Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

L\Y, J O , I.J7 oUIUJ.:ll l,\A! L PROTEST OVER NEW DIRECTOR Two trustees resign from : Art Gallery T WO Queensland Art Gallery trustees resigned yesterday in a dramatic protest over the appoint– ment of a new director for the gallery. They are former architecture Pro– fessor R. P. Cummings and artist-sculptress Miu Daphne Mayo. Both handed their resignations to the Acting Education Minister (Mr. Bjelkc– Petersen) in on interview yesterday, Th e dnt ma ti c mn\'C 1\,·olmd rr ..u,m('(I o,·er follows controve rsy wit h- nppn\n1111rn nf A new in the gallery board of ctirr; t~~irt : "Thc1• rl'Sl~nc'<I trustees o v c r l h e he<•fl11:-.t' 1.hev \\'t>re not in Rppoinln1e nt nf A. new ~~r 1~tf~l~en'~; 1 _,~-hLllcc~:J~~ direr ·t.or 1n r f' J)IHcc i\11·. of trustN•s n." n whnlr." L · 1'1 s who Ln.\ t week it ,ra.s re- nurJe . 1 _omr1. • port<!cl Lhn1 t-hc clirccLor left t o .10 111 a nr ws- r,f 1.hc Moreton Onlleries paper in Sydnc~,. l,\r1~!~~1a~!~-~n;~1ct':,"k~~ :·~~ Professor cumml lll,!S, pointed the new director Pror,ssor or Architecture or the Queensla nd Art Rt Queensland University Gallen·. until t,hc encl or l~st year. ~lr. . Wienekr, ~9. !ms h•s been a gAllcr~ trustee oo,,n director ol the Morc– •:nce \iii and Miss Mayo LOn Gnllerie,; ~mcc 1951. • nfl~cv aic the onl.v re- He st11d10d Rt IAie Tech– prese1itatlves or artists on n,cn.l Co\leµe and ha.s con– the board or trusLCes. cturt.ed several one-man l\f!ss Mayo said vester- shows. day: "We have resh:ned in Exam~\es . or Mr. protest about the appoint- Wt, ncke s ~ork ere hunrl ment or A new director." In 1,ltc Qucensla,1d A Professor C11nuni11~ is GaJlery. thr D11rn(!ll C:ol– now ll\·\ni:: at Currumhtn. /if'N1on ~t. Llic Umverslly: Mr Bielke-Petersen said Nnct m U1c Teaohers he \\:Rs ·n ot nware that the College C" 'l\ectton. . HEATED MEETING The question of the n1111olnlmenl of a new director was discussed at a ioni; and heat ed meeting of the trustcr~ Inst nl~ht. Trustees d id not lrnl'r1~ Ir:C:1tiiroher srtid: "He the nrt. 1rn.llerv bulldm~ must be ns h l~hly qunlt– unt\l abou t 11 .30 o.m. firrt In lus rielcl as pos- Thc trustees chntrman slb!r wit>.1 Lile g-rea tcsl 1 Sir Leon Trout I refused brr-..aclt.11 or v1s1on for t~1~ to reveal whet-her or not e~uca.Uonnl and recrea Uie trust<?es hnd confirmed ttmrnl .nccrls or t.11e com- the noooin t ment of J\ new m~!~~~l - Implore U1c director. SJlOllS!ble members or He A.l~o t ("'f11sed 1'1 com• go\'crnmr.11t to t Junk more ment on the r es1i::na tlons deep!• nnd seriously In or former Professor Cum• u 1r 1r · 110i1•r of A. Dirertor mln~., and Miss Mayo and rnr our Stale Art Galic ," 011 R report that moves: would be mad e nt. Inst n\11ht's me<'tlnc: to dismiss t.he "al!en,'s Act in 11. Direc– tor <Miss Robvn H11I 1, Govt. House Miss H1ll recently wn~ tn\'ol\led in Rn ArJ?11ment rc~nrd in o; t.he sendln~ or r:1~~;.