ I. , ,ip, 1111 Brisbane, 0 . '' J ,,. ~ "'. /_ .f' 1-w' I EDITOtUAL The the 11la1·1•. Another abstract - or should it be "non– representationnl" won the annua l Richards Art Prize this week. Stand by [or out– raged screams that the public is heing "taken for a ride." Remember that con– troversy when a picture called "Journey Into You Beaut Country" won the Richards $500 severnl years a go ? This week's award stimulates a theory that artists shouId price a II a bstrncts at figures like 16. or 66, or 161 dollars. Then, when they're hung upside clown, the prices i::o up. The new winner is nn ighl by four-and-a• half-foot painting of rown nncl blue stripes. !'eat for upside down a controversy never hurls art. It Lhl'i\'Cs on criticism. And where there is criticism there is interest. It hn s done a lot for Riclrnrcls compeli– itsclf. which has become mr11•p import.a nt in recent yea rs. No\\' , end, yea r, I he , how nttrn cts entries nnd int erest from nil over Anstrnlia . That's i;:oocl for I.his city, whcthe!' one is on to fa ,fa or E''l•:HY lit'\\' IHI rnrm 1•x111•C"l s rar1,, 11,•ri,inn - not that :1h..;tr:t<'1 pninling- i"I rP:il!,· 11,•w at 1111. A11strn linn rt r I i s t ~. mnny r,f t twm nh~I ract h:l\·c m:i dr n rn:i,· n11! l< nr,w wlrnt thf°\\''rc d,,jng Im 1hry 1111;,, hr ciroi ni;: :--1-r1mf' lh i11,c ri c h! . T hdr s 11<'t·r ~J.1 1-. lO lll'C mr·rt•ly p11zzlr•d I,~, the s~11ig-g-/0s nr <111 /lops. 1311t is Ihr rr Rn,· ,wr d. surcl~·. t,1 hr A,;i;rrrrl ' The thin ,: is In t n · to 11ndcrn1n nrl ii.