Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THE COURIER-MAIL TUESDAY - ----~r. Cancer worl<, art benefit S \'DNb\' '1'111' Nrll' S011111 \Vale.-. C--+nr rr c,nrn– CIJ 1,., llki'h tn 1e,·r1,·1· n1>011t s:l0,000 11111lrr 1hr will or !\l1gnon Bl'iHnt c Md(cl vPr ol "'I hr A.,1n1 ," M acQlliU'I(' St reN ti\Ct - nc,·. · ~lr.s. ~l<-l<elrr\' dlrcl o cd a:1 on Octobrr ·10 and left :rn estate o! S88,li l7 The Supreme Coun 11;1!-, &Tantcct probate of her will M1·,, McKrlrrv al;o !NL abnu1 S35,000 10 fnrnds. anc1 left SI0,000, toi:eu,cr \\'Ith hrr naln1111gs, lo I hr Queenslnnrt N1111111al 1\ rl Gal len· in nH' lllOI',\' r,r t:Pr l 111othel' M.r~. l'vlnrirl B"ll – l'lr P Er,•in 15 ' criticism of Government PARTING crack at the lack of art conHdot!f;– neHH by the Queensland Government was made by the Queensland Art Gallery retirlni; director Olr. Laurie Thomas) laNt nli;ht. "Queensland has to mO\-e Depnrtment would sta rt Ike the other States "'here tearing down the front o! at Is conrerncd - unless the bull&.n 11 . f"f~~~s ~ n~"~j~; .. 1 ~ "It tins always seemed homl\S said. fa ntast.lc t.11,.t the Gove.rn– He was speak,ing at the me1~t should say t hey are allerv Sorlety's fare- doing a lot for eduea.tlon. ·en i-0 him. 1,·hlch was ·:c ertainly t he,v are eld In U1e gallery Jbu1ldlng many high "The Que<>nsla nd' Oo\'• schools, but I.here Is no rnrncn,t hn!ii ne\'PJ' re .. ga!Jerv an.~ arrt ts pa,r;t of arded art as All \1.h.in~ but education. luxury, It has always Mr, Thomns sar~ he felt eemcd to them I.hat a ne\\' g!Lllery \\'ould be htng• like ant "re last on built "with such plans as he list,'' Mr. Thomas the Bl!gh plan Queens– ald, land could get lucky In "Why, this Gallery Is this respect." nly a temporary one -1 Mr, Thoma.. leaves ueens.!and has never had Queensland lit Easter tor reaJ one." Sydney, \\11ere he will be Mr. Thomas said that a11t critic for The Au.stra– e sooo U1e Publ!c Works llan, 16 V' ·l of art DOES the State G1l\'ernment regnrcl art as 11n airy-fairy luxury thnt stnlld, clown-f11•1•arlh Queenslanders c11n well do without :• The retiring Queensla nd Art Ga llery di rector (Mr.Laurie Thomns) thinks it docs. Hr pointed out rather acidly in a fnrcwel! speec h that the St.ate docs not reall~• possess nn art ga ll cr.,· - on! ~· a "tempornry" one. The sad fact is tltn l Ihe State Is no closer to getting n permnnent gn llcr.v t han it: wns 20 a nd m ore years ngo. There hns been nny amount o f tnlk and plenty of proposa ls. The nnly thing in s ho r t supply has heen nf'tion, \Ve ma.y even he going