Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"TELEGRAPH" Bri11Nne, 0 . "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Q "TELEGRAPH" Sydney, ' I I ·, r d 1r ,.·7 I,,) No trace yet of 'Iraei.ie is stolen Picasso insured for , '1'011 d1•tel'lives se:ll'd1ing for the stolen Pil'asso 1minting La Bl'lle Hollandaise worked until late last night and resumed Inquiries early today. $200,000 '['HE stolen Picasso palntlnr La Belle llollandabe wu In• 1ured for SZ00,000, chair• man of the Queen•J.Wrd AtLQailerJ' 1ru1toe • ,"' r Leon Trout) tald la • t B11l SO far ail lnvesllgn• s illlS!ermotilc, nlld thnt tlm,1s hal'e prol'rd lrultless. Lhe student thief theory 1 1 he CIB Chief. tns11ec- 'co11ld be n t'NI herring. nr llaetz, said lodny police/ Police sa id It would be pnd no lead on I.lie point• impossible tor tlw thief, ne or lhe thief. to sell the paint lno 1 11 Inq11irles were oclng Aus trnlin . ' pushrd nhcnd today P11blicitl' of the 11,eft b Mnn.1· police bcllel'e the nlrendy hod gone round uri.:lnry wn. .., a stunt - the world . 01 ',~l~unr on advice I received In London lut year, tho truatre • ral1ed the value In ln,uranco on the whnl• Rubin col• lectlon to 5400,000," he said, possibly by n student - The putnt ine wns in- assoclnlrd with recent sured for S140.000. but nl'I PUblicit)' O b OU l lhc experts say it would be Quee11sla11<1 An G 11iery. worLh much more nt KEP'f " 'A'l'CH Stud,nts drmonstraled public llllct ion. outside llw Art Gallery this wet•k against th'e appoh1tnlf'nt of Mr. Jamrs \Vlrn~kc as the new rnllery dlreclor. "Since the rallery acquln4 the Rubin col• lectlon, the trusteea have llep& a nry ureful watch on their value. And lherc were r umors. offlcinlly den ied. tllllt I.he Rallerv Intended selling paintings trom the Rubin collection which included Ln Brllc Holluncln'se Value could be $200,000 The µa intmg. bet w1•1·n SI so,ooo 5200,000. vnnlshcd from ~~rcfi:i'!~J ~f,;~,u~fi u/,~ Gregory T crrnce. bet wcen 5.30 p.m. Mondnv a nd 7 n.r~o.l:ci~ee"dnrorced C'ntry through o high window, prised the t>nint lne !mm Its frame . and left the same wny Police said Inda,· lhal II a stnnt thefl had been eummltted, a rail on the wh,•rcahouts or La 11<,Jlr llullandalse •hould cnmt In soon, Bui their great worry is thnt t(ierc~ more J:; N Y:.1 0.· "The last valuation from Enrtand waa 1200,000 for l,a Belle Hollandalae. At that time, the ln1urance on the palnllnr wa. ln– crea..,d to 111 full value." The theft of lho Plcuao from lho Art Gallery waa dlseoverod on r:~ntt.i111T:i1Wmfi11 A State of mel'e farmers and clots? IT SEEJIIS that the statement 11 ••• it something isn't done soon to develop art in Queensland, we will develop into a Slate o! farmers and clots," is becom• Ing n reality. How lraaic It will be for art lovers In this Stale If the dictatorial wishes ot certain o! the Queensland Art Gallery trustees are allowed to continue unchecked. The recent reslgnallons and threats o! dismissal o! the few trustees who know anylhlng about art will no doubt please the othc1· members ot the board who hove little, If any, appreciation ot art or lhls State's art requirements, The statement quoiecl cnril• er was made by the former Queensland Art Gallery dlrec• tor at a farewell dinner in his honor. The remark caused quite n turore a nd a sharp rebuft from the chairman o! the Board ot Trustees. It looks vc,·y much like 11 case of the trnth hurtinA most.