Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

RELAXED critic 111 the Queens– land Art Gallery yesterday wns Carol Murray, 6, who s11t on the rostrun, 11ftor the Education Pro– tenor at Queensland Unlver,lty (Professor O. W, B, soett l had opened II child art uhlhltlon, INVITATION On display are 100 paintings nnd several lino cuts and clay , ,culpturos, the work of children nged 7 to 13, at regulnr Snturdny mo1·nlnis a1-t cl,,socs at thn gnl– lo1·y, The exhlhltlon will ho open until Doc'lmhe r 11, .. ~~~·~:~'.~ .. ~~~:t ~,T.:- .~'~'~,~~t.~ 1 ~~1 h~adu:r1' lo M'C :rn tshJ - :'\'t•ll!".'-. t·n ·n11 ,·e n.rt Cla: ~ t hl1'on of •·hlldrt n 's AIJl.,11t JU l'hlldren ' ~~Jfj .-rt-:,tfrt> a.rt _at thr Hri~• un ·:-•·nt thr t·xhibltion o! l•an,· Art Galle-rv (mm 1H1111t 111l!', rlrn wlnc: mod Nc1vrmhrr 16 1uuH ,·IIJ llc. ,·1U'\'lllf.!', lhir cut; •~~J~~m,~:~-1~;., Mm. Mar- ,,ncf ~ume J,(ruuo murnls. 1;arc1 ~!1·N, 111 onld c1cn- ~lrs McNf'III Mid the tl\'C' 1t rt ~huulft b,~ ••xJ11 b111~m will be ooent•d enc·I1III .11-:1•<1 t1irt )1l.'r 11, 1111 Non·mber 16 a t 4 om 1>r111111rv ,;d1uul:-.. bv tlw Dean of the Focult V In only a f•·w M·hools ul Education ot !he wa. It fullv encuurftl(ed. Quemshu1d University llhe ..,Id. Prol~ssor 0 . W. BMSett. · ~ N exhibition of d11Jdrrn's • 1•nntfru art \\"Ill hr 111:ltl ;1t the Q 1 m·c11sland ,Art Gallrr.v from \\ednr~d:11•, .,o,•f'mlwr 16 to Sun• cla1·. lkct·mbcr 4. The cxhib1 llon w:11 l>c oprnrr! bv Profrssor G. \\'. Harrett, Dran o·r lhc_ Fnculty of E:,lurr:rlon ut the ~ ~11~•~~~',~,t~~rr 91ijPP11."la nd. nt 4 p.m. The w ks on ·db plny hn\'e ~en done by chllclrm w/10 n!tcnd the Sal 11rclay Mornine Crrnt.lve Art Cln~srs. 111 the Art Gnllery under the tuJtlon of ~fari:aret Mf'NtJI,