Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Cairns, Qld . . lnnisfail tt · art show INNISP.\ IL, Apr. F'oJlowing an intent<'\\ by the lnnisfoil Art Grou,, president. l~lrs. C. Larsen • with the director of the Queensland Art Gn Iler, (~'lr. Lawrie), en exhibit ion of contcmporar)' painting nnd scultprc bv ~liss R. B. Hi ll (actlllR director, hos been arranged. M iss Hilt i11 nnt nhlc to accom1n1ny the displny. Her catatoaue hoac.t.s Ruch 1\1\lllt's as Donald Friend, MnrRaret Ollc.v, Sidney Xolan, Arthur Boyd ,Jean Appleton, Genrae La\,H cncc und Lloyd Ree,. A mohilr. sculpture or welded metal ond an other of copper sheeting and coloured resin arc Included. • Th ii bull, in copprr slH~Qting , nd colourtd with r,nlyc,tQr ,csin ii o1 cc ntr,11 piece of thr c•hihitinn of conk mpor• .ny art 1ind sculpture sent to Cairn, hy the Quecnsl•nd Art Gallo,y. It is the work of K•th• Icon Shill,n. The $40 ,000 oxhihition, prc– i cr,tcd by the C,1irn1, Art Society in the C ;,irnJ Council Ch,,m• l,cn . will he optn until May IS . - f\lr'lr-1 C {1,1\•t~ > phnl"' • LI• ,, • • • TI\,, '1llr1' !1111 n I v ('!tlh \\I,! /!111(1 /Ill .t rl f' \l\lhl- 11fJJ1, di.l<lrt•n ~ urt t"'llll lV"- 1111011, :111rt a II Ulllllf'(j lll n p 11 :in ,, u1 r)1e ('1\ ir c·rn11 e tl \ lilt•• Pl1 :\111\' :.!0 I !if' Q ur\'11 lanct .\ 11 r ~.1l – !r1, IHl .... lo:tn"ci l:'1 pnln(. lflC:,,,, ''"ll"- IMIIH! n rn 1n) \' nr l:rnd ,,•npr Pr1llll 10J!~ · tn– ,·Jiirl,·n .n rhr:-(' nrP 1he \\'.'t k.~ of '11b:,t~!} flr \':,dn ]f", ~\1: 1 \1~'.:~: Doh<·II. n n d .Hm:h Toowoomba, Qld . Tll" 1.'ll1lrl rr11 ·1. nrf r1 ,m– wt J11••ll :-ltn11/rj n llr:wt ' id., · 111 "11'"-' \ II i-wt1n11ls 11 I/11" :\1111 1!1a ~hlrf" will (' f'Hlllpr1 111c 1 ) ' .r-... 7 ·1ART GALLERY TRUSTEES RESIGN IN PROTEST BRISBANE, Monday. - Two Queensland Art Gallery trustees resigned today in a dramatic protest over the appointment of a new director for the gallery. 1'hcy arc arc.-hllcclurc Profei-.sor R . P. Cummings and artist •-.t·ul11tn•:-.s l\11-.s Daphne I\t ayo. l\olh h:uu1- 1•cl the ir r csl1;natiom,; to the Acting ~tinistcr for t:dui:nlion t Mr. I\Jclkc• Petersen ) tn a n lntcr– \'lew today. The drmnntlc mol'c fol – lows con Iro\'ersy within the 1.::.11lcrr boa rd or trustee., r,,·cr the a ppo1111mc11t of 11 nr\\ c1rcctor to rcplncc !\tr. Lnurtc T h mnns, who left Lo JOU\ :\ llC'\\'SJ1a1){'r in Syd1H'Y- that the D ff('('IUI' of :\J OJ'Cl Oll Ga!!t·r1t~~ ,J.1111t•s \V1ei. kt' ' was 1111110:-.t cr•rt nin to IJr :1ppoinh.~d tile 1H:w d I rt>t·t 1 ir 1,1 t lw C~111'ellA• ' :ancl A l I Ci ,t. ll' l'Y Profc~sor C u111m1ncs. P l'O– fesso,· 01 Arr h 1tcet11n· nt the Q11Pen~la11cl Unl·;rr~1ly, h:"' IH:(•l1 11 gnllrry t l'\ISl('C since 1!13!1 and :\t1ss ;\t:1yo s:nt.'t' 10no :\tr. \\ la nkc, 5D, Lli n SIIC– Tlll'Y :tJ'C the 1111ly 1'£'lll'C- CC!-i!-;f\l l n rl1:;t :lllcl has brcn SCll\Ul ~H'S or art ists in the D !l'CC LOI' u t t l ic l\Iorcioll IJourcl ot trustees. Galil.•r i1•s since tn~l. l\:Il~s i\fayo "iRld yrstcrclay: :\1r. B jclkr -PPIC'l'Sen ~ulcl ··W1• h:l\ e rrs!~nt•d In pro• 1 hl' w :1:-. not f\\\,11'1' 1h:1t the test about _tile a ppolntml'nt two n. 1d l l'!°'ill.!111 •d orcr th<• of n new director:· appo111u 11cnL of u new Ln;t week it wns reported director. .J ., I 'J' . . . ,, Museum gets a teacher l~HE Queensland Mu'itum t.oon wi U ho ve 0 permanent educa tion officer for the first time in ih history. T i1t• 111,1 11 .... lb'' ('! opt·ll 'IP .iJHI , \ ,, 1'!d ,;1){'1':,I !IJ!'!Jl I! [ ,. •!]I . ' , rr:m~.lli.! ;,...1 :11- ,·ar-u',I !-1'11 ,t l! : t', /1t', d'1 ,\l l ,I ' · jl(• (~llPl'll,)1.111(1 l '!,: \'t'l '.t' ., <lr•p!l:·•1111•111 ,1f 1,11nlnc, li •· ,, :-lr ,J (' 11,,dc,· \\·!) 1 lirdri.~ n ., 1·,,~::,·1• d1•L :·1 ,, nnd 1vh1, n 1.. ll 1 ! ,·\'i•c-1,1• !I'll,\ Ill' t•'\P• ! ,1'!.•'• q ul"rn< :1 1. .J \I ... r· ,111 Lr,•1· 1:· , \1 : , r \\' .,,i .. , .. ,1,ri ,,,,, ,•11! t•, :11rn· ,1! +, ,•rl , ,· H~l.,·, 1:· \I , ij '\ .!l!fl ,ll 1 'f' l, 1 , :1• I l.:t, ,\1',Nl..:r- 1) ' 'I ! ,1;, 1,11 11., 1,d ,L:lit !)' • [H 1 .I /1 J '' l !- 11 ·11 1,1.. f.ir ,, .. I .~{) lll .1 .~.) ' ,\f! \\'1111!, ,I rl ' }l(' •,. wh:11.: f',.\. .. ,.... ',\ 1lu d :u- L!, l,•1· ·11:"."' 1;. 111 11 ~•r,1· 11n .... 1.:111'-, Hllfl l,! 1' ll• 1,1 ll \, r1,,J11111..