Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Til e Pre5 1cfo11t ancf T rustP.es o f the Ou een sla11 cf Art G11 lle1y corcl 1c1ll y I11vIte yo u to il I1 rx lldi ,t ,0 11 of ASPECTS OF NEW BRITISH ART io 1,e opened by Henry F. Bartlett, Esq., O.B.E. Brit1 51l Deput y H,gll Com1111 ss1oner 111 Qu eensland at 8 p.I 11. on T11urscfay 6th April 1967 THI COURIER-MAIL TUESDAY MAR 21 1967 "• • • 11111 I I I • I • 111 • 1111 I I •..-.-.--.-.. · •• I I ••• I I I I I • I I I I • I I • J Why a diplomat 1s glad he's here T HERJ<~ are several good reasons why l\lr. Henry Bartlett is looking forward lo his duty tour Queensland as Rrit.ain's deputy high-commissioner. One is the Gh1ssho11se rt,, mnkc - the plnccs look r, l ' Mountnins. I ~,~h:·t~~ \!~f'J' C~l 1 ir I ;~~\ 1 ~~ r Others Include the lnp 1hosc Glnsshnuscs cnu~hl wntcr anci the postmen. •mv evens our ship cnmc Fresh off the ship. he in· and we took on I he explained resterdn.v After- pilot at Calounclt·a. It was noon: n beautiful sccnf' "You see. I'm a paint er "I Rm p:oin~ 10 pn1111 11 n compnrnt l\'rl.v old- And ot her scrnc~. l l1onr ." fnshloned one who like, Has shown Mr. BRrficll hns exhilli– lrcl his paint.in~ , In show, At places includmg London . Paris and Mexico Clt,v. He hRs brought some of I.hem w11h htm . Tht: walrr : "Evrn·\vhcrc J'\'e been st n1 innect · since 1955, lhe t.»p WRl('f hnsn't been fll 10 drink , In Bris– bnnc I 'm going tn drink tRp watrr for a chanr,c." 'J'hr ,,oslman : " In th1L 1 time, nil of Ill.\' jk'l'SOIHII letLCJ'~ IHl\'f> f'Ollle LO the offlt.:r. Now, in Bnsbanc, the po~I,niru1 will bnnt: them to wife and mr. nL IVll1lf'," I Mr"i!~Ll~~1~f~xforct Q:l'ndnntr. Im.~ Scn ect Brit· ish cliplnmnn· In Pnl'ls, 1 Stcttln 1Polfrnct 1. \Vn1:-a w. Cn1·nc11s, Mrx1co Ci ty. New York nncl lr1 11 erlv Khor- rn11t°'h11r 1Iran1 , · Hr. expln 111ed AbOlll I tic postman nnct thr \\':lter: "TlH'V mny seem unlmport– nnl . B111 things like thnl , nrr to rnc, s,vmbnl~ or nor– mnlit\' " Hi- ·rcr,lnccs i\1lr. Art.h11rl Vinr, who n[lPr t.wo ,·ears l in Brlsbnnr.. wa~ :,ppoi11t.ccl In n London post nnct left on Janunry 4. Amon~ l1ls first offlC"l>I 1:1~ks : 10 01wn the cxh1hl– t.H111 nt morlf'nl a~P<'t•I.,;:, n f Rri ti~h An n1 111£> ' QUf'('llSl:111d :\!'! Ci :tllC'n• t11l ,·\prll 6