Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

• This Exhibition will show the work of the children attending the Saturday Morning Creative Art Classes at the Gallery under the direction of Margaret McNeil. THE TRUSTEES OF THE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY request the pleasure of your company at the Official Opening of an EXHIBITION OF CHILDREN'S CREATIVE ART to be opened by Professor G. W.Bassett, Dean of the Faculty of Education in the University of Queensland on Wednesday, 16th November, 1966 at 4 p.m. Exhibition closes Sunday, 4th December. 1966. .r LEA ON ART DISPLAY An art &Heber today The exhibition will • r,:erl primary sc,hool oresented by Mr1. M teachen lo lfe an eshl• Neill's creative art cl&Sllc hlllon of children•• About 30 children · wl creative art at the Btl•· oresent the exhlbltlon I>~~ An .. Gall'"!Y from oalntlnlf, drawll!lf, mod November H antll ellinlf, carvlnlf, line cu December ,. and some lffOUD mur&la. The teRCher. Mrs. Mar- pret McNelll. aald crea- Mra. McNeW Nld th tlve art should be exhibition wlll be Ol)lln• encom·aRed further b1 on November UI Ill t D,m lll'lmary achoolo. by the Dean of the Pacult In onlJ a few acboola of l!'Auca&loa a, Ui wu 11 fal1y eJlOOlll'Med, Queensland UD1ven1&1• • lllld, Profeuor O, W, 8-1&. ,. ...... "·····································,-·-··· f Exhibition of f creative art by children \ N ••hlbltlon ol children's f . creative art wlll he held al the Queenwland .\rt Gallery from Wednesday, November 16 lo Sun– day brcembrr , . The exhibition will be opened by ProleM•or G. W. Bnrr~U, Denn ol the Faculty of Et111cr.t1011 at the Unlvcrsltv of Quecnslnnd, nt 4 p.m. on Novcmher 16, The wor~~ on rlf, 1lnv hn1·1• l>ern