haci,wnrds, There wr rr hra\'e-sounding plans fnr n ga llery in Ihe Bota nlf• Gardens in lO!;!l, hut the scheme fizz led variety o f r easons. Art mn~• no t. be R big vote-getter , hul surely iR timr for n posi ti ve Government movr, It Is hardly s uffici ent to sa,v t hat a site h,rn no t been decided upon, 11s If t hr mrrc sn~·ing nf it wlll make the need for n new nrl gnllcr\' snmchow d isappear. · THE COURIER . MAIL MOMIIAY MAit 20 1~67 3 Dignity slips at Art Gallery AFTEH rl'a1li11.: lhc u1111l1•asanl rt•marl-s or lhc n•lirinJ.!' 1lir1•1·lnr of !he 1-ltll'ens land ..\rl C:al– h·r.,· ( Mr. Laurie Thomas I ( CM. I ii/:l/fi7), I 11·01ul1•r jusl wht•rl' I he hlantl' real!\' lieM re– .:ardini.r Ihis "l.11·k or arl 1·uns1•iousn~•ss". I f,,,.J f1n11lr 1·11n\ irwrd 11111 1 wf'n• 011r An Gn llrn· t l t!I rlir u!nn~ <'f chcn11 ,· ltrlft \\'Ort)i I' 11.'il'cl lll lJf'. 1Ji,·11 1 lirrr \\'0 11 lrl t)f' 1111 ln,·k nf lll ll'!'C',"-1 nnr! tni'l'll ~ l i\t' n 11 Th, • p :1 r1 of t \\1• ~ llltf• (inn' l'lllJ\f'lll and 11rnn r nt lwr 11111•! lu.:1•111 pP11p lp fur llit• h11dd11u.: H( 1111 nrl ,·rni rf' tlrn t nil Q1wr11.,tn 11rlf'r"- \,n11!rl lw p r1111rl of. n 111 , 11H'f' lill.'- !--1\11\f' 1rn !– \f'I'\' Im~ l~•1•n11w mf'rr l\· nn nh11•ct nf 1·u n O.'-ll\' nnrt rici1- r11\f". II I~ qui rr rn,1,,\· lo n ncirl'SIJ'I JHI Ihr llllf'l'f'SI lne k 1111: . nrul tlw rrl11cl:"lnt'f' 10 ~n"nrl n IR l'Cf" ~11111 nf 111n11r,· nn ~nrnethhH: tlrn1 will n nt hr hrlcl in fhP hl~llrst, f'1'-lf'Ptn bv 1111 AflPr wnlkinc t11 rn11ch Tiu• hrn11tl f11l (!nrrlens n11cl 1•ntl'AIH'f' In t.ilf• Art Cirt l– lf'I',\', it. if-; fl ~hnck In hr fn rrcl wit h· I hr mranln~lf',c;.1' llHlllSl l'OS! l!f',i::. of lhP ln – lr1:inr t-:lrannr ~ - l.a7dn11 , nudrrlln. • "Upside-down" "(luf'f'nKlanrl ha.• In mo,·, likf' thr othrr S I.at ," whcrr nrt 1-. concrrnr<l- 11nlf's~ ,\'OU want tn ha\'r R r:wr nf farmf't~ and t·h1ls." :u·c·nrrlln,.:- to i\lr. l.nUl'ir T homas, rf'tirh1~· ,tlrf'c•tnf of tl1f' ()nrrn!lillaml Art (i11llrr,·. f,'ro111 ;\lr, 'J'l1rn11n.<.;· '-t al1•- 111e 111. we wn1 1ld J)!f>,<.ill llH' ltr f•l:1.-... I fw~ ~, w ir1 ,. 1n 10 ! 11P tlll'f'f' :--r1·1 1011,.., · - f:ir!llCI'.", r .n,~. n 11rl thr ;1 pprN·la1or.,;, n( I hr :Ht fn1 111;--., \lnctrr11, nrt 1.-;t,ir· ri isp1'1.\'f:. in wh1cl1 p:n n 1in'1S nrp h11nl! 11p~idr- rinwn ~.nd .i.t ill win n1•r·J1111n h:1,·c, no rloubt, ~nme ral11r . Howr.rrr I he, fl VPrn~e rer• son Im.~ 1111C1erst.andnble dif– fkultr in ~nprecintin't thPse. Pe rll:t p.~ t heir npprer1:1 t,lo11 Is uoorh· ricreloped : ~ nnrP– c•i:1L10t1 or t he f tnrr rl rt.