-1'. MEt:CH, Windsor Road, lled llili, Quccn,land, 8J UN 1967J La- Belle theft may be Police are divided in their opinions on the notice for the daring burglary of the Queensland Jut Gallery and the theft of Picasso's famous $200,000 nude, La Belle Hollandaise. The police inveslignllon tor. ~lr. James Wlen•ke. en tered lls ~hlrd day toclny nncl ru111or., Lhu t It wns In– without a smglc good !encl 1r11d,·d to s\'11 La Brlle and emerging. 1 oti1rr trensun·s of the They arc beginning to n 11hm collrctlon . feel that pcrhnps a genuine T ltf•s,· rumor.-, tiller and not a slurlen, nen11'd off1cloll)', eeklng publicity robb<'li u n 11' e r s , 1 l' s tudents the gallery. . rt,•mon:-.1 ralf•d outside Lhe The t111ef broke 11110 the i.:allrn · till:-. \\'('l'k ngnlnsl gallery, in Gregory Tcr- l\fr ·wh•rn•kp's nppoint... race. last Monctrly nlyht nlt'lll . nnd stole only Ln Brllr I A c1,,1nm,11ect crank Hollandnlsr ,co, ,ld 11111 c t•kr n Lhe Tilt• robbery colnclcl,•fi pleturr to focus nubllc with publicity Oil thr RJl· Rlt,•nt hll\ Oil 1hr Anllery ointmrnt of a new dlrec- 111ron• or L;Aln mny hnvc bCCll Ihe ll im So rnr. police $1\~'. there lrn., brrn 110 " ransom" Urmnnd for l11r 1>ninling– ll Is Insured tor Sl40.000- nncl no cn ll tram n honx('r 011 when · Ln Bcllr Is. £ .i 19 7 rAar···riiEFT/1 I . ,. :fli THIS ,icasso polntlnf, l• lel/e Hol/111rlaln, valued at ••twte11 $140,000 and $200,000, ••• stolen from tlie Queenslonrl Art Gal/err In Iris•••• 011 Mond•r nl9ht, A ,rallery attendant found the frame empty and officials fear the ::!: 1 ~:ma;:~~henhr~ thieves removed It, th!he alr.~lnll:.,~ :r1~~ 1959 for a tout sf 31,000, was par& of the late !llr. D. De Vahl Rubin's col– lection In Brisbane. Caller says ''Picasso all right" A mystery caller to a newspaper said yesterday missing $200,000 Picasso was "all right." 1 '11E call,•r told The $140,000 but Its present Courier Mall "I have I market value ls around the Plca.sso. ll's all rlgh,t $200,000, The loss of lhe JJR!nllng tr~~1~•!~ 111 t£r 0 i,ig.~ '1,~~~ir was discovered nt 7.5o " · 111 • / lost night denied that the ye,;te rd ay. gallery Intended selling The frame of the 30-lnch point ings from the Rubin by 26-ln_ch ;minting ~·as collection. found . tying ne~~hy. . Aeling Director of the Police bcltc1e rumors gnllcr)' t Miss HIii) said the thnt the gallery planned lo gallery was ·In the process sell the pointing lcct to of Increasing lnsuruncc on the robbery, I.a Belle llol111ndal,e frnm Police are Investigating Its present $140,000 to theories that : $200,000. • Art student, or young She •nld the Immediate arLisls organised the rob- concern \.\'as that the bery to focus 1>uhlic alien- palntlnr; could be lrrc- tton on the l.ssue. parahly d.a.m:a,;-cd. • A fanaticnl art tovC'r "It is cxtrr.mclv Jr.l!iilC took Ihe linlnllng so it I Rlld could be s•n•,ared and t.'OUld not ». 1-·old. dalll:tgcd 1111k ., h a ndled The painting, I.a Belle \'err cnr:f1ft,~ . lfol1:1ndalso, was the most S ff Id. valuable work In the col- 1 CO O 1ng lectlon of the late Huroid "II Is done 111 n comhina- de Vnhl Rubin donated to tlon or blue chalk gounche lhc Quec11sli.111d Art Gnl- 111 tn>c of wntcr colon and !cry In May, 1959. · oil. which would ,·rumble It !or easily, ··Now that the 11nintln,g hns been removed from its shnttcr-proof Rlnss fronted frnrnc nnythlng could happen to It." The thieves broke into , the gallery a t Lhc corner of Bowen Bridge nond and I Orcogry Terrace bet wecu 5.30 p.m. on Monde.v anct yesterday morning. They climbed scnfToldln~ f1\t,~! 1 ~1~rg:~Ld o~ L~f~1a~!!C 1 Jl) fret nbovc the ground . 11,~ 1 xn,S~l,',crco/lg~•t'1~i!~':.-e~~ 1111touchcd. T hese Included two snmllcr Pkn~sos. a Renoir, ~ma:, de 'Vi~:~\~~f;t'utmc