Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

co"'WlE'N'EKE POST IN ART GALLERY NOW CONFIRMED THE Queenslal'.ld Art Gallery board of trustees has confirmed a previous recommendation that Mr. James Wieneke, 60, be appointed the new director. The recommendation has been with the Education Minister for some time, and has been awaiting clarification of certain points on conditions. Mr. Wieneke has been director of the Moreton Golleries in Brisbane since 1951. He studied at the Technical College and has conducted several one-man shows. Pending lhe fitrnl de- Tand will t,e most fortun - ~ , hlll'I' . nrrer illld Rll)' cision by the State Gov- ::~•esir~r 0 ~~-~n~~c1~·!~e t-~~: Q 1\~~~1 ~1niz~~1.n'~r'" 1~~/~c\~ 1 (,,.~ 1 1 . ernment, it. is not known cause 11e hns qunllflcallons t1udccl In pnln ting.s nnct t h lh , . 1 w· k posses.sect o;• lew directors 1 ,a.ve no Intent.ion of trad- w_ c er . "r. iene e ol public arL gnllerles. 1111: In paintmµs . I buy will r ela111 the Moreton "He Is a competent. for ru v own collection." Galleries practlea!, well-trained all d Prc~ident of the Quer ns- Yesterd~y Mr, Wieneke ~·~~t" 1 Xrt e:,im~le~f~i a" 1 ;~ 1 i~ land . branch of the Con– declined to comment on round knowledge 01 Xus- te1111iornry /\rt Soclrty I Mr. the news ot his recommcn- tralian art and Australian Ho~, Churchcn snid ye~- datlon by the State Gal- n.rllsls terdny that the manner 111 Jery trustees, · · which the Queensland Art On Monday two trustees •Kn••ws value' Gall,,ry trustees hnd gone resigned in protest ol'er about lhe nppolnl.ment of the appointment or a new "He, knows the' value ol n ll('II' ellrector was "COIII· director ror the gallery. ~:f~:;'tgs, ~~~h 1 ~.'.;~nW:.i pletely undemocratic." They are former Archl- when spending public He said It was nstonlsh- tecture Profes.sor R. P, money In~ that an individual Cummings and artist- "His· ties are In Brls• 11·11hin the trustees could sculptress Miss Daphne bane ·and · his fam ily and wield such stron~ ln!l~1ence. M~':inrmatlon of the re- hom,e are !~ere,. so he commendation to appoint won t be "orried about Mr Wieneke was made at uslnl( his posit Ion as a a irieetlng or the truslees conve111e11ce to obtain on Monday night, ot~l'Ie a~~ln~~ii~l:c1 staff Unanimous ~~;~1fi!f 1 \~tu11e~!~~1 t~~ Announcing the decision the gallerv. yesterday, the trustees "Furthei·more, he Is a chairman tSir Leon Trout) man or the highest moral said the trustees were un- character. highly respected anlmous in their recom- and esteemed. both 111 artls– mendation. and the terms tic and commercial circles. of Mr. Wieneke's appoint- "His appointment will ment were agreed to in the brlnl( hundreds or his most friendly way. friends to the gallery, I.Miss M11.yo and Conner seeking his opinion, advice Professor Cummings were and assistance. whlrh he not at the meetln~. I gives now." Sir Leon said : "Queens- Did not know Sir Leon said that the resignations o[ Miss Mayo and former nrchlt.ecture Professor Cummings were not, known to the trustees on Monday evening, as they were 'submitted to th MinIsler. Until the trustee., saw the resignations they could not comment on them. Ill~~ ~re 0 rhe' 8 ~ctl1~; r,f,: ecto1· ,Miss Robyn Hill! wn.s also dlscus.sed at Mon– dnv's meeting and by un– nn'tmous resolution she was severely reprimanded ror her refusal lo perform her normal duLles. [It Is understood that recentlv Ml<s Hill refused to sen'r1 certain pnintln~– t.o Govcrnml"'nl House on the ~round that I he.v be– longrd to the public and should be avallable nt all times.I Miss Hill could not be contacted last night. !I. ls understood that she ten– dered her resignntlon nhout t9. 1 0 months ago, that It, was accepted bV the Acting F,ducallon Mln– lslrr 1Mr. l3lr.lkr-Prtrrsrnl Inst nionl,h and that her not ice cxnires In about t,\\'O month~. Denial strnngl~' rienied that hP had n finn11rinl inlt:rr.c;t h1 the l\torct.011 Onllrrlrs. He hnd hcrn n.,c;krd tn rommcnt. on n rrpnl'! Ll1nt hr hnrt such I\Jl tnlf'l'f'!-;l , t-1<' snld : " AnyOtH' who nrnkr"- t.!tn l nllcf:?Rtinn '·" ('nmplf' trl,· trrr!-po11s1hlr. ;ind If hr will hr mnnl\ rnou\th tn nm10unc11 111111 - i;rlf- whk!i !H• wo11 ·1 - I will puhllclv rn ll hllll Oil un111it1c:ntr.d lln r. _ _ Cairns, Qld. Director of Art Gallery chosen BRISBANE. Tues. - Mr, Jmur's \\'ieucl<c lii01, wm be the new direct.or of the Quccnslund Art Gal• icry. The gallery boHl'cl or trustees hns confirmed a previous recommendation that he he uppotntccl the m•w dircctnr. :\fr. Wic11ckl.! hus been director or the l\'loJ'ctun oc1llcries tn Bnsbanc since 1951 . Pcndin!:! a rtnnl dcch-ion bv lhl' State Government. ii i!: 1101 known whether l\•tr. \Vlrmr ke will rclain tile MnrrtC1n Gt1l1L•ri1!s nf· lt!r nppn111trt11~nt to l,he St.1tc gn lkry. 'f 'n.fl: i\' Mr. \Vh•1wkr. clinect t°i • c11111mcnt on the new~ or t,hc n•coinml'ndn– tion hy the SLn le Gnllcry trustr 1•:-. Resigned Yr.sicn lnv rl•~ iµ1wd (11 J)l'tH cst m·cr tlw nppnintnw111 ot II new dirr d o r rlll' tlw gnller~•:. '!'Ill'\' n1•f> tile t'11rmr r Ard1ti1•r·1 11rr l"r111'csi,.11r R. P t ·u1·1111irn:o.;: mHI ,\ rti"-1· :-e1IIJl1 1't'M,. ;\ Jl:-S f)aphllC' r.111,\'P. ('r,n l ii n ·1 ,,n 1·<'1'1111·1111:ni · 11\11 ~1 1'. \V 11•Jl'' R ltlf't'IIPJ! l;isl nh:111 . Unanimous :\ nnn11111•111tz tll1> r\1>1·1:-.10 11 111-ri;n· lilt• T n1:-l •'f'S ,·1i:iir- J1111n · 1S1r I,, 1,11 T n 11111 sn1d tin' 1r11-.:t1·• ·..,, 1r1wn1~ 1n o 11!; 111 1lu•11· n•,•11m n1en– dat i1111 ;111d tlw \t'l'lll" of .:'\lr. \\·11•r11•lt1•·., ;1ppnint – lllf'll! . \\ f'l'i' it:!l('t>d t 11 i11 11t,· 111,,..,, rn ,•rn!IY \\'nr .