Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, 31 ~,Al. . • TO THE EDITOR Move for cultural museum R ECENT controver- sies regarding our Art Gallery seem to over– look the purpose which the gallery is intended lo serve. 1L is not. and can never be on lt1' present four .. figure budget. a place for the display ol high-grade works of art obtalnccl trom intcrnntionnl collect ions. Rather ii is. nnd cnn con– tinue to be, n display centre showing Ircnc!s in contemporary Au.strnllan urt Provided Ihe Gallery's scope Is nppreclatcct by Its trustees, It should in Ilme become n very interest.in ~ collect.Ion of whnL our artists are doin~. Drlsbnnc·s luck or a cult,u rnl m useum 1llustrnti11g the 11 nloldlng or 011r cult– ural lterltngc ls not a fault wh ict, should loo readily. be blam ed upon our Govern– m ent or anyone else. "Great interest" It should ccrlnlnly not gi\'C' r. ·c to the unfounded clai m that Quernslandcrs arc not interested 111 Art. Rnthcr, their grent lntcresl l11 slrlklllgly atlCSICd bv lhC cntlH1sln.c;m 01 those who hn \'C reLurnect home nrtcr t!f~-~~~ fu~~ll~~r~l n~~i~~:~ 1 1~~; In JJrisbnnr there would never be n shortage of in– terested visitors. Quccnslnndcrs themsel\'es can readily cslnhllsh . " cult.urn.I museum In Bns– bn11e. The Dnn1c Society. hn~ clcclcl('(I to lllUllch Inter this ~·enr n cnmpaign ror fun ds LO start n '.\111SC\llll 01 \Vrstcrn C1\'ll1sntion The Soc1ct\' would be \·cry plcascct to hcnr from renders wll1111iz 10 i.tl\ ·c S\llt - nblc objects or Rrt or prc.1 pared to help the soclcl)• in p rom o! ln-r Ihis \'CJ'~· \\'Ol'I h– whlle cause. - F. lllna1,11, 86 Dell llll., SI, l.uch1, Scur • · ll n • S l ·. 'j'IIF t , 'I , r I 1 ' ' .,I,, , ,, I\• I •" 1 , - _ r ' I ' 1; 1 I •'ill• \\ ,,,, ,. \ t, h• t 1 11 ! .,, I· •t thr t r m11111':1 ry wnot lt'n cnt,·:111,·c In th e Qttf'l'llSl:t ftd A t'I lt·r.1·, ll'hi!'h h:is h11i lt In pn1t 0d visi– lnrs d11ri11g the rlr– m1dit.i n11 nr t /ip pnr– 'l'h e rf,, mnlil.inn Ca.'-h priir/: nf ~-rnn rnl'l1 Will C'n 10 t hr \\'l llfl('n, or r 11<' rl1n 1 1' .c...rc 11n1is ol r l1c A rt l'fl/lll)PIII IO!, ro t•f' IC'– IJratf' flllll(f:t lH' n(s ('('n!(.'ll– nry rrlr bra1 inns T ile L'u1111w111 lnJl , t,r ld ll ll<il'r thr l1 U!-Jl!t'f'S nr Ille 131111<1,dwn.: Ar, Soc1r-1 v \\ i'.! hr hr-lrl Ill .Jui\· En• tr;r ... r!n,,, 1111 ,JllllC' · l!l Tllf' 1 I 1rr" ....,~l'I inns cnn- ·"l' 1 Ill l l'l)ff'·POl:\l!Olln! p,11111111~. '1<lrl •l'f'Jlff'$Clll-8• lj11t1a l. anrl ,"-,('Il l p t Il l'(' Enin· form ... Illa\' he ob• IH1:1rc1 frn111 r !w ..,f't'rf'lnrr H1unlrdlf'l'L: A n SOl'IC·t ·• 51 W,11rr SI rrrt, Bunrln brrl,!"