Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

COU! 11::R MA IL, ~lon,Joy Juno 5 , 1907 CALL FOR INQUIRY ON_ART GALLERY TRUSTEES GROUP of Queensland art lovers has called for an inquiry into the Trusteeship of the Queensland Art Gallery. The group, led by the Professor of Philosphy at the University of Queensland (Professor C. F. Presley), has sent an open letter to the Acting Education Minister (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen). The letter calls tor the inquiry to take place before the confirmation of the appointment of the new director of the gallery. 'l'hC' lrtt cr fo llo\\'R the 1mivrr.,11,· tcc·111 1N IH .\G ";-n- Hughe~: Man; Rrel provision:1 l ~ppointm c nt L1lll.111 C:1111r-1rin. D1 ~lid- Henry. novelisl: Dr. Da\'lrt . 1 . rolm Ca 111r1on. Oph1hnl- ,Jnckmm . anarst hetist: J . of M r. ,Jam~• \\ir n ~k e lmnloµl sl. F:11, nbrt h camp• Ln ne: W. R. Lnn•. uni· as the new Director n( l>cll. lert ul'Cr. kmder~altt!ll , rr.'litv Iect urr r. 1 I , c--, lie ·y \ 11•adw1s 1·our~c. 11 S :\1annlson. unl\'cr - H .,, .I • 1 .., • , sity leC'Lt1rcr : Mn.ry l\'lnn- Therr i!- tl:-.o n llllllOlll f'd J IUIC. SIII \\ J . CUilll)- 11--on ·hJI I P '\'cholo~1st · l )\Rn lo 1-rll t,iH' Rubin en!- bell , ill"lll\~. hc;\d nf lhl' ~an~ ~1cE1wa1~-i. . painter: r c1inn to rinRnre R n e w r::'e.1~ 1 · . (~I l·.du~Hllllll. . 11 ~ 11 - 1\·1. l\•torinrL,·. painter : M . ·!.!nllPry. ,r1. .. ~t, '~ 1. ~t1~ 1 ! 1 ~ln nd · Bill :\loon, potter: G . S. Olley. The 1rll!•r rcqursti:. "l h nt sa 11: rui_lutc<l .. ~nnon . 1 · Lorrie Pnul. ualnlcr ; 11 b•• Iound out nnd m ndr I'_; c l_,. 11 .1 ' 11 ·. , JI! 11, 11 , 1 .P• 11 · .:--, 1 · Barbnrn Poultf'r. sorlolo– known : !, 1,; 1 ,r~1.: IJ, 1 lhL<,ll 1 ,g 1•· 11 ~ 1 111 - i.:ist , Jf"lhn R l~b.\', unlntcr : • \\'hether or not t h 1• 11 ,. , • 11 11 _nn tun . ni t 11 - Jnr RO!i!i-!enknmo onlntf'1" 1'111\1 r111nn o r the B1rnrc1 or te,·I . _H. lla\·is. nl'C'lutcC't : 1 rrofcssor c F . PrrsJP,: 1 Tn1stre., 1 Sir J.r.nn Trout I O.• F'_icl_c~l, 1 ~~- . llbnulnz! , ~r !lend ot DCparl ment Oi \h pl\-1nnini,! . 11gnlm;t rx\1ert t hf L n i,ci :-ilt.\ 01 Qui €II!-\- !Phllo!-\OJ>hv Unl\'erslt v or ~d \'tcc .1nrt to t.hr ,. Pnr l:i ncl. Awh'i•.,· Fic!cl !lil,!. Quce;,s nriti. · cletrimf'nt nr the publ.<• I B . S . G1hson. a 1l'111tcl'l. : E. M . Preslr,·. lt•cturer ,·nllr.c1ion Plll rw.trd to Ur. Hnpert Ooocinw n. 11111- in nrlmary cct11cntlon: him. to cllspu:-.e or rcrt :un \'t'l'!'-lty l1•1·t111 cr: Ornlwmc Mr~. ,J. Rubin. W idow of of tllC' flnrst Eu1 oprn1, rte Ci 1·111·hy, n1thilCl'l. ,_Joy MRinr Rubin : Auµust Soo– pnlntlll!!