Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

MAY 21, 1967 The Sunday Mail N-ew face 3llli Old. Gallery The director of the Moreton Gol• lerie1 (Mr. James Wieneke) is almost certain to be appointed the new director of the Queensland Art Gallery. - I The galler.v tru, Lees are He st.udled al the recn - cxpccled to confirm Mr. nlcnl College and has con• Wleneke's appointment on ducted scvcra1 one-111a1. Mnv 29. shows. The former director I Mr. Samples or Mr·. W1c11eke·, Laurie Thomas) resigned work arc hung In the recentt.v to take un an ap- Queensland Art Gallery. polutment with a news• the Darnel! Collectlo11 al paper In Sydney. 1thc University, and In 1.n,· Mr. '!"/lenekc, 49, Is a Teachers' College Collrc1- successfu1 artist anr1 has•ton been director or the More- 1 · £1!. Oallr.rles since IO!i I ., Brlsb;ane, Q. 23 MAY 1967 • TO THE EDITOR Choice of gallery director AT no time In Queens- land has the choice of a director for the Art Ga llery in Brisbane been of so much importance. With t11e Immense ae\'el– opments opentng up 111 so rnRny ct1rcct1orn, at prcscm,, art mu~t not, Ing bcllmct m ns~c1·tmg 11~ lmporlance nmJ pr~st.tgc nmong t nese RCl'IVltles, it tile City IS to become truly grcnr . .l''or Ull~ t.o be nchlr\"Cct a new gnllrr.v 1~ nece~snr~•. llUI, R nrw gRJICl'~ 1 IS not r11ou~u. ror t tic s1.n1u~ or nn nrL gn11cry c1Ppenos more on us content.~ nnct t 11e1r ct1sp1ny Ihen on 11s rxrcn or torm. 'Challenge' Anct so, on t11c verge or Ihe projected u11surge O[ act.Mt.v. It Is rl.oubly Impor– tant m at tne best nossro1e c1to1cc 01 a new mrcccor SJlOllld be mncte LO meet llle clrnllenge 01 the 1111urc. Docs nor, Ille 1mporrnnce RIIO SUbl lei Y 01 IIlls posruon m a (!n ller·y 01 sucn • cnl1brc ns we nope tor, per– haps dcmonct 1un11er con– s1ctcrRt1on on t11e quest.ton 01 a rfrrector tor the gnt– tcry, t110n hRs been 111c11- cntect III The !>tmany Mn11 ,iu-ij-U'/1 :' - 1M1-.1 \'trta l,ahcy, !17 St, Lucia ltond, St. l,nrla. THE COURIER-MAIL TUESDAY MAY 23 1967 ,r ru~tees for -- --- Gallery Six trustees of the Queensland Art Gallery hov • been named for the next tour years. Thcv Rl'C Dr. B. B Rnr- rnl'k, 'Messrs. P. D Con- 1101ly, Q.C., R. -~. Hender– son. n. J . C. O'Lnnn. A. ,J. S1rn11gos nnd Sir Leon 'fro111 llnlr of the 12 non- !l_ovcrnmcnt members of t,ho trustee~ com,- un for re-Appointment every two .l'Co';ter irustees, whose term s1.111 has 1wo venrs to run, nrc Mr. Hu~ ell Cuppnlrlge, Professor n. P. Cummings, Miss Dn11hne Mayo, Mr. Edgnr Fer•u– son. Sir Ellis Murphy and Dr N. Behan. Brisbane, 0. I Qo\'rrnnwnt nominee t~ 1 1he Prlmar.\' Eciucat ion Director •Mr. A. E. Guy– ,. .. mcr) _ PROTEST OVER NEW DIRECTOR Two trustees resign from Art Gallery ywo Queen1land Art Gallery tru1tee • re • igned yesterday in a dramatic protest over the appoint– ment of a new director for the gallery. They are former architecture Pro– fe110r R. P. Cumming, and arti1t-1culptrc11 Mi11 Daphne Mayo, Both handed their re1ignotion1 to the Acting·' Education Minister (Mr. Blelke– Petersen) in an inte"iew yesterday. The dramatic move two had resigned over the follows controversy with· appointment or a new In the gallery board of drif~ 1 ~~id : "The:v resigned , trustees o v e r t h e because they were not In appointment of a new =~[i~,m~~cn "b?thecetio~~ director to replace Mr. of trustees as n whole." Laurie Thomas who Last week it wn.s re- left to join a ' news• grr~ i1~~;~he 0 ~fi:~\~~ paper in Sydney, •Mr. James Wieneke, w•s ProfeMOI' Cummings. ~~n°5~ ~f,;,"1~._~ d~\:ec':~;. Professor ot Architecture ot the Queensland Art1 ~~t~~f,een~l~~dof~~~e~~~r Oallery, hos been a gal!er.v trustee Mr. Wieneke, 59, has since 1939 and Misa Mayo been director or tl1e More- since 1960. ton Galleries "1nce 1951. They nre the onlv re- He studied at !Ate Tech• preseritatlves or artliits on nlcal College and ha.s con– tho bonrd of trustePs. ducted several one-man Miss Mayo sa id vester- shows. Remaining trosteea the Queenarand Art Oal· Jery, In addition to the chairman (Sir Leon Trout> are Dr. B. B. Bar– rack, Me,ars. P. D . Con– nolly, Q.C., R . A. Hender– l!On, R. J . c. O'Loan, A. J . Stratlgos, Russell Cup- ~~;d,a'uaE~~~phr~so:J: Behan and Mr. A. E. Ouy– me1·. Artist's plea President or the Queens• land branch ot tbe Con· temporary Art Society tMr. Roy Churcher) yea. terd~ i,o;ued a state– ment on the position ot the Director ot taie Queensland Art. OaJlery. He said t.he Job ot pre– senting U1e work or local and lnternatlona1 &l'tlSUI, both hlatortcal and con– tempora.ry , ooJled tor a person with a good deal of scholorshlp, a live at– tachment to llhe present and !Jhe highest standard. Of tnste. He said the Director or the Stnte Art GAilery must be a person wt th crl tlcal courage and con– cern for the environment in which he lived and worked. dav : ''We lin,·e resigned In Exnm1,tes or Mr. protest about the appoint- Wleneke's work nrc 111mg ment or a new director." In !,he Queensln.nd Arl , Churoher said: "He Profes.sor Cummings Is G111le1·y, the Dn rnell Col• ,mw,t' be as hltrhly quail• now lll'lng- at Currumbln. Jectlon at the Unlversl~y, fled In his Held as pos- Mr. B.lclke-Petersen said 11111d '" !,he Tenoiu,,s slble with the greatest he was not aware that the College Collection. bread-th Of vision for the HEATED MEETING The queMtion of the e1111ointment of a new dire11tor wn~ ,11,.cussed nt a long end hooted meeting of the tru,.teeM Inst night. ·· Govt. House Trustee.s dId not lea,. the nrt gnllerv lmlldln unt.11 about 11 JO p.m . The trustees chnlrmat •Sir Leon Trout 1 refuse, to rcvenJ whct,her or 1101 the trustees h•d conflrmc, the nnoolntment of a ne11 director. He also refused to com– ment on the resignations or former Professor Cum– minus and Miss Mayo and on n retlOrt Ihnt moves would be nrnde nt Inst nl•hl ·s meetlnit to dismiss the ~n ller)•'s Acllnit Dlrec• tor , ~ -11.ss Hobrn Hill ). Miss Hill recently wns lnvotrcd In an nr1rnment ro~arrllr1g the sendi ng or pnintin1ts from I.he gallery to Government House ror dlspln,1·. IL Is understood lhnt Rt one singe Mis.s Hill rr.– rusecl to send cerlnln p•lnt.lngs to Gm•ernment House on the ground t,h11t Ihev belonged to the public "imd shnutcl be al'n1loble at all times. educational and recrea– tional needa or the com• munity. "We Implore the sponslble members government to think more deeply a.nd seriously In their choice of a Director for our State Art Gallery."