Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

1 EXPERIMENTAl -THAT'S WHAT IT IS It '""'"''' lilH' II c·11III' r f•" t i 11 i.:, aJ,:,ain"I n ri-qua r,•, 111111 in tlw 1·11111- lni:111• It \\' a • 111arlil'fl 1 '( '1111011, l!lliti." Krn liuudenouc.h. IH, rmhll,hr r·., a s,1st • nnl. "t udli•ct ll Crom a ll a n.a:h•s a nd Ihrn r,rn– nnuu,•Pcl: " It lnnks llkr ,l ,•ullc· rP,.I inJt a~ain"'l a s,piart•." Iii" n·1u·llo11 \\ilS shullar lo t ha l nr man,· ,·isilnr~ tu an r.~hlhillnn, ·'As11ed:i. of S ew Urlt1'h :\rt ," al llu- (luc•r mtland Art ( ia llr,r'" l11sl wrrk. Sund:1~· Mull art c-rltl,· t'reclrrlr Ho~rrs t•alled tlw rxhlhltinn "frl~hlenlnR" :1rter a t– lf't1tll111 the opcnlni:, and flurln~ the wrf'k thr rallrrv'" Aellni: • lllrrc1nr I!\UsN Rnh\"n 11111 I ,..,r.h'•d n,ain• lr.lrphonr 1·alls from o•opl• who didn't Ilk• the shnt1·, Older people ";\lutlil or them wt-re nld•r people," •h• Hald. "\'ounaer 11eople seem lo Ilk• II," She Alllllif.d "t:.1no11. HUi6/ 1 a !IICUlpture In hl•ck-palnled •leel, and •mllcd. 11 \\'r ~houhl hf' lnuklni for plat•rmrnt or rUUrrrnt ,1hnf)r!'. Tlll1•s arr !IOmf'tlmr11 nmhl,cuuus." Shr n10,·rct o,·1•r to t\\ o mnrt stN•I "•·ulp– tur1.s h.,· tlw samr arll,1. llrlan \\'all. Thr)· lonkr,1 Ilk• hnJ'~. irnd ~hr Nal1I thr.)' hall htf'n l akrn h,· ~nntt ,·l,dlors to he " DOUBLE" ,, th<> title r,f 1h1~ hlnr k -po1111cd steel ptCCl' hy b1g l1 <.h ..,,u !ntor Brion \Vn ll. Some v1~11 nrs rn 11,.- 1,.icc ,, .._lonrl An Goltrry hove dropped c.•parc ll e hu ll!I in to ,t.., bn>- -!ihopcd bo!)e, liltn hlus, ApplP 1•on•s had hcen round In thrtn. "llrrr the thlni: tu lnnk tnr is lhr rela – l11111shl11 nr dtrrrrc-nt sha p:-" In form a rlc– Nli;:11," she ,m id. r 11~~r:: 1 1 1 1~ 1 t, ,~•f u.~ r!. i::,•:,•.•.; llll11illt•II the 011 art 1,al11tln::.. and s,·ul)l– tun•s srriuus h ·. " ll's ,·rr,· · c•xprrl– llll'lllitl a ll n f It," shr ,-:1 111, '" ll'... 1101 so mm·h \\ork ... ur art as \'ipr-ual ~~1~•ri 1:, 1 t 11 : ;~~ Ins;~~!~! - llhe .lcll.'' bean• flualins: - has no mr.ilnln.-. "ll11I II '• a ll inler– tstln,:::, a nd somelimeA plraslnR," Thr ,., hlhlllon, marl• a,·allahl• by lhe Brll – lsh Counl'II, hao ,.,_.rttd an :\u,ctra lta– wlrh~ tour In RrlMhane. II end, hrre on April ~o. J 6 APR 1967 BrlslNne, Q. - 0 EOF THIS WORK IS I lly l·RLDI ~IC ROGLR5 T,, 11 1 111 1,..,lions that fl\'t'r.,· 1hinhing \'i:-,itor to 'I'. C'. U<•irm~·s Atuli• tnri um nr lh•• 11111·1•11,.,la11cl (; a ll,•r.,· thl, 11'1•1•1, 11111sl a1,l1 arP: Wlrnt 1'4 art:' :1111I. \\ ha l j.., ih f111wtio11 ·.' Al n r1r 111 • .. 1111• , +in -\ 111 11 11 , -..:1rn1 111111 , 11111r 11r l-thal 11:i1'M'S for 1,r11- 1,,111pm :,,,. •\ 1'1 S1 h'Jl'\1 ,. Im ~ rl 1r wnrk 11111~1 llr \u hr l!NI i:rarnml' n11t1•s In the !l s 111 1rr:-talr1 :.111 1111111 ·.,1111 t hr 11npl••a ... rrn1 \\OJ'rl c·;1lah1"114:• 1i,•h1 much . )Hl\\ 11 H: :Hi r \; '1 11,1 111111 " rl:111h · n nr.... ; ·'T l1I!- nrcpnrc s m r ;lint I., 111.11111\ nnt nhh• Im I T l!r 1111 1,,l;lllilll1~ .irtis- tor thr- rirt or nn ln tln L! , 11 fnnnl<I 1hl,· 1.,d~ n f rli'- - 11,, wnik, hf•,·nnd .,n,·i \\ )11C·h . tor 1111•. Is rnr m nl ,·ipll 11I' 111HI lh (IJ, nnpn\nl- clouhl 1 1, l!i:tl /)f \'!<la l\r·-,,n.d ril1111!1~11l- nn ct rtl illl! 1w 11 111·, nf 1, r·h 111rp1f' . rm\,nlllli 111 llf't •Fon•1-I · ,, !:tell thrn 1 fnr,.. Ill(' com– :i f)lf'• ,. In wl 11.-l1 11rl!IH~I Pll"\;ll,· nr 111\" 1rlcns 111us.~ n t!lr> ntoirinr n11nnNI lnr a wh1lp hr rr :--nl,·ccl \ ,·1in,·ar·i•n 11,~ n1:1v 11,. nt • ntl'll l111 11yth lnc in ~-011? ,/1 1nhn1NI T lir lf':tll v cl!-.111rh1111.: r,•nl 111r nr 1llf' :-IJn\\' 1~ 1111' I IN•l11 1'..: II !r.,,·r!- thal till' r,i.~~1~1111 .... ';'i. lhr...ir:.~'.;;1'io1:1~l~-. · r l\rn 1n ,ii Wm a rri11- <·1n11 . " W11h-\1-11,,,., ·· _ 1 , ,~,~-~!~ 1 t~~i~! .,,, ; Art a 1hr <)111'1•111oh1 1ul , r::i lln ,· " a fmlttetl\n: ~1111,, Thi t•i·-.1 tl n1l 1·1111 hi' ilOPPrl 1111 Is tl1nt !Ill j n""' n1:--rn,..·,., !~ n na:-.•.n • 1111 l!'"" T l11 pnltll 11,1, ht·1 1 11 tnllrl, , hi :01 1• hlll llf'IC 1 1 1< r1 1• 1m nn orrt..., fn!I~ in hL'- \tork If hfl r n11n111 f flllJIJlt lJdt•JltP \\'\Iii ltl' 1 ,11rl l••1wr /\ I inn~! ll1 rf'(' n1 fn11 1· "<,;hlhili,, In thl"i ~hP,, - 111 r11 1f 1l I hnl l'l"flllltf •