~~;;,~~'t t t~,~~11~:i~ dlspln)'. It Is 1111der, tood I hat nt nnc slAJ?e i\Tiss Hill Tf' · fustd to .send cert ain pAmtlngs to Government House on t.hc prounct U1Rt thrv bclongrd to the ptibllc 'and Sil'Hild be a1·ailablc a t all t ime.,. ~maln tnJr r.rwaces Rt the Quecn.slnncl Al't Gnl– lrry, in a dclll,1011 to 1.he clrn1rmnn I Sir Lenn Trout , nr,-. Dr. B. B . Bnr• rack, ~tes.srs. P . D. Con – nolly, Q.C .. R. A. !-tenrter- j0nst ~·11g0,.ch,~~1;;?i"'b11;; .. pnld~f'. Erig-:t r F'<'l't!ll.lit'lll , s,r i,;11 ,., Murph,1·, Dr. N. 8£1lrnn Allcl ~1r. A . F: G11.r– mrr Artist's plea Prc~1cle111 or Ll1P Queens• lsJJrl brn.nc h of t.i1e Con– t,cmporary A.1·t Societ,y , Mr. Roy Churchei·, )'CS– terdruy 1.-.;ued n stn.tc – men t ·on the posiLion of the Di.rector of the Queensla ld Art G a llery. He sa lei th e Job or pre– ~entini;:- U1e work of locaJ nnct mternntiona.J n.ni~ llii, bo!.h IU!-,L0J"lt"'a l nncJ con. !Pllll)OrflJ',\', cn l lect !or n. \)('r....on \,~1, h ft i.:oort rlrnl nr ;,;chnh r~11 1p. n li q• 11t - !',\t;;1~~~~11111~r;,e!·~1cst J~~-~-;~.1;1r1 "! n( tn,,tr Hr sr11r/ t,hr D i l'fVI nr pf. :;1, 1 1~~! SI~)~ A 1 \ 1;}. n.ni?n !~~r1\/ rnl,ll'Rl r,-itil'~ce A n<! <'Oil· r"rn fnr Lile en n rnnni,,111 ,n whtch he llve<l ~nd \\'Ol'kNI. -~-.....-·· 2 THI COUIIU -MAIL THURSDAY JUNE 1 1967 I The Courier-Uuit I Our I.if ,,.,,~ ,/,,,,.,,,,,. "" 1/,,. 1-·,,•r,l11m n/ tlu• l', r.u, mul thttt rn,111,;, htt U,11;,,.,1 ,,,;1h11111 b1•i11a lmt,- )1•/l,•n.011• A tril1a1I city's art • war 111 ,vnrltl I S nn nthr rn l,r 1·h ili-.1•,I 1•01111111111lt .1 11tt 11rt row Hhrn,\'lli 1Jlkflfl4 UII snnwthi11~ of lh~· u ... p,•c•t or a trll1t1I war, nn,I th,• art 111111 fr111i:1•,arl worhl of llrlshHIIP Is no 1•x1•,•11t ion, ThP rr,•nmmrnrinttnn f11 r t h~ app, d11tmr 11t nf R nrw Q 11ernsland Art Gnll,, ,y rlireet"r is Ille 1·1111se of thP lnlrsl rlonnin~ nf' f<':llhrrs :111d 11:tr p:i tnl . Twn t n1s1 r"~ havin2 rf'Ri gn r>d in (H'11!Pst, ~l r. .lanws \\"irnPkP . rlire1·!or nf l\lnrr-11111 fi:il ll'ri,.. s. is 1111w the ''11nr1nimnw," rPcnmm l'n d:11 i11n of tllr Hnarrl of Trustef'A fnr thr d trer·1n1·s hip of lh e c:alli•r;·. The choice of ~lr. ll'iPnPke npp,•n rs In n•prrs,.nt R complPte r han;:r nf t l1 in ki 11,:: h)' the r:a\lrry tru,;tP(I"· ThP prnpn~f'd nC"\\' dire<'1nr. 111 h1s np– prnn r h lo nrt, Is nhnut RR cnnscn·nti\'P as his pre– drresRor-. Mr. LRuric Thnm :,1s, w:iR :1rf \':1n1·rr!. Thin, holl'e\'er, n•r ol nr,t n r,t trr grrnt I;- prn– ,·ldrd the ndministrntinn of the Galle r;· is sound, nnrl keeps IIJl with wnrld t,·,.,nds. 1,ir Lenn Trout, the c hnirmnn o f lrnsle<•s, has mn.rlP i t clear 1.hnt he pe r snnn lly hns Ille highest re,::nrrl for Mr. Wieneke Ri< nn n rtisl , ns nn nrl ,·on– noissE-ur, And e\'en as n mAn, fnr R~ n fu rther rNH;;nn for the recommendntinn of Mr. Wieneke for Ihr Appointment he hns 11aid t lrnt Ihe di rerlnr des ignnte is a man of the " h igh est morn! drnmr– ter". B11t surely no-one do11ht Pd this. Mr. Wieneke WRS nnt a CR.nd ,irlate for a his hnprir.