Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

n . ~h..iH J l;i l ] • 7 __ =:;_:__.:..._===------- . ___ 150 000 CITY ART THEFT Th· I ,11,ovc ground Jcvcl, partly open. The lhicrns h ad scn Jc j 1eves broke into the Queensland ~rt .,ca lfoldlng _ In posiLion for renovaLions aL the Gnllcry Gallery last night and stole La Belle Hollandaise, - to renci. 1 L. the $150 000 d · t· b p· 550 'l'hc:v were able lo enter the Gallery by the only , nu e pain 1ng Y 1ca • door not rtttcd with burglar alarms. La Belle - the Ga llery·s most famous pa inting - Police said Lhe Lhleves probnuly had studied the soL- was the only exhib!L s:olen. un a nd capitalised on It. The Gallery was opened about 6 a.m. today but Lile ·It Is understood that La Belle Hollandaise, by Pablo robbery was not discovered for about an hou r. Picasso, was insured by the Gallery for Sl40.000, but Staff members found the 4ft. by 3rt. rrnmc or I.a wa,; rcgarded as much more va lualJle in the open Belle Hollandaise lyln1 face down In the ccntrr of lb · market floor of n side nnne~e. ' It was purchased In London In 1950 by the Gallery When they lifted It up, they found thaL nall_s at Lhe ror $137,500 and was part or the late M.r. !J· ~e Vahl_ rear of the frame hnd been bent out of •iosll 101, and Rubin's Brisbane collcctlon. It was a .rc co1 d p11cc fo1 j the famous painting removed. n Picasso. . Valley detectives round 20 t:O-'i'l 'INUlm o~ P.Ua-. 3 Brisbane, 0 . E-'6 JUN1967 TODAY'S LATE~"" APPOINTMENT "' 4 State Cabinet tod I DEFERRED ment of Mr. J ,;n,n Woy c e ferred the appol r, t tf,., n1-• , L •cncke ,. f ~LGaUcry t.:i obto, 1 a .' •rccro, of rorn the Boord or T- r more ,n/orrnor,on Conditions of the opru~fces on th lcrn,s and po,n tnien1 . No decision on art job Stair Cahna•I tod:iy ddrn,,d a decl,lon on the appointment of Mr. Jam'"' Wieneke, fill, a• dlreclor of the Queen•- ,,.~1,,"r,\cS;~~le~!duc·aUon ~fllllSlCr, Mr. DJetke– Pclersen snld that Cab– inet would st•f'k more ln– formnllon from the Board or Trustees ln- ludlng the ICl'lllS of Mr. Wlcncke's nppoint– mcnt. It Is undcrst,ood thnt ~~~c w~ 1 1;\~~; tr~\~-~1t\V~~ 11:~~~ t.s pn•pn rect to srtt his :\ton:-ton On llcrlcs. It Is behrl'rct I1ml Cnhinrt .1b o t·onslclercd h·t ter:-. of prot e!-.t ni.::tln!-l 1\w rN·0111menclut1on of ~lr. \V1enckc. l\l r. B lrlkr-Prlf•nwn :-. 11ct IF• c-..!)r,·trcl t lw ap– pni1ttn1rnt \\'fl 1ld 1)(• ,·011- ~1rll'l't'<I l>y Cu l.Hlh'l nc:,;t l 1w-.ctn v. 'Rumors' Behind Theft BRISBANE Police believe n rC'cent. con- ~~~6~~Y t 1 1~~i o~~ Queenstnnd An Gnt- ler)' ti11s lt.