Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THE COURIER - MAIL TUESDAYOUll'l'l"!J'!i~~~i!""~;\'re'. I Maintena~~~ . , for Gallery ··. ' 12 THE COURIER-MAIL _MONDAY MAR 27 1967 I Approval for' new gallery 1 finance plan Q UEENSLAND Art Gallery trustees have approved a plan to finance the construction of a new art gallery in the centre of Brisbane under the Bligh Plan re-devel– opment scheme. I f-incc<·Hs of the arl g-al--Q<JeC1lsluncl Art Galle!·y~'i1stmi~ rro111 t,llc St ate! I trw;t t't!s' drn 1ru1im I Sir Oovf'!'11111en t and frcim I lie t11·y-cum-c1ilt11rnl cent re Lt:011 Trout• :-.ald _l:ist ni:,.:11t iclrrc•loprr in\'Ol \·e cl in Llw prujccl will hinge on the l ha 1, 111icl1•r ll1c B! if,rh Pinn prnJl'l'l. result of the Blig-h Plan. 111 ,1 .:l.l't? ~>r . i,wo-_ni1tl-n -_h? lf Jn 11dditlo11, It wns . - . lH If ."i \\llS .. ~1 fL"itde fol ,Ill p l'ltlllf'c.l lD rni-.:(' money Uy A fcu -.11Jll11,,· S!llcl~· -m rc - 1 u r ts C'l'll ' l'f'. H!!d Ille i rth- n;blw liiibsc·/i ~lloi · · [ '"}\r :~~H'P,;~ll~~ilt b,· Ille 1110,n t !or tloc ·' " '' Old 11u1rl.;efs I !n l1011 I.U !hit Bl u.,:. h P in.II IS lt'('S 1111<1 n:,krd lilt' Gm·er11•1 1 , . I •. Stntc Gurf'rnnwn,. 16 m·Pr• I-Ip F>iucl !ll!l t tr n. t lf•. Sir Lron mii<I: "0111·e n ~was clevclo\1ers. \\·ho ',\'ill \'('IOJ)('l' clecHll'd to ·.: n rli'\'1•loprr dN·idPs 10 pro•I be lnrife< io submit n.hr: ul wit h tlir Blich 1·rcd with 1,hc Blig h Pinn, sC'l1rme,._ 10 fulfil t.lw pla n srhf'm:,, ille l,ni -r r<'!,:. .!. 1•HI wp will know t.lrn t we llavc or ~()lllPt:hing simi lar nppnn rn n plnn 10 1•11\r a :..ILc for t/1r- Rl't...'i rcnlrc 1,llc GovcrnmP-n.t, · llR.s finance for !,he arlp') crn tre. nncl wr will be able t.o n:sk n.pprove,I Uhe plan in prin- Under thp pl11n. Jhe !he publio· for m onc.v with clplc. trustees hoped to get n:s- :-1. concrcLc proJect behind ••••••••••• uscnder !he Bligh Experts director's seek iob the morkct.s site has been alloented for clevelopmenL nf n 1111111,lple-IeveJ cemrc for n. State Art Ga llery wl!.11 nnclllnrles, a concert 11:oll nnd .seulpture i:tarclcn wtlh :1 floral sc t.t ing 0\'C1 ~I. IWO-ICH~l bascn lCnt ( 'l.ll ' park. M (HIE than 11 <l<it.f'II urt 1•x111•rls haw appli,•d for 1h«' 110,t of Cl11cPnslancl Arl (;all nr,v ~~!,glil;~~~~ 1 -" T 1 · 1 nee. dir1•1•t11r, •••••••••••••••••• 11ns11llablc. Tl. e formf'r (Mr. l.aurit! la!-.t wrrk ha,·lni:- re1,l-"11rd. The -"allcr~· trust ers' chairma n ISir I.run Trout) said last 111,;·h t– that a11pli<:atlotH1 had hrl'II recch·cd from ot ht•r States aml o,·crsca!i a~ wf'II as from Jnral r1roplc. lie Nahl the i::illrr.v tru~tces would mf"rt. next month to consider thr. applications. After slrtl ni: the 1111- pllcations and intcn 1 Jcw– ln1: candldntes the trus– tee~ would n1akc a recommemlaUon to the Mlnlsttr. T '. :l ·: ',', J I ~,:; . I , I !JG7 University gets land, suggestion 'fll I·'. 