Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Doll display SIXTY- EIGHT ~ 1lonn.l. in t rw,1.tely g·<1wned ,Jnp.1nc~e dolls Will he ciisplayt!d fl.L ~lie Q11ccnslnnci Art G :11lcr~· t'rom Frirl ay 1111t,1I July '.!. The .Ja JHlllCS( 1 (•Omrn l. Mx. Tameo Hornro. will ripen t,he cxhlb tio11 10 - nwrrnw nigh t a.I R o'clnrk ---~---- Japanese dolls on display T HE samura i -- a tr o d ,ti o no l warri or c,n ho, seboc k - is admired in elobora lc do ll fo rm at ri gh t by Mrs. Tomeo Hongo, w,fe of the Japane se consul, wearing her trad, 1,ona I Japon cse k,ni:mo. T lw horsp - 1 nlll\g sn 11111rai 1s 1 1 11t ul i)8 dolls fnm1 a n r-xhtbd j11n \\ hic-h has l),,,,n ~l' lll from 11w So\·u·t,· ,.r Inle rn :1 tionnl C11lt11rnl Ht>lnt llHHi in .Jnpnn w tn11r nl! Stall':; of A11s– trnli:1 . 'J11r rx hibit inn will br opened nn ,J unr 1 al the Q11t•f'w,l11 11d :\rt On Jl('r~· by ~1r. l·l111Hw .1 ncl will l'IIH llllt,11 J11I,· ;!, Amon~ th Jse on shnw will hr. dolls frnm Ihp G irl~· Frst tvnl ht•hl nnnunlJ~· m Jnpnn on Mnrd1 3:_ dolls frnm t-hc Boys Fr st,ir:d. hrld 1•:H·h vcnr on tvto \' 5: dol~s In t.rnclitlon nl b r 1rlnl, J.l:Cl:,h n und tl:1111•(' ,·n~• tm~H~s: nrnl l{nlHlki doll~ whif•h rt:'1>re~ent, ("lhnr• netcrs rrom fnmous Kn.buki ,1r11111os. ~ -. -~~ 'l. l(j,f r ,, / Vo/ls f rom Japan