>es were • Queensland Art Gallery officials today plnnnlni; lo sell were worried that even if police were able to pnlntings could hnve 8 · · h It'd 10 the theft o! recover La Belle Hollandaise it may ave the $200,000 Flens.so been damaged by its hasty removal from its pointing "Ln Delle frame. Hollnndnlse" cnrly on Further rtamnge could Tuesday. result from "Oiling It Into ABO\'E ..L,. ll• lle a cylinder for ea.sy carry- ~~~!k~~~~',t'~·• h,· i::~~: Ing. Ii• rcs1>0nsihle, with nll t.he l'ic,Lsso ln mos. The gallery wns locked lmhllcitv the ~nllery has llfl at 5.30 p.m. yestcrdny. 1 tnd tnt,•ly'/" p~ 1 1;~~r/!,';,c 1 ~~'t s~)-~n~[\\~ The theft cnme nt lhe 1 Chief of the cm. ln,pec- dents or young nrtlst.s hei~ht ot contro ,ersv about I tor Raetz todny nSNl~ncd n orgnnlscd the robbery 1he n111>0lntmen t of Mr. top tenn1 or lnvcstlgntors 10 focus altentlon on James Wlc,nekc ns the new to 1e11c1 thr hunl for the the issue. or thnt a gallery director. palnting-nnd the lhieves. lnnntlcal urt IOI er Ycsterdnv n Aroup of They nre 5 11 1).JiLspeelor 1-ook the pn111r ln~ so long-hnlred youths and T Smith DcleCli\'e Senior t.l>nt ll could lllll be girls carrytn~ placards ser~ennt ,J l\.lcSporrnn, sold. d('rnonstratcd out s1,lr. t,he Dt'tcctl\'e scrgennt6 M. G . Thr p ni nt in~. thr only ~nttcry against his nppoln t- Chnlmers nnd o . S. Dun- 11u1Jor 1< ork of P1ca.s- ment rrm nnd D('lcrtive H. Ji !--0 111 :\11stialln The ~nttc, 1 v Is In !he ned'mond rnsmccl for Sl40000 Qucensln11cl !\ u~cum at thr bllt ,._ \·n1111•c1 at l ,·01 ncr of G1t•iror v Te, rnce All poli?r. ,n Qu~cnstn~c! 111Jout i200.uoo. nnd B0\\Cll Brld~r Ro,Hl nnd Intel ~Stntc "ctc n ,• ,lscd lll'C!C"llll\' or t11r !hell, nu~ thief or lhlC'\ f•:,j . Mrs..l ullr Ruhln, \\ HJowt nnd µ, in•n I\ d1•~c rlpl ion ol ' ,. 11 m b1• d scn ffolrt lng of Lhr late Hnrold Dr v ,. 11 ~/ tllc mls.o,;111µ. pnm i1ni:. outside tile ~nllt:rv 1~~ 1 ,ll\ 11 sijl~ t~~~,~~ s 1 ~\c \~t~ T he ,\ ll Gnllrn· wn.o,; f01crd n window :!(j c :.~,I~~,I r1\~ i nl~b~•n ·, one~' do!-e<I to t ilt' pulJltt' lnduy fef't nbovr L!~e ground ll 11 • ,' J 11,! 'SI ._,·l1 llr c1,~t(.'(l l\f'•, dll:-ilt•(I IOI nlll, Lhrn \\fill clO\\ll 1 13 . 1 • 1·..,/~~ 1 ;ii~ 1 1 ~ 0I j 1111 d:n .;r \\',1!-t finitt~rp,•iitl!'-1 11tHI r hr-L·kcrt s,tnu,s to the m11 111 Lile OllC pni11fllll,! 111\' 1111!,~ 1111;.• lrn rµlnl' nl:11111 IIH,l\'ill~-. (!'.np~r.V d) or II- ltr t.,no~I ,,!m·t•,cl tthorc nil ll 1 n 1 ;~: ~:~~/ 1\'.~ 1 :::"~i~~· 1 ~\\ /;~I~ r~:} 1?6t \,:!-cd 1 ~o 1-'.1)1; 1ot !, 1 f ~:: 00 ~i' 1~ 1 1' rt l~:IIH~ rr:ink \''i\.1 l111wh-lHIII I \'to:1to1 ~. bur~lar nlnrm system.