1 ·11l\'1•r-.if ., ul' (111,•••11-.la111I Ila"' h1•1•11 ld't , :il111t l1l1• l:11111 i11 11, .. 1·i1., - :11111 .\'P"'fl'rda ,v ll ( 'n11riPr-)l11il r 1•11d1•r .. 11 !!:!I'"''''" 11:irl 11r ,, ... dr\f 1 lop1111•11I -.hnttld Ill' :111 :11'1 i..:a ll1•r_r. 1111• 11111 \ t'l~ll \ 11 ~1:-- 11 ,t l , \ lr (' .I Cc11 1\l'll ,. -,11·1 n.n 111nt ir 1111•cl 11 w 11:t" f'I • ,.11, l1111 l h1•P11 l1•11 1111• L,nd 1· .... ,d t ill' dl!,11 Ji. II llt'r 'll !1,11 •,·d \' !Iii , lin 111 o1 r rr , 1.· ,·1•!-o \ 11 t ·11n 111•II -.11 1d \'l1r r••:111,·1 \ I 1 .11 11111 ]\1 11 ,d \ '111111rj• ~ 111•1 r .., 1 ,,,111 l\ti l1:111t• ~,1 ii Ill l• J-. lt•I ,·1 I l.1 1 11111\ t' l'•t l \ 11111' 1\ \' ii IJ,I' I' : 'I I) ' Jtlll• 1ldP I 11\ p 11,p1•1l 11 .._ I'! , l.d1• llr ,J .\ tll \ 11(•, " 1111 d rll\ il f'fl Ill" \t111t1 f111 11 11• 111 \ t·r ... r r nl•n J/1 111 •, ,, 111 ,1•11 111 ill,· 111mf'1:,..11 , · 111· f-J1 l" !'ll Slll'"I l ll'llj lf'I . 1., .. L1. i1,• 11 a, 1!1r n n -.hr11w \11 :1'11• ;,nrl t lir H1•ct•111 111111,1 ,:,l' 1 \1111 Ii 1111 I •111• T 1 11',lllf' '\\' : II r 111 , ' , II l)j , , oi / '111•..1~ Ill H1\t I f I I I / 1''1 11-1 1'111('1 ,, Id I\! I II I 1 !111 ,d i ,\ 1 1 :111tl I IJ 1111:1, , .• ll JI' ~\ II dd ~11 11•1\ ht• \\l~]I ' ,11 1 11'(1 flll'" 1, l / Brisbane, Q. Blank spot in Square building A KEY port of B,i~– hanc's contrnvc r~1al new C,ty Square is still n IQ_ i-torcy blank spac e - 'INith no prospect in sight of filling ii. Thr I.n r rf i\l ,1 \'t,r 1:\ lclrr- 1111111 ,l nrH'!,:.• ~ 11rl l:t!-1 wrrk llr li:•d n n 1drn ,, 11:11 hu1!d • Ill)..: \\ ;1s r.· •tll~ tn I ,d\P !II) 11:df tl1r 11r ,\ Squr111' 1rnn – Lc1f..:f' . 1111·1 11~ 1hr C11 ,· llnll. .'\.'"' ,,ork111 rn Wl'nt ' a!irnd lr , r-ll11H.: Ill,• ~11r anrt •·l1•.1n111! t lli'' fn11nd,111on:, frri111 Thi' ~q 11:1re !- n·n1 1r 1.)1(' , 11 p nl I h r 1111k:10,,·11 1,11 1rct1 n i.: lll:1dc• 11w r ,,r,111un 1 l'0111p l1•t 1n11 rla lf' o j t )11! S q 111t rf' r , r11 111nn• , n'!ur l'l lt• !.!.l JI Ill I 111• S.q1m n• pln 11 I.~ 1111 11 .... :\ nn Slrrct, cornr ,·, \\ IH•r,· •\ lhf'rl II OU~C' !flrl lll' I'!.\' .... 1111.rl, 1•1a11s for th,• Square rfra w11 up h.\· ii.., lirsl_r;:-n panel ..;hows a 10-ston•,• modl'rll h11ilrll11i: ou lhf' sHr, rh•in ;.: ahn\'I' 1hr l'iiX nr ~r,•pn ~sturr,\' Ut•~rrn !~~~ kot;~!:~dJ1a'~l 11 1 1 :r'· 1 :1:; Squ;tn• fron1at:r, n,11 t hr- Lorri .\l i1rnr i-a 1rl : " T hrr" nrr no pli1ns lnr a :-.r1·1111rl bu!lrtlnt: Not gallery "l would like t-0 ~rr an\' h111 lcl1nc: which f•nn1nr11ls wlti1 1 ilf" Re:,,en 'P B11nlc bol,h in nrchit.ccturc nnci in Plll'J)0:,,.1 1 • " fn ()tile r wnrd~. t \\'1) 11 Id like ii to be of some pubJ11 · usr . "I ~111:,:·estrd ntu·e lhal It c·ouhl have hcen usrfl ns an art 1-!'allrr.\', hut thr ~xperts arh ·lsr.rl that. the site "'as Ion narrow,"