~ 111 thr 1·nll<•r·1on . cir Gnwh.,·, inl cl'ior dr- ,·crrr : Kathleen Sonvcerc. I' ,• . ,• S.h!llr1 : :\t'Ll1111 Ci11nlhnq>c.1 uohticnl .'-cicnrr studen t: es•~HH 1011 111/111:0~ lll C director and lDr. D1111cn n T imms. u n i- • WIH•t lii~r nr nu; the pn 1111r1 : L1ll1a11 o,mthorp~. ,·rrsit,· lect urrr : Dr D on– cha1 r11H\tl of tlH' Bonrd nr ,J 111 1111 '' 1 · Prnft•,!isnt· h.. 1 nlct 1"111-!b)', unlyrr.r,!ty IN·- Trustcr~ mstnir.lrrl rhr !11111111011, D~1rncll proJ. of u1rrr; o r. F.hsr Tugby. Acl ini;: D!rCL'lOI' nr the l·:tH:l1sh . Uni\', Q11eenshmd : university 1Pcllll'Cr. QllCf'nsland Art (i;\ lle:·\' E. . I. ~f;H\'r ,·, n1rllllec•t. DI', VAi Vn llis. lllli\'('J'SilY 10 remorc crrt nin :\ 11 ::;tra- \V1llrn m S Hnldrr. ti.lot"k- lccLurer Rnri poet: Joan llnn pnint inc.~. like!\· 10 b<" 1brokcr : Prorrs!-\or cc.:111 A. \Vl1Rlle)·. . director or r snccinl Int erest to 1he lH11ctw~. hrnri or Depnrt- Twelftl~ Nt~ h t Thratre : oublic 10 R nlncr wh ere nw n t of Gm·ernment. Uni- Pnt Wilson : Pnm Wilson. rhc o~ibllr woulcl no, ha vr \·rrsit" or Quccn~IRnrt : pn\nter. t~cess to thrill \\'tl hout in - M R b • •tt ·it; 1 ti 1 l)e1hrr nr not there rs u 1n-g1 wns R mret Inc: nr r lte • Boa rd or Trustee~. no1 at- tended bv s u· Leon . ~t ~'N!~~_-"' 6:~.~ i~~·u~:-~~~lll~,·c~·~ I for the pub1·1c rc1 nln t.hc scrdcrs of Ih r net In!! cllrec1or I l\•t 1ss Robvn Hlll 1 onrl In rlr· clmlnC' fl) nc\;C1>l her M'' ' I r I' I . I . h _. ·1 d rcsic naLlon . ,:,;. , II le ,11 1111 as t. n1ic t uescrl IC 111 .~ ;;;~;~\)~~-~ 0 1 ;r 111 1~ 0 ho.'.1/;; as "clisi:raceful'' an,· plans the Queens- nr Ttwtrcs. ,,·hn rl issrn•rct land Art Gallerr miiiht' h11\·c to sell pnint– frnm the rrrommcn rlatinn iniis from a collection donat ed hv her late of th" bn.1rrl ,·n1wrrn111c hushand. · ~1 \\~rcr i 1 !~no~!~ci 1 cr~!-i,n of h a~I She sn1rl thAl hr r l!us– conscQucntlv rr.1-i!!nrrl •;n nn , 1tnrol~I DP \rnhl rrom thr bonrd bdorr 1hr l, t!t"!lll • ,,t1~tcl c1,·r1_1 .1h~ _rnl• rrr.ommrndRlion wns rm- le, lion .. \\Ill! no s11 inl.!s Rl– ~11~ nrnrlr. \\'f'l'f'" 1hr ot1l\' lnl'i,tNI h111 "l hrrr wns. 110 IIH'l11hl"'l'I;; of t lH' hon rrl 11111 n11_n11 l hnl _t11r ,,11n111!- cnm~rtrn l , tn_, fnrm iltid 111 ~·~ 1~ 110 1 1 ~~~!h\~~ 1; 01 ~ 1\11 r it or~~1 ;i n rx1_1~1 1 n11!nlnn on r, n1tc' l'lrnr thnl thr pn.mt ~ th1 .• 111All f" I Ill !.!~ \\·rrr for t,hr p11hlic," b) he lrttrr \\',t.'- s1c.nNI \11'!'- r. 11h111 ~nid. \ El~illf" :\ll:rn!-P1t : r .,mrla " I( IH' rl1<l 11,'t wnnl thr Brll. {!l'.-17,iCI' nncl .:tJ I rol- pu hll(' In lrn, r thrill, hi" !lrrlnr: r. rn hnmr Rcws. wn nlrl 1111\<' sold tiwm . nn.~ l.urhlt cr·t : Cln,·tnn Rrrctt. 