Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

SUNUAY ~!All Inquiry into , Gallery urged Queensland University Philosophy Prolossor IProfessor Presley I said lost night there should b1 an inquiry into the tru1toa1hip of tha Queens– land Art Gallery. llc snld It hnd been rumoured that the nrt ~n llery in tended 10 sell some yeri vnlunble palnlin ~ tn rnlsc n1011ry ror builrlings. One such palnlin~. he snid, \\-ns n P1cnsso valued nt nround $250.000. Proressor Prtaley •aid that II thcoe painting• weN! sold, people would nol Jh•• paintings to wid'~': ·:;pset lie knew thn t the w1<tow or w~l:~rd th ~~~; wns ~\~,{~~ nt the prospect lhnt •ome or I.he nnlnlings 1,he Mn,ior i;nvc 1hc gnl – lery might be sold. Professor Presley snid he though t nn il\\'cstlgo.– tlon Into the admin is– tration or the ~nllery .t.;houlct be rnrnect out. l!!ir Leon Tro111 snid Inst night W1a1 the slalemenls bv Profe&'-Or Prc:-lev were Irrespons ible tllllc:1.nttlc. um·ellable and quite untrue. "I'he Trustees nrr ~etl.lng tired or Irresponsible •tltt.lc -tattle," Sir Leon sn!d. Have rights • u nder lhe Art. Gnllcrle• Act we ha,·f' ,~rrl11ln ~.1r 0 ~i!:!~~';;; "nt'l,e~ We have 1hr rl~hl lo dlsposr or an)' pnlnllni: In our posse"slon. "If Etnd \\~hen we hn\'C to make our decision. !,he trustees nrc quite ,·on– l !dent of 111:ikln~ It " 'II h- 011t t,he act,·kc or Pro- fr-~7.1· ~;.csleLc~~ct Tr~~\f sn!d. He ndd1•c1 t-!rnt wl11!c 1hr. t,ruster.s nrc liandlin!" p11b!:c funds thr,· Intend to run the trHllcry In n business like wn. ·, §1 ~ I !' g1 ~I : 1 RETICENT ON !I IART GALLERYl 1 !APPOINTMENT I I THE man in the middle of the I ~ great Queensland Art Gallery furore, ~ § Mr. James Wieneke, relaxes at the~ ~ Moreton Art Gallery during the week, ~ '.\lr. \\'ien ckc, GO, s lt>:ul- 111:11\ \ 1 : ltll pif't'l'it1i.: ~re\'; rastly refu s,•s tn <•mnmt•nl cft'· . \l r. \V11•1wke 110\\· E on the fuss that hus fol - n•·.:urd~ !limsr.lf n., tl lrnk ~ lo\\'etl a ret.·nmm~mlntlou IJt'!\':r en tl1l' p111 111rrs :11ul i tha t he ht• a1,pointrll di- l:,i· 1rn1J111·_ E rel'lor or the ()nrrn!i<laml "I 1111 lun,;rr irt mu,·h ~ Art Galler~·. hul last \\1i1•k lhnr for· 1rnl11Un,:. rxt:r11t ~ hr told S unda~· Truth 1111 hnllfln,\ s. :\nd then it ~ somr.lhlnl' of his hornk- ,._ tn:ilnl~· l:nub,•apts, not § ~round. lht• fii:uralin work I llke: Art wn.c. n 11:1 t11 rn l lr:1 11- thr ht"sl." ht ._nlcl. ~ i11g for h im . right fro 111 " It 1.-. i111possli1ll' to§ his schooldu ys i11 Rum :1. pl(•:1 ~t• l'H'l'\'une m the § \Vlwn on holld:1,·:-. in l1l·lrl of arl \\'c lrv to § 8 ri~lla11e wi ll1 h i.-i 11nre111.-. prc.-.:1•11t :1 hal:i ncccl . p it·- ~• he ll~ed to "clt'a !.! IIH'lll tn llll'C of wh:11 I-; a,·:lil:tblc § 1hr nn ~all(•n· ut t·,·rr,· nt Jll'l'~Pnt. § = chaiu·e." · · " I c\011·1 know when J § 1 will :•n:1r1 nn· <1!111cs with§ / @ TllP11 cnrnc tlw d.i,·:,; of ·1 11• Q i 11_,,. 11 ,..\:rncl :\ r t Gn l•; § pni11t111~ and tr :11'!1i11c :1t Irr~·. tt / 111 .: not c \·en § § the Tech11ic·:II Col!(•~t•. bl.'1•ii npprnrr.cl .,·ei. § 1 ~ fullm,·1•d b.,· I I b ta kr-nvcr " 0 111 \'. Ii:, tl'\'l'I' h:, ppens . ~ J § of the ;\lon•ton G a llL•n· In ll \t -1 ; l!l.=i l. . w . n:t•rri:1 n :tll<'r~· ,•:Ill : ",'t)l1'.1.~1ur \\llh Its .,;how- ~I ~ A tallis h , g re1·- h:lll'ecl .ng,. ; • 1111111 ~11 1 ~ 11,111,11111111""!'""11~ "'""11"111111rn1111111111111111111111111111111~ I