~ 1s 11st1:1!h· tile prm·hwe of 1.hn .~e w11.h r x,·r:-.s lcH.'ill l'C time hr– c·n11-"" I ilf' \' Ind~ I hP c1·ot:()- 11ll(' nPr'Cl',.."-lt ,·. nr t!Jf ctc.~1r" . lo work T l1r 111,n11:-ll f)f"l'.'-4,)11 fi nd.~ !'f'll'/'P1tlln11 111 ntllf'I' 1)111'.cillll... , 11111nrln11r h11 t. nP,·erl hrlrF..i;; ..:rlfl.C: f\'fll ~. \Vl1f!n ~fr. Thoma.c: Ji~ Vf'i "clot." o.pl )ll.n,ntlv he retero • TO THE EDITOR !11 !ilf' 11n 11-f:ir111111g, 11011 .11 r - 11 Pl)l'C1•J111111i.: :,;f'l'I Ion nr ~,.•'If''\' •O!lll'IJ!llf'., ,·:illcrl 1hr 111111,11 11,. n nc~ hr hrl irvr 1'1:11 l".lt't1])lt1 nf !11c: , !f'\\'J)llll ll I1:i , ,. ., 111<111opol ,. nn criorl ..r t• ..(•'' Ii <' 11, f'," 111,• !~ l'/11 "fill'- 111('1'~. 111 All 1111!.1\ 0 \l rf\hlr '011 1PX1. '1n11~· f:i l'lllf"l':Ci lll'fl l}OOl'h· f'd11c:tll'fl :111ri J)lt l'nrh rnl tn ntt 1111<lP. ;\-1nnv 1, r11M.~ form I ilr 1r OWi\ lllRl'lhllilllfl- t)ionk ,•111h -1·ul11J rr.c; \,·11h111 b1~ t'tl if',°'. If \\'f' \\'('l'f' 10 f'(l\lRIP the rn l11r of 1hr wnrk wi1h t i1r .-..ourcr, fnrm nro,t11r·r \\'Ol ilci ~ PIX'lll' t,n hn.,.,. thP n.~1·r 11c1H 11c·,· 1 n·er nrt . .·\pprtirrntion or ,1 rt prnb– " bJ,,· will rirrPlnp in Qllern~– ln rHt. l.111 1 110: 111 u1e slrn rl('I\\' nf ~11pf'ln•1J1011~ re111ark.~ such 111- 1.1!0.c;.,, nf '1 r Thnm:u; - ( trr;1,::11r,· :\ld 'a lltun, I 1,~, ,1dn Strf'l't, :i-;1•;1rhnrnu1:h. ...rni ,c;.omr corwluslons " hwh J am ~lll'e a.re hrlrt h,· nrnn ,· Q11ecn,c;Jnnc1 Rr• ('_ f 1.,1.<, brit11,! nnP m,\'!"ir lf . T h.i,·r I hr \'f'I)' h1ch ci,;t , l'l'~:1rc1 l11r Ihr pn~l <ll rcctor. :,:S J he Olll look for Ar In Q11rcn s l:111ci I,<.; rihn . bt•- 1·H 111-r or Ihr Onvernmr>nt 's . nn·Jrnlr: n_tlll11de townrcls J.J I he cll.snlnym~ o! nrl In Rn ✓ 0111-of-<lnrr. •·rum blin~ , 11 .,_ ('l'f'/111., pnrt- 1111i:-.c11111, ' nrt 1m l cry, nncl the f'fCcr.L~ 1his .-'. 11:1,.;; Oil rhr ,-o-i· nllr.rf nver- ', tH.:r 1.,r.r., 1111 , \\'ho rrfll1'-i'.;;;; po1111- bJ11nk r \1·11 Ln rrv to ,, l!IH!Prsl nnrl I lw work nf 11·0 1n, n likP In rai l\' In Ihr rlr(PnrP ,;r rrt iring Q11rrn~l:111d \ 11 fin llrrr rt.11 N'I nr I Rllr!fl Thomns, nnc1 \f' I'\' mnn_\' talrnlrct nn<l , rr nllsl lc· SHl h,rs whn rn- rl,,n,·0111', n~nln,1 nit nrld.c;, In Pl'r'....Pf11 thr !r lrllrl'pl'{'lrl• 1111 n nr 1•11111.r mpnrn rv lire ;;:!.~~:r n ,..,,nrnf11I sn{"lr1y·s , Q 1rrr11."-l.1rul ,l11f'111 hn,·i- fn 11111, r wlir r~ ;1r1 /11: rnn - ,•rrncrt 111n\ r fn!-t nn,t .i::.nrP 111 1hr ncht ,tirPrllon 7 .lnhn K:tffka, 17 l.lowi -...trf'f'1 , ( 'nm p 11111.