1 c.1,·r n 1,hc Ill to tt1e i;nllery. i Too expensive \ lrs Hu bin snlrl It ctid not mn kr ~rnsf' to :-C'll lhe ('nllrc1 \nl\ tn prn\·icic monc~· ror a 11C\\' cR llcry. " \Vlrn.t. UM' is R gallery 'l 'Ht:: quel'nslan rl .\rt 1;allcry :-im·iet y l'resi,ll•nl (Ur. l(arl l.angl•r) ,,.,11,nut pn1111 ln~sr s:tifl las t. ni~ht that it ,, nnlrl he •·1 r:tJ,ric·• if 1he (:lurrnsla nd ,•n~lif 11 ~~-~'i'• h~ 1 ~ 0 t~ 1 ~~!~ 11 G\~ . Arl (;allcry ,olrl 1rninting~ from th r Huhin l'ollcdion . 11,r .n lll'r)· latrr ns the\, 1 Langer: Sale would be tragic D L , I 1hr ~al ---. - \\t11!1cl 1).-. tnn c:,.;pc11:-.1\C, r . a nl!r r s.n ir _ 1 1. , 1 - t,lrnt 11 w111-i 11w nn 1y onr l"Gor rrnmrn t sII ppnri rnr Thr 111 n ior work In I I1r \rrtlon wns nnr \\ 1\C to 4 ,nntnln MC'l'l onr tht' Gnllr1~· 1!-i 11 11 1 c.rrn t.1 1 •1'11f'L'IJ011 ' Pll'n!.~o·s " I ri l 11~:lf!r . ~IH: Q1~r Cll!-i~At.1,rl A1 L P 1n1~~0. 1 1nn(! 1llf•rc 1.,; ii ]nr o ~ de- R,r llr H·ollnridni~r.:, \\;-;,.., c.,~1 !1"1 ~ k11nt, n a,. r1 M•n~. Thr R 11h111 rnllrct 1rin prncirnrr on brrp1r :-,LS ' wnn h ~ J :n.snn 111 \!J,litl, ~ lw <'nllrct ,'.111 1n111,11~1f'_rl contnrnr.ct 1h1cc P1ca:;!-t1S I " I I thr.1.r \\ rrr 1nl-;,rn " AIHI 11 111 n, irn,·r douhlrd l p~ .11t1IH!;- \\h1rh \\ f'tf' B t R\\';t)' wr wnn lrl bi' rrrtured h ,· tnrJ;:n· " !\lr~ R ubin ".1m nrrc,1nnr~ In 11, ... rt"- eqUeS S tn t hr lr ,cl nf n p1,l\'111r1ril ...,fu rl. ·. . . , r l,?':'11.r.!ll of P u•n:-,."O RS \l l )r. L~nccr Sllld ltr knrw cnllrl')'. 1IH' 01 1\rr l \\O Pll'll~~o·s \ P" 1 1 .j~ r 1 .... 111 r1 t lrn l rhr n uclr nf a 11umhrr or pcn/1lr who "The~" pR ln1 i11i::.., wei r wrn• 1hr11 wnrth S:!:!.[,~O. 11 , 1 ., 1 ·Bl'!lr Hollnndn l...,r" hn cl ln trnrlrct l~:n· JH! br- 1 cl\ 1 rn In 1!1r p11bl1r r n r c O!, wn~ wn it h $;-1, 1 ,tl~)n.l wn .. " rmt' of P il'R:'\S{1's Ill.OSI 1qur•:-,l ,11, nf Rl't or 11\0 IWV lo \Quccn ~Jn nrl IHHI lhr~• ~fl_!·I~ ,~ Rt llOlr \\n'i \\Ol tll \111 JJO!'I H11 l plctu1c, :· l llr Gnllf'l'Y, .,h milci s1~~· 111 thl" Q11rl'n~- · I, ,1f , Tl tr Q11ce11slnnrl pllrl')' ·' RIil lhP.(' l\'Olllrl nr1·r r la llrl Ml C.n llcr)' Not advised ";« 11111q11r nn10110 _Stntr rln. 11 If the pni11t i11us wrrr ··TJ11 , wo11lrl 11r- 1 ·~r hnp- 1 ~t r., . n 11 11111 , nirl rhnl a c, llr r,,·s In Aw~trn. l1a In cn1nz to be snld,'· he ~nld. pr-n m MrlbnnrnP. ln11111ht'r 111 pPnplc 11ncl told - i f'1 1hr 11.111i1 111 i.:~ ,•n1drl t1r 1 .;;olrl b11 r Ihr Cift llr 1,. l'n1!-- 1 I;;~ ~ hnrl not l't,111art rr1 1 R\1r I 111pr1I I hr 1•1 1l1l't'I ion wn11 lcl II•· krpr tw 1lw ~nl– l"ry ",1.., 11,y h11!-hruirl \\'Olllf"rl 11111. wlH•n llr 111nrlr i hr c1 f t "